Procedures & Expectations

Procedures & Expectations



a) Enter the classroom quietly, turn in completed assignments, take your assigned seat, and complete the assignment written on the board. Make sure to set up your Cornell Notes page. When finished study the vocabulary and wait quietly for class to resume.

b) When seated at your desk i) sit up straight ii) keep everything but your work off your desk iii) put your backpacks and purses under your desk.

c) Come to class on time. To considered “on-time”, student must be seated at his/her desk when the bell has rung. If student is tardy more than 3 times, then an action plan may be considered to remedy the issue.

d) Come to class prepared with all necessary materials.

e) To contribute to class discussions, raise your hand and wait for your name to be called.

f) During group discussions keep your voices low and respectful.

g) If I need to gain the attention of the class, I will raise my hand. When this happens, sit at your desk, turn and face the front of the class, and become quiet.

h) When the bell rings at the end of the class period, remain in your seat until class is dismissed.

i) Assignments must be neat, legible, complete, and on time. If I can’t read it, I can’t evaluate or grade it!

To preserve a respectful and productive environment the following activities will not be allowed in the classroom. These activities will incur immediate disciplinary action.

j) Profanity.

k) Eating or drinking (including gum chewing). If I see any food out during class, I will throw it away.

l) The use of mobile electronic devices. Although some of these devises are allowed on campus they must be put away during class. If I see it I will pick it up, no discussion allowed. If I see it during an exam, I will also write a referral for cheating. Your parents may retrieve the item from the main office. If you disrupt my class, I will automatically write a referral.

m) No visiting. The student may not leave the class unless there is a medical emergency or a note from a responsible adult. Other students are not allowed to come in the classroom for any reason unless they have note from a responsible adult.

n) Do NOT work on assignments from another class or draw. If I see it I will throw it away.

o) Do NOT have another student’s work on your desk. I will consider that cheating and throw both of them away.

p) Rudeness or disrespect.

q) Infractions of the school rules.


1) Verbal Warning: Student will be informed of the inappropriate behavior and asked to refrain.

2) Written Warning: Inappropriate behavior will be noted in gradebook.

3) Action Plan: Teacher and student will devise an action plan which may include the writing of an essay and/or detention. Parent and/or guardian will be notified.

If student refuses to participate in this process or if the behavior continues, then a referral will be written and given to the Assistant Principal and/or the school counselor.

Course Requirements


All major assignments will be posted on the website

  1. LEARN & SELF-ASSESS – Home learning will be assigned for each section and before every unit. I will provide answers for every problem assigned in the home learning. This is your first self-assessment. Check you work against these problems and, if necessary, look at your notes or the text to re-learn the material. Each notebook contains one unit and must be numbered with a table of contents and organized in sections. Each section will include bell work, Cornell Notes (math-style) with summary, vocabulary, and home learning. Additionally, each notebook will contain a copy of the procedures (yes, every NB), the unit syllabus, the unit notebook guide, a graphic organizer (don’t worry, I will suggest one for each unit), vertical concept map and a KWL. All other assignments are to be turned in to me and will be kept in your class folder. The notebook must be in a duo-tang. I will NOT accept it if it is not in a duo-tang. The notebook is due before the start of the unit test when you walk in the door. I will NOT accept notebooks that are organized in class. The notebook grade is part of the daily learning grade along with class participation and selected class exercises. Classroom participation is mandatory. The daily learning grade is 20% of the quarterly grade.
  2. SELF-ASSESS & RE-LEARN – Each unit will have quizzes and quizlets. Quizlets are to be completed at home and are to be turned in the class following the section in which they are contained. They will be graded and kept in the class folder. If the quizlet is turned in on time, I will allow the student to re-do the quizlet for full credit. I consider quizzes as part of the learning process. Therefore if you are not happy with a quiz grade then evaluate the material to decide what you need to re-learn and request and complete an alternate assignment on this material. I will reward this initiative with ½ of the missing points. All re-dos must be turned in before the start of the unit test when you walk in the door. Quizzes are 40% of the quarterly grade.
  3. BE ASSESSED – At the end of each major unit there will be a test. Tests are 40% of the quarterly grade.
  4. In general home learning will be assigned every day as per the Miami-Dade District Homework policy. All assignments are due before the start of a unit test. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
  5. In general there will be a test or quiz every week. If a student is absent during quiz or test day and the absence is excused, then it is the student’s responsibility to schedule the exam make-up. The exam make-up must be scheduled within two weeks of the original exam date. To benefit the student, I will remain on campus every Wednesday and Thursday for tutoring and exam make-ups. As the student has already missed class time, I ask that the student be allowed to stay after school to make up exams. However if this is not possible, upon receipt of a note sign by the parent and/or guardian I will arrange for the exam make-up to take place during class time. It is the responsibility of the student to bring the note to me.
  6. There will be a number of projects during the semester. Information regarding grade worth & scope will be determined per project.
  7. Materials required are: duo-tang for every unit, lined paper, graph paper, pencil and/or pen (no light ink), protractor, ruler, and scientific calculator.

Class Absence, Planned and Unplanned:

If absent from class, check the website for your assignments. Those assignments will be due at the beginning of you next class. Class-work & warm-up quizzes can NOT be made up. If the absence is excused, I will mark it with an “X”.

Lorelei Frolick

Miami Beach Sr. High School