Princeton Lakes Event Committee

Meeting Minutes – July 19, 2001

Committee Members Present

Cathy AkkermanLaura Beskar

Amber BolanSara Hallermann

Sheryl MayerRobin Trickel

The first Unofficial Event Committee was held on July 19, 2001 immediately following the POA meeting.


It has come to the attention of the Event Committee that property owners are not attending meetings and events simply because they did not know about them. If there was a monthly calendar that was sent out, property owners would get one more reminder of the event and it would give them an overall idea of all the activities going on that month.

The calendar will probably need to include the following:

  • Tournament Dates
  • Boat Safety “Tip of the Month”
  • Quarterly PLPOA Meetings
  • Committee Meetings (Compliance, Finance, Buoy, Tournament)
  • Officer Contact Information
  • POA Address and website
  • Birthdays
  • Anniversaries


In order to plan activities and events that are appealing to all (or most) of the people at Princeton Lakes we will probably need create a survey to educate ourselves on the likes and interests of our neighbors. We need to gather information including birthdays of all family members, wedding anniversaries (if applicable), names and ages of children and any other special date worthy of the Princeton Lakes calendar space.

We also need to ask if any of the kids (young adults) are interested in babysitting, watering trees, pet sitting and other activities to make some extra money. That will give all the neighbors a resource if they need a baby sitter or if they want their fish fed while they are out of town, etc.


It might be easiest if there is a “Lead” or a “Chairwoman” for each event. This person will report to the committee what tasks needed to be done, prepare a budget (if necessary) and give assignments to committee members and other willing people to make sure the event is a success. Everyone has an event to start planning. (PLEASE feel free to switch with someone if prefer to organize a different event!!) At the first meeting we can report what we would like to see done at our event and what preparation needs to be started. Robin was not given a specific event since she will probably be helping with the funding for ALL events.

Activities that need to be planned:

  • Annual “Ladies Night at the Lake” (Sara)
  • Welcoming Committee/Initiation  (Amber)
  • Monthly Bunko (Laura)
  • October PLPOA Meeting – we need to plan the food only (Cathy)
  • “End of the Summer Bash” with awards and gag awards (Sheryl)
  • Quarterly Social (it was suggested that our socials be in the early evening with food)
  • Bi-annual “educational” meeting
  • Boat Safety Course (to reduce individuals boat insurance)
  • Texas Gardening and Landscape
  • Living with Texas Pests, Snakes and Fish
  • Holiday Theme Parties
  • Easter Egg Hunt – for kids and adults
  • Christmas/Holiday Party
  • Superbowl Party
  • Halloween/Costume Party (for adults or kids) maybe they could trick-or-treat from boat dock to boat dock – instead of house to house…
  • Work Parties (to build community docks, to clean trash off the property, to prepare the site for upcoming tournaments, to replant community flowerbeds, etc.)

Phone Tree

We also need to set up a calling tree. If we each call each call about 9 people we should be able to get everyone contacted before our planned events. This will be especially important before the October General Meeting, since we will have to have a majority of people there to elect new officers.

Meeting adjourned.