TSA 2.0 Specs

Servlet (tsa2)


//Modules to build report

Private reportBuilder(req)

Private String buildBackgroundSection(Prop backgroundInfoProp)

Private String buildTestComparisonTables(Prop IQTestProp, Prop achTestProp)

  • Private String buildTestStatsTable(Prop IQTestProp, Prop achTestProp)
  • Private String buildReferencesTable(Prop IQTestProp, Prop achTestProp)
  • Private String buildWarningsTable(Prop IQTestProp, Prop achTestProp)

//Utility modules

Private Properties loadTestInfoProp (String testInfoStr, String propFileAddress )


Public discrepancyManager discrepancyManager(req){

creates a complex data structure that stores property lists to be conveniently referenced when computing severe discrepancy values and building TSA2.0 report

discrepancyManager variables:

iq1Prop—contains essential data for iqTest1

iq2Prop—contains essential data for iqTest2

iq3Prop—contains essential data for iqTest3

ach1Prop—contains essential data for achTest1

ach2Prop—contains essential data for achTest2

ach3Prop—contains essential data for achTest3

ach4Prop—contains essential data for achTest4

ach5Prop—contains essential data for achTest5

analysisPrefsProp—gives info (e.g., probability level) for computing discrepancy






Properties elements for indivTestInfoProps stored in discrepancyManager object:

//Note: referenced as [“iq” or “ach”+”Prop”+integer] in discrepancyManager object

testName=[full name of test]

testAbbrev=[common abbreviation of test name]

testScale=[name of subscale]

testKey=[4-8 letter key to uniquely identify test scale & file—default name is stem (excluding .txt suffix) of propFile name]

propFileAddress=[file reference in server-readable format for retrieving/reloading original testSpecsFileProp to refresh the current prop values]

testMean=[test mean]

testSD=[test SD]

internalR=[internal consistency reliability coefficient for test at student’s age group]

lowAge=[lowest age for which test is normed, as expressed in “YRS-MONTHS”—e.g., “6-0” = 6 years, 0 months]

hiAge=[highest age for which test is normed, as expressed in “YRS-MONTHS”]

testRef=[publication information for source of test statistics, in APA format]

userValues=[Boolean true/false to indicate whether values are user-entered]


emergencyMsg=[assigned value only if problem is encountered in loading any essential values to this Properties]


Properties elements for testComparisonProp called during discrepancyCalcEngine method:

//Note: referenced as “testComparisonProp” in discrepancyCalcEngine method

predictedAchievement=[predicted Achievement Test score]

criticalAchievement=[critical Achievement Test score that would trigger severe discrepancy]


iqAchCorrelation=[iqAch Correlation]

nceGap=[Discrepancy gap in NCE Units]


Properties elements for testTableValueProp called during discrepancyCalcEngine method:

iqTestName=[full name of test]

iqTestAbbrev=[common abbreviation of test name]

iqTestScale=[name of subscale]

iqTestKey=[4-8 letter key to uniquely identify test scale & file—default name is stem (excluding .txt suffix) of propFile name]

iqTestMean=[test mean]

iqTestSD=[test SD]

iqLowAge=[lowest age for which test is normed, as expressed in “YRS-MONTHS”—e.g., “6-0” = 6 years, 0 months]

iqHiAge=[highest age for which test is normed, as expressed in “YRS-MONTHS”]

iqInternalR=[internal consistency reliability coefficient for test at student’s age group]

iqTestRef=[publication information for source of test statistics, in APA format]

achTestName=[full name of test]

achTestAbbrev=[common abbreviation of test name]

achTestScale=[name of subscale]

achTestKey=[4-8 letter key to uniquely identify test scale & file—default name is stem (excluding .txt suffix) of propFile name]

achTestMean=[test mean]

achTestSD=[test SD]

achLowAge=[lowest age for which test is normed, as expressed in “YRS-MONTHS”—e.g., “6-0” = 6 years, 0 months]

achHiAge=[highest age for which test is normed, as expressed in “YRS-MONTHS”]

achInternalR=[internal consistency reliability coefficient for test at student’s age group]

achTestRef=[publication information for source of test statistics, in APA format]

predictedAchievement=[predicted Achievement Test score]

criticalAchievement=[critical Achievement Test score that would trigger severe discrepancy]


iqAchCorrelation=[iqAch Correlation]

nceGap=[Discrepancy gap in NCE Units]


Properties elements for IQ & Ach Test Specs:

//Note: referenced as testSpecsFileProp in servlet

testName=[full name of test]

testAbbrev=[common abbreviation of test name]

testScale=[name of subscale]

testKey=[4-8 letter key to uniquely identify test scale & file—default name is stem (excluding .txt suffix) of propFile name]

testMean=[test mean]

testSD=[test SD]

lowAge=[lowest age for which test is normed, as expressed in “YRS-MONTHS”—e.g., “6-0” = 6 years, 0 months]

hiAge=[highest age for which test is normed, as expressed in “YRS-MONTHS”]

testRef=[publication information for source of test statistics, in APA format]

ageNorms1=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 1]

ageNorms2=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 2]

ageNorms3=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 3]

ageNorms4=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 4]

ageNorms5=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 5]

ageNorms6=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 6]

ageNorms7=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 7]

ageNorms8=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 8]

ageNorms9=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 9]

ageNorms10=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 10]

ageNorms11=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 11]

ageNorms12=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 12]

ageNorms13=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 13]

ageNorms14=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 14]

ageNorms15=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 15]

ageNorms16=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 16]

ageNorms17=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 17]

ageNorms18=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 18]

ageNorms19=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 19]

ageNorms20=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 20]

ageNorms21=[internal consistency cooefficient for students age 21]