Procedure 11 How to Enter Time Cards

Users: All Groups

Employee Name: ______Crew: ______

Employee Number: ______Craft: ______

Your standing work order for leave and indirect costs: ______

These are the types of Pay Codes to record on your personal standing work order:

* Annual (default on standing work order)

* Regular (for breaks and for employees who don’t charge their time)

* Premium (overtime)

* Sick

* Holiday

* Other (for funeral leave, jury duty, family leave, admin leave, etc.)

* Leave Without Pay-Approved (LWOP-A)

* Leave Without Pay-Unapproved (LWOP-U)

* Workers Compensation-Annual Leave

* Workers Compensation-Sick Leave

* Workers Compensation

* Comp Time-Used

* Comp Time-Earned

This work order will also be used by the supervisor to record employee work boots, safety glasses, Facilities

shirts, tools, and other personal items required for work.

Note: You must enter all your PAID time on work orders. For example, if you work 8 hours, 5 days a week, you must enter 40 hours in FAMIS. Break time should be entered as “Regular” hours on your Standing Work Order.

To log on to FAMIS:

  1. In Internet Explorer, go to FAVORITES and click on FAMIS.
  2. Select FAMIS.
  3. At the CSU FAMIS screen, in the Log In box, enter your EID name for both the User Name and Password. You may change your password later.
  4. The Database is fmsprod.
  5. Click OK.

Entering Time Cards

  1. In the Employee Time and Material menu, select Labor Charges.
  2. The following screen will come up with your employee number and name.
  3. The default date for recording time is today’s date. If you need to change the date, do so now in the Work Date block. Use the date format: DD-MMM-YY.
  4. Click on the WO Number button to get your assigned work orders.

  1. a. Enter your CSU ID number in the Assigned To block.

b. Click on the yellow question mark.

c. Click on the green light.

  1. Your assigned work orders will appear. Click on the box to the left of the work orders you want to record time to.

  1. Enter your hours daily by following these steps:

a. Check date for which you are recording time.

  1. Enter hours for break time using your SWO and Pay Code Regular.
  2. Enter ‘Regular’ hours for work orders you checked. (Double check the ‘Shift’) Hours should total hours PAID.
  3. To record overtime or additional leave time, type in the work order number. Change the ‘Pay Code’ before entering the hours.

Remember that WO and SWO are letters, not numbers, and they are followed by numbers.

  1. Type in Comments and click box Work Done if the work order is complete.

e. If everything is correct, click on Save, Don’t Approve and you will be able to see the total

hours for the day. Remember that your total hours should equal total hours PAID.

  1. Review totals for the day and click on Save and Approve. The hours have now gone to your

supervisor to approve before they feed to Facilities Payroll.