BTT1O Summative
The summative for BTT1O will require you to use all the knowledge and skills from the software that you have learned this year.
Assignment: Create a business and build a website to serve for both information for prospective patrons as well as advertisement to encourage new ones.
Procedure: In order to highlight your new business you will:
1. Create a website.
Webpage Requirements:
Dreamweaver Webpages
· At least 4 pages (5 if you include an enter/welcome screen)
· Image/Text links
· Rollover images
· Easy navigation
· Use of anchors
· Tables
· Good use of font styles and colours
· Customized images / backgrounds
· Consistent style
· Images
Flash Animation
· SWF format
· At least 50 frames or 10 seconds long
· Good use of Tweening
· Clear Message
Photoshop Images
· Use of layers
· Adjusted image levels
· Use of filters
· Unique Imagery
2. Create a Brochure to advertise your charity OR see option 3
· Use Microsoft Word (or MSPublisher) and the brochure format (3-panel)
· Include a response form with appropriate questions and answers
· Custom images
· Catch phrase
· Contact Information
· Clear message
· Make a link from your website to the completed Brochure
3. Create a Business Card --- THIS IS an Alternate option to the Brochure
· Use Photoshop to create a custom logo for your business (include this logo in your website)
· Create a new Photoshop file that is 8.5 x 5 cm in size
· Include at a minimum, the following fields on the card – logo, name, position, telephone, fax, email, address
· Design an appropriate business card layout
· Make a link to this business card or include it on your website
4. Create a Spreadsheet OR Database to show what products you are going to sell or services you are going to provide.
· Include at least 10 records with at least 4 relevant fields per record / at least 10 rows of data with at least 4 columns per row
· Attractive appearance / layout
· Use of calculated fields / cells
· Make a link from your website to the completed Spreadsheet/Database
5. Finally, you will meet with the teacher in a student led conference to present your website with all of the components above for your charity.
Level 1Shows a limited understanding of course material / Level 2
Shows a satisfactory understanding of course material / Level 3
Shows a good understanding of course material / Level 4
Shows an exceptional understanding of course material