Marburg State School Newsletter

Principal : Kirrily Newton Ph: (07) 5464 4218 or Mobile 0477 749 447


Week 7 Term 3

Friday 29th August 2014

Dear Parents and Carers,

Hello Everyone,

Well, it has been a very quiet week with the older students away at Canberra. I am very proud of Brooke and Aiden who remained at school and have been helping out in my room. They have displayed excellent leadership skills and were politely responsible at all times.

Marina K

Information for Parents/Caregivers

Our vision is to provide each student with a diverse education in a safe and supportive environment that promotes -:

·  Self-discipline

·  Motivation

·  Excellence in learning

Our school team joins the parents and community to assist the students in developing skills to become independent and self-sufficient adults who will succeed and contribute responsibly to the global community.

Priorities for 2014

Our school priorities are as follows-:

·  Continued implementation of the Australian Curriculum- this year Geography joins English, Mathematics, Science and History.

·  Improved student performance in Reading

·  Improved student performance in Numeracy

·  Embed our whole school Pedagogical Framework in all that we do.

School Mobile

If you wish to contact the school in this way, or via text message, the number is 0477 749 447. If making payments via direct debit, it is asked that you notify the school via a text message once the transaction has taken place. Thanks.

Active After School Activities-

Badminton continues each Monday for the year 4-7 group after school. The sessions run from 3.15-4.15pm, with afternoon tea provided. The last session will be on Monday 1st September. Parents are reminded to be prompt in collecting their children. Thank you.

Premiers Reading Challenge

Throughout this term all students will be participating in the Premiers Reading Challenge. Each student has been given a reading record sheet with details to fill in along with a list of recommended books to read during the 4 month period. The reading challenge finishes on September 5th 2014.

Book Fair

The Book Fair this year has been the best ever. We had overall total sales of $1472.00. Congratulations!! The school in turn receives 30% of these total sales to spend on books for our library.

Prep/1/2 News

Hello everyone! My name is Helen Nicholson and I have the pleasure of filling in for Mrs Ducci while she is on long service leave. It is a pleasure to be back at Marburg State School and I have very fond memories of past students and their families. I taught here on and off for many years while raising my three young children. So I’m back! And I’m happy!

The children in Prep1/2 have been busy reading, writing and creating. We have practised our spelling words and sounds with chalk on cement and have been writing interesting stories. The children are working very hard and are keen to get better every day.

I look forward to working within this school community again and thank many for a kind welcome back.

Helen Nicholson

2/3/4 News

Thank you all, for your support this week, as I have assumed the role of Principal.

There are some exciting times ahead for the rest of the term. In week 9 we are holding our annual science fair. Mrs Newton has promised to attend this year, as professional duties have kept her from the event in the last two year. The students are eagerly discussing their presentations for the day. A sheet containing the requirements for the day has already been sent home. If you need an additional copy please let me know. Students will work on the procedure at school and also some of the poster (if required).

Practice for the experiment and any additional work on posters will need completing at home. Please plan to attend this morning as the students are always very proud to share their learning with adults and community members. An invitation to attend will arrive home shortly as the students refine this literacy genre.

Each year thousands of homeless persons about our State spend their days struggling to survive. In recognition of this situation the Year 2/3/4 class will again participate in a sleepover at school. The senior students are also welcome to attend and be part of this community awareness event. The sleep-over will occur on the last Thursday night of term, with Friday being PJ day. Parents are encouraged and welcome to sleep over as well. More information will be forthcoming shortly.

The class is working hard to complete assessments as the term comes towards an end. Should you be leaving early for the holidays please make the office aware of this so that correct records can be processed.

Until next time

Marina K

This is one of our favourite play spaces- Yr 2/3/4


Hallihallo von Deutsch (LOTE) in der Marburg Schule!!

As senior students are on camp this week we are taking the opportunity to do of revision via songs, rhymes and interactive computer games. We are revisiting vocabularyof numbers, family names and colours etc.

N.B. Some students need support from home but all will benefit with questions in a chatshowing interest by parents and carers about their German learning.

This will help themin class also with better focus plus improved behavioural outcomes.

All classes are doing some map explorations to see the many differences between Australia and Germany.

Dankeschoen und tschuess!!

Herr Sickinger.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to the following students/staff in September

4th - Adrian Rasmussen (grounds) 7th - Di Wood (volunteer t/a)

15th – Tobias Ostini 18th Charlotte Dawson / Gail Ducci 19th Mason Callcutt 24th Herr Sickinger


Friday 5th / Teacher Aide Day
Tuesday 9th / P & C Meeting 3:15pm
Thursday 11th / Science Fair Yrs 2/3/4
Friday 12th / Ball Games Carnival @ Haigslea
Saturday 13th / Toranarama - Showgrounds
Wednesday 17th / Rugby League Gala Day Yrs 2-7

P & C News

Congratulations to the Winners of our Fathers’ Day Raffle Prizes drawn this morning. A hearty big thank you to all the families that sold tickets and to all our wonderful sponsors! Happy Father’s Day to all our Dads, Grandad’s, Pa’s and Pop’s on the 7th! This raffle raised $423.00.

Prize Donated by Winner

Father’s Day Gift Pack Sundowner Saloon Liquor Legends Lucy Campbell-Peut

Father’s Day Mystery Gift Plainland Home Timber and Hardware K Manz

Father’s Day Gift Pack Healthyworld Pharmacy Riverlink Ipswich Bernie Barbler

$30 Gift Voucher Lowood Mitre 10 Michelle Varley

“Big Box” Pizzas Pizza Hut Ipswich Lucy Campbell-Peut

“Feed the Man Meat” Gift Voucher Country Quality Meats Lowood Brian “My Place”

$25 Meal Voucher Sundowner Saloon Mark McKandie

Meat Lovers Meat Tray Schulze’s Quality Meats Rosewood Amanda Blake

$25 Meal Voucher Bottletree Hotel Glamorganvale Kurtis Swan

$15 Coffee and Cake Voucher The Girls’ Coffee Bar Marburg Charlie Sherwood

Great to see a number of children and parents supporting our voluntary little athletics program for students on Wednesday at lunchtime. The immediate focus is practicing for the ball games carnival at Haigslea on September 12th. Any students or parents who would like to participate in the Marburg Athletics Club just roll up every Wednesday at 1.00 pm.

By all reports Year 5, 6 and 7 have had a great time in Canberra this week. Don’t forget to check out and pass on the now famous crowd-funding link to family and friends. Donations will be accepted until August 30 so share this link and help raise as much money as possible for this year and future Canberra Trips.

Our next major fundraiser is “Toranarama 2014” at the Marburg Showgrounds on Saturday 13th and for early breakfast on Sunday 14th September. Set the day aside to have some family fun and help out on our “Marburger Stand” raising funds to enhance our children’s education.

The next P&C Meeting is on Tuesday September 9th at 3.15 pm. Coming along to the P&C Meeting it is a great way to contribute to and find out about plans for and operation of our school.

Call Kellie 0458 380 354, Kathy 0427 588 317, Jo 0400 340 526 or Brenda 0408 457 896 with any ideas or if you have anything you would like discussed at the next P & C Meeting or email .

Your P & C Committee.