Teachers’ Courses at William Morris Gallery

Printmaking across the Primary Curriculum

Saturday 5 March 10am -3.30 pm (£65)

This course offers both primary art co-ordinators and non-specialist primary staff an in-depth opportunity to develop new practical skills and will show how to integrate these into cross-year curriculum planning to enrich the artistic output of the whole school.

Course Tutors:

Artist Printmaker Anna Alcock, Director of Inky Cuttlefish Studios Walthamstow, BA Fine Art (Hons) and MA Printmaking has delivered workshops to all ages for over 15 years.

Primary Art specialist Sarah Lowe,trained as Fine Artist, has worked as for 6 years as primary class teacher then as an Art specialist with responsibility for whole school curriculum planning.

Aims of the course

1) To build teachers confidence in using printmaking and managing this exciting and creative process in the classroom.

2) To demonstrate how to use printmaking to teach a variety of key art skills and curriculum topics.

3) To introduce a range of safe and simple printmaking techniques (no sharp cutting tools) that could be used aged appropriately across years 1-6 and which cumulatively would add complexity and build skills.

4) To show how artists can inspire the children’s creativity through printmaking - notably William Morris and his circle but also Modern artists such as Picasso, Andy Warhol and British printmakers such as William Blake, Peter Blake and block-printed African Textiles as featured in the William Morris Gallery current exhibition.

To book/request an invoice please complete booking form below and email to

William Morris Gallery Teachers’ Course

Printmaking across the Primary Curriculum

Saturday 5 March 10am -3.30 pm (£65; lunch included)

Booking Form

Tutors: Anna Alcock and Sarah Lowe

Tea, coffee, sandwich lunch and all materials provided. Please bring an overall if desired.


I would like to book ……………… places on the above course @£65 Full day

1) Name: ……………………………………………… Job title: ……………………………………………………………

2) Name: ……………………………………………… Job title: ……………………………………………………………

3) Name:……………………………………………… Job title: ……………………………………………………………

Your name: …………………………………………… Job title: …………………………………………………………..

School: …………………………………………………… Your email: …………………………………………………….

School address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

School Post Code: .…………………………………. School phone number: …………………………………….

I enclose a cheque for £……….. made payable to London Borough of Waltham Forest - Or

Please invoice the school – Send for attention of ……………………………………………………..

Authorised by Manger /School Finance Officer:…………………………………………… (signature)

Date: …………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………… (Print name)

Return to: Sharon Trotter,William Morris Gallery, Lloyd Park,Forest Road, London E17 4PPor email scanned form to