
To set out procedures for administering WBU scholarships and special funds and for the granting of scholarships and other awards


  1. All WBU Scholarship funds and other special funds will be held in designated accounts at the WBU Office.
  2. Following the completion of the year end financial statements as of December 31st, and their conveyance by the CEO to the Treasurer, the Treasurer will determine the funds available for scholarships and awards for that calendar year within each of the funds and will report that to the Officers.
  3. The WBU Office will ensure that information on all WBU scholarships and awards is current and easily accessible in all WBU official languages on the WBU website and will remind members of the availability of scholarships and the applications procedures via the WBU website, E-bulletin and other means.
  4. The WBU Office will accept and process all applications for scholarships and awards.
  5. A subcommittee of the WBU Development committee,(known as the “Scholarships and Special Funds subcommittee, and including the CEO as Ex Officio member) will be established and tasked with the responsibility of reviewing applications and awarding scholarships and other awards.
  6. The Scholarships and Special Funds Subcommittee will provide an annual report to the Officers at their autumn meeting that will include application and award statistics by gender and region for each of the scholarships and special funds.

Promotion of Scholarships and Awards

  1. Guidelines and Application forms will be developed, approved and made available for each WBU Scholarship and special fund.
  2. Guidelines and Application forms will be made available in all WBU official languages and will be easily accessible on the WBU website.
  3. Information about the scholarships and special funds will be included in the first issue of the WBU E-bulletin each year in order to remind members of the program.
  4. Prior recipients of scholarships or awards who indicated a need for funding in subsequent years will be notified by the WBU Office with a request for documentation related to their present program and a resubmission of the application form for the subsequent year.
  5. A marketing strategy will be developed for the scholarships and special funds in order to augment the capital and the funds available for distribution.

Processing of Applications

  1. All applications are to be received by the WBU Office by May 31st of each year.
  2. The CEO will review all applications, confirm their eligibility and seek additional information or supporting documentation where required.
  3. The CEO will provide a summary of eligible applications to the Scholarships and Special funds subcommittee for their review by July 10th.
  4. The Scholarships and Special Funds subcommittee will meet (via email, teleconference or face to face) to select scholarship recipients and amounts to be awarded by July 31st.
  5. The Scholarships subcommittee will submit a summary report and recommendations to the Treasurer for signoff by August 15th.
  6. The CEO will then notify recipients and implement payment of scholarships and awards according to the recommendation of the subcommittee.
  7. A summary report will be prepared for the Treasurer for presentation to the Officers at their autumn meeting.

Prepared: February 7, 2008