Process Committee Discussion Points and Questions for ParishSOFT
Process Oversight and Validation Committee (Process Committee)
I am providing the following information as a way to share work that has been done by various committees in regards to moving to the ParishSOFT software products. As you might recall these user community committees evolved out of our two days test drive of the ParishSOFT back in November.
During the first two weeks of December, I scheduled two Process Committee meetings. These meetings were broken down into two groups; one dealing with Parish Accounting / Finance (ParishSOFT ConnectNow Accounting Suite)and the other based on Parish Census (ParishSOFT ConnectNow Family Suite).
Each of these meetings was a brainstorming session where the members came up with ideas on process and process related needs and requirements in regards to successfully implementing the ParishSOFT ConnectNow Accounting Suite and ParishSOFT Connect Now Family Suite. The committee members discussed meeting before, during, and after implementation of the ParishSOFT products.
Below are the consolidated topics that were discussed at these meetings and follow on meetings during early January. The notes were somewhat modified to questions and discussion point for ParishSOFT to comments on. In the text that follows the original text from the committee appears in black, followed by a ParishSOFT response in blue, then comments from the ADW in orange and a possible ParishSOFT follow up in blue. These questions, discussion points and comments were used during a conference call on February 12, 2015 between the committee members and ParishSOFT.
If you have any questions about the contents or overall process please feel free to contact me;
Will Potter
Accounting (Meeting)
The purpose of the Process Committeemeeting is to discuss processes and approaches, provide a level of independent oversight and validation advice to current assessments and work-plans determining what may or may not work in parishes from their own functional points of view. The Process Committee was broken into two different Parish member groups, one representing Accounting / Finance functions and the other Census functions.
Implementation Timeline
In regards to conversion / migration a timeline must be established, this needs to be well coordinated with several meetings on the subject
- Sensitive to time of liturgical year
- Some places do not want to deal with it during Lent or Advent – We will work with the Archdiocese to create an implementation plan and timeline to avoid certain dates and timeframes when parishes are especially busy. NO PROBLEM WITH THIS RESPONSE…BUT KEEP IN MIND…POPE IS COMING IN SEPTEMBER 2015 AND THERE IS A PRIEST CONVOCATION ON THE EASTERN SHORE IN NOVEMBER 2015 WHICH WILL TAKE PASTORS OUT OF THE PARISH FOR 3-4 DAYS
- We need to understand the impact to year-end. If possible, we need to try to transition our largest and most active facilities at the end of a fiscal or calendar year, the transition progresses more smoothly. – We agree, typically the best time to implement accounting is at the beginning of a fiscal year. However, other dioceses have been successful with implementations spanning throughout the year. An accounting implementation timeframe also largely depends on the chart of accounts. A question for the Archdiocese – are parishes using the same chart of accounts?YES, PARISHES USE A ‘MOSTLY’ STANDARD CHART OF ACCOUNTS. If yes, then data transfers are possible and would lengthen the implementation to include time for our data transfer team here to populate data into CN Accounting for parishes – typically rolling out 10-15 parishes at time. If there is not a standard chart of accounts in use at parishes, a data transfer becomes much more difficult and time consuming as accounts from the current chart being must be mapped to the new standard chart to be used for all parishes. In most cases, it does not make sense to do a data transfer if this mapping must be done - it typically is much easier to start with a blank database under a new chart of accounts. Parishes could then enter net changes by periods to have some history without doing a data transfer. This would also potentially make the implementation process much shorter – a majority of parishes could start using the system at the beginning of the fiscal year because data transfers would not be needed. In our experience, the best diocesan implementations did not include data transfers because typically some level of chart of accounts changes are inevitable. PARISHES ARE ON A STANDARD CHART OF ACCOUNTS BUT PARISHES HAVE ALSO HAD THE AUTHORITY TO ADD SUBACCOUNTS TO THE STANDARD NATURAL ACCOUNTS. ADDITIONALLY, THERE ARE PARISHES THAT HAVE ADDED NON STANDARD ACCOUNTS TO THEIR SYSTEM THAT WOULD HAVE TO BE REVIEWED AND MAPPED TO STANDAND CHART GOING FORWARD…AT THE TIME OF THE CONVERSION. PARISHES HAVING TO ENTER NET CHANGES INTO THE NEW SYSTEM WOULD NOT BE APPROPRIATE AS FIGURES COULD BE MANIPULATED FROM AN AUDIT STANDPOINT. ANY NET CHANGES BEING REPORTED IN THE NEW SYSTEM SHOULD BE PART OF THE CONVERSION PROCESS ONLY. – Ok, we can bring data into the system but just know that there will be some work that needs to be done for each parish mapping old accounts to new accounts
- Who goes first how to determine
- implementation timeline events
- What does the timeline look like? – Will vary depending on chart of accounts changes and whether data transfers are done.LOOKS LIKE DATA CONVERSION IS A TOPIC THAT NEEDS FURTHER DISCUSSION SOON BEFORE ANY TIMETABLE CAN BE ESTABLISHED – Since you definitely want accounting data conversions, we will be able to train/convert 10-15 parishes at a time.
