Problem Set 8, Fall 2018Name:

8 points total

1. The mythical Antarctic toad is found in several true breeding strains. One has blue skin and long toes. The second has red eyes. You cross blue-skinned, long toed X red eyed and find the progeny all have all wild type phenotypes (i.e. not blue skinned, long toed or red eyed). You test cross these F1’s and find the results shown below. Only the recessive phenotypes are listed below

123long toed, blue skinned, red eyed

4513long toed, blue skinned

118blue skinned, red eyed

19long toed, red eyed

125 long toed

4781red eyed

21blue skinned

134wild type

9834b. Please calculate the genetic distance between the l and b genes, i.e. the genes that produce long toes and blue skin.
l – b: (118 + 125 + 19 + 21)/9834 X 100% = 2.9 cM

c. There are three linked genes, a, b and c. a and b are 10 map units apart and b and c are 20 map units apart and a and c are 30 map units apart. If you cross a b c/+ + + X the triple recessive, what fraction of the progeny will be phenotypically a- (i.e. homozygous a-) and b- but wild type for c?(hint: the probability of doubles = the product of the probability of singles)

This is a simple three factor mapping problem, but worked backwards. 30% of the offspring will be recombinant because the outer genes, a and c are 30 map units apart. Of these, 0.1(0.2) = 0.02 will be doubles. To produce the desired genotype, a b +/a b c, we need a single cross over between b and c, but not double cross over (because that will produce a + c and + b + chromosomes). So the answer is½(0.2 – 0.02) = 0.09 or 9%.

2. Several strains of the seabass J. galindezmingoae, have accumulated extensive rearrangements of chromosome 2, as shown below.

original chromosome

strain I

strain II

strain III

Determine the order in which the changes had occurred and name the type of rearrangement. (note: each new strain resulted from a single rearrangement in its parent.)

3. Name the chromosomal anomoly present for each pair of chromosomes (the wild type chromosome is the uppermost chromosome of each pair, also indicated by the star). Also, show the chromosomes as they would appear synapsed in meiosis I, including letters and centromeres.



4. You map two genes, bl, which causes blue fur and grn, which causes green teeth, and find that they are 21 mu apart. Starting with another pair of parents (one heterozygous and the second homozygous recessive) you find the following results:

817blue fur, green teeth

793wild type

37blue fur, normal teeth

42normal fur, green teeth

How can you explain this outcome?

5. In studying a particular animal, you find that some of the chromosomes appear a bit unusual. . The relevant chromsomes are shown below. One pair of homologues is on the left and the second pair is shown on the right. For each pair, the normal chromosome is the one on top.

a. What is the name of the chromosomal alteration that generated the abnormal chromosomes?

Reciprocal translocation

b. Show the chromosomes synapsed in meiosis. Please include the genes.

c. You find an individual homozygous for the abnormal chromosomes as shown below. Show this individual's chromosomes synapsed in meiosis. Please include the genes.

The answer is to draw the chromosomes essentially as they are given.

6a. A woman with Turner syndrome (XO) is found to be color-blind. Both her mother and father have normal vision. How can her colorblindness be explained? Did the nondisjunction occur in the father or mother?

Mom had to carry Xcb. Nondisjunction in dad produced gamete lacking X and Y, which fused to Xcb gamete from mom.

b. A man with Klinefelter syndrome (XXY) is found to be color-blind. Both his mother and father have normal vision. How can his colorblindness be explained? Did the nondisjunction occur in the father or mother?

Nondisjunction in meiosis II of mom produced gamete that was XcbXcb, which fused with Y-containing gamete from dad.

7. While looking at a large number of siblings that are all homozygous wild type for the prpl gene (which causes purple blotches when homozygous mutant), you find that each individual has a different pattern of purple blotches on their skin. How might you explain this result, assuming that it results from an effect on the prpl gene?

This might result from position effect variegation. Perhaps a chromosomal rearrangement in that family has put the prpl gene near a heterochromatic region.

8. Strains heterozygous for each of six Drosophila mutations, a – f, and for each of six different deletions, 1 – 6 are generated. The table below shows whether such strains displayed wild type (+) or mutant (-) phenotypes. The figure illustrates the region deleted in each deletion strain (region deleted indicated by a bar) as determined by cytological examination of polytene chromosomes.


del 1+–+++–

del 2+–++––

del 3–+–++–

del 4–+––++

del 5–+–+++

del 6–––++–

Assign each recessive mutation to the relvant region of the chromosome.