Privacy Policy

Caplugs are dedicated to protecting your privacy and any information wecollect about clients is treated in accordance with the requirements of the data protection act 1998.

You can visit this web site to read general information about our company and our products or services without revealing any personal information. The information we collect includes:

·  Name and geographic location of your Internet Service Provider type / version of browser you are using (i.e. Navigator 4.X or Internet Explorer 5.X)

·  Computer platform you are using (i.e. MAC, Windows 95, Windows NT))

·  Web site that refers you to our site

·  Pages you visit in our site

·  Date and time of those requests

·  Length of time you spend on our site

·  Page from which you exit our site

·  Errors that occur on the site

We use this information to generate statistics relating to overall site activity and functionality.

In several sections of our site we offer additional, detailed content on our products or services. In order to gain access to these sections, you are asked to provide information regarding:

·  Who you are

·  The company you work for

·  Contact information

·  Your needs or requirements

·  It is your option to provide the information requested; however, without this information, we cannot deal with website enquiries.

The information you provide is used to: understand the people and companies accessing our web site improve the web site respond to specific requests you have made improve the products or services we offer.

Given the business nature of information we provide on our web site, a representative from Caplugs may contact you to follow up.

The information you provide is used solely by Caplugs; it is never provided to any other company, other than for the purposes of supplying our carrier with delivery details.

Copyrights & Trademarks Notices

This web site is copyright by Caplugs. All rights are reserved. The text, images, graphics and animation files that make up this site are all subject to Copyright and other intellectual property protection. These objects may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may they be modified or re-posted to other sites.

The previous statement notwithstanding, as a visitor to our site, you may print pages from this web site or download demonstration, logo or sample elements that have been so identified, to aid in a better understanding of our products and services and to support a business decision to purchase such products and services.

All trademarks displayed on this site are subject to the U.S. trademark rights of Caplugs, or are used under agreement in the U.S. by Caplugs. These trademarks include product brand names, slogans, logos and emblems. The unauthorized use of any trademark displayed on this site is strictly prohibited.

Liability Disclaimer

The information in this web site is provided "as is" without any warranties of any kind. While the information is believed to be accurate, it may be incomplete or it may include errors or inaccuracies.

Links to Third Party Websites

This web site may contain links to web sites operated by parties other than Caplugs. Such links are provided for your convenience only. Caplugs does not control such web sites and is not responsible for their content.

If you have any questions about this policy please email us at