Administrator Interview Questions
1. As a way of getting started, I’d like to ask if there are there any particularly notable uses of technology in your building/district that you’d like to call our attention to?
2. The following is a two part question pertaining to the professional and instructional uses of technology:
a. Please describe the role of technology - both personally and professionally – among teachers and administrators in your building/district.
b. Please describe how teachers in your building/district typically use technology for learning activities and/or classroom instruction.
3. Please describe the relationship between technology and your curriculum. For example, how integral are technology tools for you, your teachers, and your students in mastering curriculum objectives? (probe to see if they find a relationship between district technology grade-level standards, curriculum mapping, and/or other initiatives)
4. What do you feel has been the greatest catalyst for the use of technology as a tool for teaching and learning among the teachers in your building/district?
5. We’re interested in your impressions of how information technology has impacted students’ learning. What would you say is different (if anything) about your students as a result of technology use in your building/district?
6. When students have completed their course of study in your school/district, what do you believe would be the ideal set of skills and understandings that they will have developed related to technology?
7. What do you see as your role as an administrator in helping move forward the work of technology integration, both in terms of teachers’ professional use and instructional practices.
8. In your opinion, what are the most significant barriers to the successful and meaningful integration of technology in your building or district?
9. Do you believe that there has been substantive and positive change over the past TWO years in how technology is supported, used, and integrated in this building? Why or why not.
10. Are there things you would like to see changed in terms of district policies, support, equipment, etc.?
Administrator Interview Questions ã2006, Sun Associates
District Technology Evaluation