Introduction: (Tony)

Welcome to our celebration for the beginning of the season of Advent. It is a season of hope and great expectation. It is a time of waiting and preparation for the coming of Jesus our Saviour. As we wait in hope, we welcome and bless our Advent Wreath, which is a sign of Jesus, the Light, coming into our lives. Please join with us in singing our entrance song.

(Procession – crucifix, advent wreath and candles)

Entrance song:Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord

Blessing of the Wreath (Father Joseph)

Loving God, we ask you to bless this wreath. May it be a sign of your light and peace coming into our lives. Be with us as we wait. Help us to be prepared. May the coming of Jesus bring justice and hope and may our faith in you grow stronger. We ask this through Christ our Lord. All: Amen

Today we light our first candle. This single candle reminds us to stay awake, to watch and be ready because Jesus our Saviour will soon be here. (student lights the candle)

Penitential Rite: (Father Joseph)

During Advent, we should prepare ourselves so that we are ready when the Lord comes. We reflect, now, on our lives to see how we might change the way we relate to our God and to other people.

All:‘Lord, we are waiting for you.’

Into a world of doubt and worry, you bring hope.

All:‘Lord, we are waiting for you.’

When we fail to live and love as we should, you reach out and save us.

All:‘Lord, we are waiting for you.’

Father Joseph:God of peace, as we wait in joyful hope for the Lord, we ask for your forgiveness. We pray that we will be ready for you and open to your saving power. We ask this through Jesus our Lord.


Opening Prayer

Father Joseph:Let us pray,

All powerful God, increase our strength of will for doing good that Christ may find an eager welcome at his coming and call us to his side in the kingdom of heaven, where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. All: Amen

First Reading:Isaiah 2:1-5 (Rachel)

This is a reading from the prophet Isaiah.

After the prophet Isaiah had a vision, this is what he said to the people of Jerusalem,

“The time is coming when everyone will know the house of God. People of all nations will say,

‘Come, let us go to the house of God so that we may learn to follow God’s ways.’

“God will decide what is right for the people. When that day comes, countries will not fight against each other anymore.

Instead, people will take their swords and make them into tools for farming the land.

They will take their spears and make them into tools for pruning trees.

And there will never be war again.

“O people of God, come! Let us walk in the light of God.”

This is the Word of the Lord

AllThanks be to God.

Responsorial psalm: (Rhiannon)

The Response to the psalm is:

In the House of our God, we give praise to the Lord


1. I was glad when they said: “Let us go to God’s house!”

And now with joy we are standing. (Response)

2. It is here that we find peace for our families and friends, here that we find justice. (Response)

Gospel Acclamation

All:Alleluia, alleluia!

“The Lord is coming soon.”

Stay awake, be ready.

You do not know the hour when the Lord is coming. Stay awake, be ready. The Lord is coming soon!

Alleluia, alleluia

Gospel:Matthew 24:42-44

This is a reading from the Gospel of Matthew.

Jesus said to his disciples,

“Stay awake! Always be ready!

You do not know when your Lord is coming.”

“You know that if the owners of a house knew at what time of night a thief was coming, they would stay awake and would not allow the thief to break into their house.”

“Well, in the same way, you must always be ready because you do not know the time when the Lord is coming.

This is the Gospel of the Lord.

All: Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ


Rite of Commitment

Father:During this Season of Advent our God asks us to prepare ourselves for the coming of the Saviour.

To prepare, we examine our lives and our hearts and we commit ourselves to god, once again. We respond with. All: Yes, I will.

Father:Will you try to focus on the true meaning and spirit of this Advent and Christmas season? All: Yes, I will.

Father:During Advent, we prepare for the coming of the Lord at Christmas. As well as preparing presents and parties for each other, will you prepare your hearts and minds for Jesus as well? All: Yes, I will.

Father:Loving God, we ask you to be with us as we prepare for the coming of your Son. Give us your peace, your patience and your strength so that we will be ready and waiting when Jesus comes. We ask this through Christ our Lord. All: Amen.

Prayers of the Faithful: (primary SRC)

Father:Jesus is coming to save us. He will bring Good news to the poor and to those who suffer from injustice. We pray for all who wait for our Saviour.

KamisaDear Lord, help us to see you in the poor and the hungry in our world. Guide us in your ways and give us the courage to work to rid our world of hunger and disadvantage.

Lord hear us. All: Lord, hear us.

ScottJesus as we wait for you, help us to work together to create a better community and promote your values of love, justice and peace.

Lord hear us. All: Lord, hear us.

MarleeWe ask you to bless Pope Benedict, Bishop Saunders and those who guide our Church with your gifts of wisdom and understanding so they may lead us well as we wait for Jesus to come again.

Lord hear us. All: Lord, hear us.

JoeLord Jesus, give comfort and peace to those suffering from illness and disease.

Lord hear us. All: Lord, hear us.

RokiyahLoving father we remember all those we love who have passed away. Welcome them into your loving arms so they may enjoy the true love that comes from being with you.

Lord hear us. All: Lord, hear us.

Father:Listen to our prayer, O God, and send us your comfort and peace. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All Amen.

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Offertory song: Come Lord Jesus, Come

Offertory procession: Year 9’s – Millie and Josh

Our Father – (Aboriginal Our Father)

Sign of peace: Little peace song

Communion song: O Emmanuel, Fill every valley up

Prayer after communion:

God our Father, we thank you for all you have given us. Through this Holy Communion help us to love you more, and teach us to share your love with others. We make this prayer through Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen

Final song: Mary said ‘yes’.