Description of the School

Fulton Elementary School serves students in grades pre-K through 6th grade. Programs provided at the school include art, band, counseling, music, occupational therapy, physical education, physical therapy, pre-school, social work, special needs, and speech.

Process for Assigning Pupils to the School

All district pupils in grades K-6 are assigned to Fulton Elementary School, since there is only one building in this district that serves this grade span of pupils. Students may also be assigned to this building for a program offered that better meets their educational needs. Students with needs not able to be met at Fulton Elementary are referred to appropriate RESD programs located in other RESD schools.

Status of School Improvement Plan

A copy of the School Improvement Plan is available School Improvement Team, composed of several focus groups, meets regularly during the school year. The purpose of the team is to develop, review and evaluate goals, objectives and strategies for the School Improvement Plan. The School Improvement Team facilitates the continuous collection and analysis of academic assessment data to guide instruction and evaluate progress toward student achievement goals.

All students will be proficient in Math
  • Math In Focus curriculum implementation. - Classroom teachers will continue to implement the Math In Focus curriculum. The staff will continue with professional development and training on Singapore Math as needed. As they become more confident with this new approach to teaching and learning math within the classroom students willhave a better understanding of math concepts such as geometry, fractions, and measurement.
  • I Can Statements - The classroom teachers will communicate the key concepts of the curriculum through the use of "I Can Statements". These statements will be given to parents, and used in the classroom on a daily basis. The teacher will use the statement to identify the key learning in the lesson. These statements will be available in both English and Spanish.
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All students will be proficient in Reading
  • REAL Reading - The staff will group students at grade levels based on their reading level. Title staff and classroom teachers will identify key monthly reading strategies for students to focus on. These strategies will be taught with reading materials appropriate for each level of reading group, the lowest readers will be with the classroom teachersand intervention specialist.
  • I Can Statements - The classroom teachers will communicate the key concepts of the curriculum through the use of "I Can Statements". These statements will be given to parents, and used in the classroom on a daily basis. The teacher will use the statement to identify the key learning in the lesson. These statements will be available in both English and Spanish.
  • Continued Professional Growth in the area of ELA - Staff will be provided opportunities to be trained in best practices for classroom instruction.
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All students will be proficient in Social Studies
  • Increased informational text reading - The classroom room teachers will use the Studies Weekly supplements to increase students knowledge of social studies curriculum. Studies Weekly is specifically aligned to the Common Core State Standards in Social Studies. The format of Studies Weekly requires/allow for increased informational reading strategies.
  • I Can Statements - The classroom teachers will communicate the key concepts of the curriculum through the use of "I Can Statements". These statements will be given to parents, and used in the classroom on a daily basis. The teacher will use the statement to identify the key learning in the lesson. These statements will be available in both English and Spanish.
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Increased parental involvement
  • TIPS Program - Each nine weeks parents will be asked to participate in an at home learning opportunity with their children. Students will learn a specific new concept in the classroom and be required to teach the new concept to their parent/guardian at home. The family will do a worksheet together and provide a signature and feedback about the activity/lesson.
  • Family Learning Nights - The staff at Fulton Elementary will provide learning nights for students and their parents.
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Core Curriculum Status

A copy of the Core Curriculum is available from the Michigan Department of Education. Fulton Elementary follow the Michigan Department of Educations Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCE’s) in the areas of Social Studies and Science. These documents may be found at In the areas of Math and English Language Arts Fulton Elementary School is using the Common Core State Standards for curricular purposes. These documents may be found at for Math and for English Language Arts.

English Language Arts

The English Language Arts curriculum follows Michigan approved Common Core State Standards. Building educators utilize the McGraw-Hill language arts resources verified by research conducted by McGraw-Hill and our language arts department. The English Language Arts curriculum was last approved by our local Board of Education in 2010. Teachers and support staff are encouraged to continue professional development in best practices in English Language Arts.


The Mathematics curriculum follows Michigan approved Common Core State Standards. Building educators utilize the Math in Focus textbook to support the common core curriculum verified by research conducted by Math in Focus and the local Math department. The Mathematics curriculum was last approved by our local Board of Education in 2012. Teachers and support staff are encouraged to continue professional development in best practices in Math.


The Science curriculum follows the Grade Level Content Expectations approved by Michigan’s State Board of Education. Building educators utilize the Scott Foresman textbook series verified by research conducted by Foresman and the local Science department. The Science curriculum was last approved by our local Board of Education in 2006. Teachers and support staff are encouraged to continue professional development in best practices in Science.

Social Studies

The Social Studies curriculum follows the Grade Level Content Expectations approved by Michigan’s State Board of Education. Building educators utilize the Houghton-Mifflin textbook series verified by research conducted by Houghton-Mifflin and the local Social Studies department. The Social Studies curriculum was last approved by our local Board of Education in 2008. Teachers and support staff are encouraged to continue professional development in best practices in Social Studies.

Aggregate Local Assessment Data

This year all students in grades K-6 were given EasyCBM Benchmark testing three times. These progress assessments were given in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. Looking at Easy CBM Math Benchmark data Kindergarten students showed an average growth of 10%, 1st grade students showed an average growth of 31%, 2nd grade students showed an average growth of 22%,3rd grade students showed an average growth of 10%,4th grade students showed an average growth of 5%, 5th grade students showed an average growth of 15%, and 6th grade students showed an average growth of 13%. Looking at Easy CBM Reading Benchmark data Kindergarten students showed an average growth of 7 words per minutes, 1st grade students showed an average growth of 36 words in Passage Reading Fluency (PRF), 2nd grade students showed an average growth of 49 words in PRF,3rd grade students showed an average growth of 38 words in PRF,4th grade students showed an average growth of 36 words in PRF, 5th grade students showed an average growth of 28 words in PRF, and 6th grade students showed an average growth of 49 words in PRF.

Three years MEAP data is as follows:

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conference Attendance Data
Subgroups / 2012-2013 / 2013-2014
Number of students represented / Percentage of students represented / Number of students represented / Percentage of students represented
All / 333 / 95 / 297 / 93
American Indian/ Native Alaskan / 3 / <1 / 3 / <1
Asian/ Pacific Islander / 1 / <1 / 0 / <1
Black, Not of Hispanic Origin / 3 / <1 / 3 / <1
Hispanic / 12 / 4 / 10 / 3
White, Not of Hispanic Origin / 310 / 94 / 281 / 94
Students with Disabilities / 0 / 0 / 7 / 2
Limited English Proficient / 4 / 1 / 4 / 1
Economically Disadvantaged

The staff at Fulton School strives to continually improve the instruction that each student gets on a daily basis. We are committed to gathering and using data to drive our school improvement process as well as our daily instruction.


Paul Avery, Principal