Emergency Pay

Last Updated: 6/11/2013

What to Do / Who / How to Do It
1 / Identify employee who was not paid AND has missed the off-cycle deadline but still needs to be paid. / Departmental business office / ·  Employee contacts departmental payroll clerk or
·  Payroll clerk reviews:
ZHR_Payment_Method or
ZHR_Pay_Posting reports and discovers employee was underpaid or not paid.
·  Ask employee if he/she wants to be paid now or to wait.
2 / Process PA, ADPAY Form (send to Payroll Appointment Service Center) or CATS entry as needed to produce payment. / Departmental business office/Payroll Appointment Service Center / ·  Follow instructions on how to process PA forms or ADPAY forms.
·  Payroll Appointment Service Center will approve and enter forms or
·  Department will enter time into CATS
3 / Contact Payroll requesting an emergency payment. / Departmental business office / ·  Contact to request an emergency pay.
·  E-mail should include e-mail or note from employee requesting the emergency pay.
4 / Process simulation to determine amount of emergency pay available to employee. / Payroll / ·  Payroll determines amount that can be given as emergency pay.
·  Payroll prepares Request for Emergency Payroll payment.
5 / Send Request for Emergency Payroll Payment to department for employee to sign. / Payroll, departmental business office / ·  Payroll emails agreement to departmental business office to have employee sign form. Payroll inquires whether this payment should be a check or direct deposit via wire transfer.
6 / Employee signs and returns Request for Emergency Payroll payment. / Employee, departmental business office, Payroll / ·  Signed form is faxed to Payroll for processing. Fax number: 765-494-1728.
7 / Process direct invoice voucher per employee request (check or direct deposit). / Payroll, Accounts Payable / ·  Payroll processes an invoice voucher requesting payment, either by check or direct deposit as requested by employee. Accounts
·  Payable prints check or processes direct deposit to banking institution.
·  Payroll will notify department when payment should be available and how (check or direct deposit).
8 / Set up deduction from next paycheck for employee. / Payroll / ·  Payroll executes miscellaneous deduction to take emergency payment from next paycheck.

Process Owner: Allison Farrell; Process Contact: Barbara Rusk Business@Purdue