Procedures for Spanish Class

(This is to stay in your class notebook at ALL times.)

Paper Heading: Any work completed for Spanish class should contain your name and the date.

Entering the Room: All students should enter the room in an orderly manner. Students are to be

IN THEIR SEATS when the tardy bell rings. Students that are tardy will not be allowed to enter into the classroom until they are able to present a pass from the office. Students should begin bell work as soon as the tardy bell rings.

Leaving the Room:

When the bell rings: The bell does not dismiss the class. The teacher dismisses the class.

To use the restroom: Each student is given 2 bathroom passes per semester. Fill out

the bathroom pass given, raise it up in order to alert the teacher, the

teacher will acknowledge the request, and the student will sign the

hall pass list. Any pass not used will become 5 bonus points on a test.

Class Notebook: An ORGANIZED notebook or section of a binder should be kept for Spanish work only. The notebook should contain lined notebook paper at all times.

Turning in Work/Tests: Each class has an assigned section of the classroom to turn in all work and tests.

Need of Materials: Students are provided with a stapler, hole-punch, tape, etc. When a need of these materials arises, please raise hand to be acknowledged by teacher. For a pen/pencil, hold up the broken one, the teacher will acknowledge this and provide materials.

Lack of Homework: Students not completing his/her homework should write on a piece of notebook paper the assignment, date, and reason for not turning in the assignment. This is to be turned in with the other students’ homework. Missing 2 homework assignments results in break detention, and missing 3 homework assignments results in a conference with an administrator.

Guideline Infraction: As stated in the consequences section of the syllabus, my first negative consequence is a warning and documentation. The second time I have to correct a student, he/she will fill out a Guideline Infraction Notice.

Make-Up Work: Only students with excused absences will be allowed to make up work. All class work is to be returned the day after the student returns to school. Make-up tests will be given ONLY in the mornings at 7:15 in the designated make-up testing classroom. If a student fails to make up work, a grade of 0 will be given. Projects will be due the day the student returns to school since the due date will be posted days in advance.

Missed Assignments: Please see the class website for any missed assignments.

Finishing Work Early:Absolutely NO talking should occur when class work/homework is finished early.

When work is finished early, complete homework assignments early, read a book from another class, complete Spanish crosswords. If a student cannot keep quiet, work will be assigned.

Have a question?: Any time a student has a question during ANY part of the class, he/she should raise his/her hand in order to be acknowledge. Please ask ANY question pertaining to the lesson being covered!

Passing Papers: When the teacher distributes papers to the class, the paper should be placed on the DESK of the student to his/her left. When the students pass papers to be turned in, papers should be placed on the DESK of the student to his/her right.

Visitors in the Room: When a visitor enters the room, the room should be SILENT. Continue working on class material. Visitor = student from another class, teacher, parent, administration.


Class Policies:

  1. Bring all books and materials to class.
  2. Be in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings.
  3. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  4. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.
  5. Show respect for teachers, others, and yourself.

* The academic misconduct policy and the attendance policy of the school will be followed in this course.


- Rewards for following policies: Verbal praise, Positive note home to parents,

Stress-free learning environment, and a pleasant atmosphere

- Penalties for not following policies:

1. Warning/Documentation

2. 30 minute Friday afternoon detention w/ Action Plan

3. Parent/Teacher Conference

4. Referral to Administration

* As the teacher, I have the right to immediately send a student to the office without following the ladder of penalties.