- Training, conversion, test, other – If doing data transfers/conversions, we typically like to do 10-15 parishes at a time. Training would be scheduled at the same time these transfers are done so that parishes can access their live data in CN Accounting once training is completed. In this scenario, we could roll out 10-15 parishes per month over a period of several months. If not doing data transfers, the majority of parishes could begin using the system at the start of the fiscal year depending on the availability to schedule training. Some dioceses have selected a pilot group of parishes to go through the process first - several months ahead of rolling out for all other parishes just to make sure the entire process is refined. A PILOT GROUP CAN BE SUGGESTED AND PROBABLY SHOULD INCLUDE BOTH CMS PARISHES AND OTHER GP PARISHES THAT ARE STRUGGLING TO PERFORM THEIR WORK.
GP Conversion
- One or two sites may need to be identified to be beta conversions sites
- Several sites have already asked
- Will need further clarification with ParishSOFT – Same question previously about whether there is a standard chart of accounts being used at all parishes. This will greatly affect the ability to do quality data conversions. In addition, there is an option to enter changes for previous periods that could be easier than doing data conversions. FROM AN AUDITING STANDPOINT, PARISHES ENTERING NET CHANGE AMOUNTS WOULD NOT BE APPROPRIATE – If we can get an export from GP to Excel of beginning balances, vendor information, and period changes then we can populate beginning balances and vendors…and there is a journal entry population feature on the diocesan side of the system that will accept a spreadsheet import of period changes (done by someone at the Archdiocese) going back as far as you would like (or GP allows). For CMS conversions, we can bring over detail for the previous year (can do up to two years if the previous year is not archived – make sure parishes are not archiving).
- Define and document the process
- Testing done as needed to make sure process is somewhat repeatable – It may make sense to identify a pilot group to go through the implementation process several months ahead of the rest of the parishes to make sure the process is refined.NO PROBLEM
- What reports or process will we need to confirm conversions are successful? – Our conversion team runs the Statement of Activities, Statement of Financial Position, and the Statement of Dedicated Accounts to confirm that the beginning and ending balances match. In addition, they will do some sample checking of accounts to make sure the activity is accurate. WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS BANK RECONCILIATIONS AND HOW OUTSTANDING CHECKS ARE ACCOUNTED FOR IN COVERSION. WOULD LIKE TO TO DISCUSS HOW A/P OPEN BILLS (BILLS NOT PAID YET BUT IN THE SYSTEM) ARE ACCOUNTED FOR IN CONVERSION – With the CMS conversions, open items such as payables, etc. will get converted. For GP conversions, we will provide a guide that walks parishes through how to get outstanding items into the system.
Historical Accounting Data
During the learning and process meetings questions arose about historical accounting data, those questions included the following and have been record in both committee minutes;
We still need to have internal meetings about data that gets converted. Some of these questions may not pertain to ParishSOFT.
- Is any type of clean up necessary? – Will need to map old accounts to the new chart of accounts
- Are there any data points that need to be discussed for the accounting module; i.e. vendor ID? - A couple items to be aware of to prepare for data conversions - make sure the parish is in balance, bank reconciliations are up to date, do not archive the previous year (this will allow us to bring over two years of data in a conversion), and can inactivate/archive any vendors no longer in use.
- What about prior year history? – For CMS conversions we can bring over previous year information and then we typically recommend keeping CMS and/or reports for anything prior. For GP, there is a journal entry population feature on the diocesan side of the system that will accept a spreadsheet import of period changes (done by someone at the Archdiocese) going back as far as you would like (or GP allows).
- How will we pull information out of GP once it is decommissioned?
- Questions about GP History could be 3 to 4 years’ worth of history
- Could be exported to
- Excel
- or PDFs?
- Storage of GP data several possibilities
- Copies within each parish in exported format
- Copies kept on ADW server
- Is it possible or desirable to convert all historical data into ParishSOFT ConnectNow Accounting suite? - For GP, there is a journal entry population feature on the diocesan side of the system that will accept a spreadsheet import of period changes (done by someone at the Archdiocese) going back as far as you would like (or GP allows).
- I suggested that GP Historical Data will need to be a topic of discussion with Terry Farrell and Team in a separate meeting
- This will actually be more than one meeting
- We will need to understand what can extracted and
- How IT can store it and make it available to the Parishes
Miscellaneous Process Items
- The availability of better documentation
Questions for ParishSOFT
- Migration / Conversion process how is it done? need more details from ParishSOFT in what they have done in the past. – Typically, data conversions are planned for a group of 10-15 parishes at a time and this is coordinated with training for those parishes as well. The databases to be converted are uploaded to the ParishSOFT conversion team via a FTP site. The actual conversion process takes 2-3 days and then the data is available in CN Accounting for review. WOULD REQUEST WE TAKE SOME DUMMY DATA AND CONVERT IT SO WE CAN FOLLOW HOW THE PROCESS WORKS – Sure, we typically do this before actually implementing parishes to make sure the Archdiocese is happy with the data coming over.
