Problem solving ,Reasoning and Numeracy Summer Term 2008

Strand / Learning Overview / ELG related / Objectives
Counting and Understanding number / 5
9 / To be familiar with large numbers from everyday life. To count accurately 20 objects.To count by rote to 20 and beyond.Use language such as more and less to compare numbers.To record numbers and show understanding of the use of number in practical activities and experiences.Order a set of random numbers symbols and words. Order numbers not starting at 0. To count in 2s 5s and 10s and to recognise patterns in numbers.
Knowing and using number facts / 8 / . / Select two groups of objects to make a given total..Observe number relationships and patterns in the environment and use these to derive facts.Find one more or less than a given number.
Calculating / 10 / .Find a total by counting when 1 group is hidden. explore patterns in addition using numbers 10/20.Use pairs of numbers in addition.Relate addition to 3 groups of objects.Find how many have been removed from a larger group by counting up. Introduce – symbol.
Understanding Shape / 11
12 / Develop more complex vocabulary to describe shapes.Sort and classify 2D and 3D shapes.To useeveryday words to describe position,direction and movement. Recognise area cover a flat surface completely.Match appropriate covering to surfaces.Describe solutions to practical problems drawing on experience talking about their own ideas,methods and choices.Compare and order volume.
Measures / 13 / Begin to use non and standard Use language such as greater, smaller,heavier,lighter to comparequantities. measures.Estimate/measure non/standard units of capacity. Understand need for a standard unit of measure for lengths and capacity. Use everyday language related to time order and sequence familiar events and measure short periods of time e.g minute.Read O clock /half past time.
Handling Data / 6 / p8 / Comment on criteria used for sorting,Sort objects ,making choices and justifying decisions. Begin to suggest own criteria for sorting.Create read/interpret relationship diagrams.
Count how many objects share a particular property,presenting results using pictures,drawing or numerals.Use developing mathematical ideas and methods to solve practical problems
Using and Applying / Make own patterns, contribute to one difference patterns.Continue to use the vocabulary of money. Recognise coins 20p 50p £1 solve problems involving money in role play situations e.g pay and give change. Talk about recognise and recreate simple patterns.

Underlined objectives relate to the using and applying strand throughout the term objectives are not broken into weeks due to the nature of the foundation stage curriculum. Learning overviews are to be used by practitioners to support their planning and also to make links across the areas of learning and in the outside area. End of year key Learning Objectives. Using and applying mathematics strand objectives.