Priority Targets

This document should contain yourhigh priority targets - those intended to support you in exceeding the Teachers’ Standards. It is a working document and should be reviewed and added to regularly(i.e. at least weekly during school placements) as you progress through the course. It enables you, your SBM and your UBM to track your progress against these targets very easily. If a target on this Priority Targets form is not met and this leads to a PSP or C4C, the details should then be recorded on the relevant PSP or C4C form in the Action Plans section, and reviewed there as appropriate.

Colour coding – review on a weekly basis. This will help to show which targets are met, which are ongoing, and which are causing concern. No colour = target only just set. Green = target met. Yellow = target ongoing but progress is appropriate. Red = target causing concern; further strategies needed and/or further support given e.g. via PSP or C4C.

(You will also have targets from the Learning and Teaching Module which are recorded on the L&T Action Plan, and those targets do NOT need to be repeated here.)

Source of target
(e.g. observation, mentor meeting, informal discussion...) / Date target is set AND date target is to be reviewed / Target and timescale
(Make this SMART. Phrase this clearly and relate it to a specific aspect of a Standard) / Strategies/Actions
(Outline the actions that will lead to successfully meeting the target, by whom, and when these will be carried out) / Achievement Criteria:
How will you know the target will be met. Be specific about what a successful outcome will be. What evidence will you have? / Review
(Comments about progress towards target AND how this is evidenced – e.g. cross reference to source of evidence such as observation, dialogue with pupils)
Mentor mtg / 19/11/15 to 03/12/15 / Std 1: To be able to support the learning and progress of underperforming groups in core subjects consistently, from week beg23/11/15 / SBM to provide key details about current attainment in core subjects of pupils EH, RJ, TL to trainee, and previously successful teaching strategies, on 20/11/15. Trainee to set specific goals that motivate these pupils using the prior attainment and curriculum content, and also implement the suggested strategies consistently from w/beg 23/11/15. / Pupils EH, RJ and TL make expected progress and reach the set goals consistently in the core subjects from w/beg 23/11/15 to 03/12/15. / All 3 pupils made expected progress and met the set goals in core subjects as shown by work in pupil books in w/beg30/11/15 compared with work in w/beg 16/11/15.

(October 2015 Version)