- Will there be a period of dual operations (GP and ParishSOFT ConnectNow Accounting Suite)? – We usually do not recommend this because it creates double work for parishes, but ultimately it is a decision made at the parish level and does not affect us here at ParishSOFT. WE DID NOT SUGGEST DUAL OPERATIONS WHEN CONVERTING TO GP…
Census (Meeting)
Unlike parish accounting and finance, parish census does not have an organization that creates standards and procedures for the parishes to follow. In the past CMS census, process and procedures varied greatly from one parish to the next. A major topic during this committee meeting was how do we get parish to function the same, with common operating standards, processes and procedures. It was suggested that either this committee or a slightly larger group be formed to not only work with ParishSOFT on the configuration of the ParishSOFT ConnectNow Family Suite but to help the Parishes develop a level of operating commonality. IT can help facilitate this meeting but it is the parishes that need to decide what is best for them from an operations perspective. Some of the areas that were noted that need to be somewhat standardized across the board include
- Standard procedures for registration of a new parishioner
- The removal of a parishioner due to
- Moving
- Death
- Sacramental registration process with tool that supplements the books
- other parish events
- A common process approach is one topic and the common use of the ParishSOFT ConnectNow Family Suite is another – Part of the implementation process is a discussion about possible diocesan standards that should be created and set up ahead of parishes actually using the system.
Configuration and Setup
One of the big parts of the implementation of the ParishSOFT ConnectNow Family Suite will be meeting with ParishSOFT, IT, and the parishes on deciding how the tool is to be configured. This will involve several tasks
- Setting up drop down list boxes values
- Values for activity code
- Other standard items
**It was also noted that the parish would have the flexibility to customize fields for their own specific needs too
- Need to determine ADW standards vs. parish standards?
- Need to define those data points that are mandatory entry and determined the set of values?
- Do we need to have certain terms defined; i.e. what is a registered family? Definition of registered parishioner…only 1 parish vs. multiple parishes?
- Do we need to develop routing tables for master tables for each parish?
This apparently is a big topic and we will need to meet with ParishSOFT to get a better understanding of what is involved.
- Need a better understanding in regards to offering entry how ParishSOFT ConnectNow Family Suite does it now and how will they be in proving the process – Can enter offering by family or member and then by envelope number, name, or ID number.
- Timeframes for improvement
- Process of entry 10 key issues – Can use 10 key to enter contributions
- Sort of 2000+ envelopes is not popular
Timeline of Implementation
Much of what was said above in regards to timeline was also mentioned during this meeting.
The biggest concern was that the timeline of implementation and installation activities must be laid out and agreed to before it is started
- Timing of training and implementation not during lent for some – Same as CN Accounting - we will develop an implementation plan and timeframe that fits the best schedule for parishes within the Archdiocese. While we typically do not recommend data conversions for accounting, census conversions are more common because there is significantly more historical data involved and chart of accounts changes are not a factor with census information.
Data cleanup
How do we determine the census conversion is successful?
- De-Dup especially on identifying attributes
- Make sure genders are assigned
- Clean demographic so data is in the right field
- Does ParishSOFT have a written set of instructions for this process that can be used as a basis for our processes? – We are finalizing a document for the Archdiocese that explains the data differences between CMS and the CN Family Suite.
- Does ParishSOFT have any type of exception reports that will identify “missed” records or records that will cause issues that can be generated prior to performing actual conversion? – No, although the document I just mentioned will point out areas to check before submitting data for conversion.
- Are there other data points in the P/S system that drivesthe conversion process? – Refer to CMS-CN Family Suite document
- What data points map from old P/S system to new P/S system? What data points do not map from old P/S system to new P/S system? - Refer to CMS-CN Family Suite document
Miscellaneous Process Items
- How would the summarized data be labeled and what years would be detail information? – Five years of detail is included. Year six is just summed for any prior giving history by fund.
- Years of storage of information census (how much?) – CMS rolls contribution postings into a summary format which goes back 6 years. The 6th year is a total of all years prior added together (i.e. 6th year is 2000-2008 summed into one amount per fund).
- Experienced based training – Typically, the initial onsite hands-on training is designed as beginner-type training for new users of the system. We also offer more advanced web-based, virtual training, whichcan certainly be done in an onsite format if the Archdiocese would like.
- On line help and manuals that can be create from online files – Currently, CN Family Suite includes a context-sensitive help guide within the system that is searchable and in which menu options change depending on where users are working in the system. We are developing printed manual options as well. Customized training manuals for the Archdiocese will be included as part of the onsite training for parishes.
Questions for ParishSOFT