Prince of Persia – The Sands of Time (the movie)

We review this movie because it hints to some historical details back to the first destruction of Zion in Central Asia and also gives us the opportunity to examine some of the psychic skillspracticed by wizards and sorcerers; both the ‘light side’ and the ‘dark side’ of the Force.

We must first comment on the confusion of both the History as well as the Geography in the movie: The Hassanshin (Assassins)* were not around during the Persian Empire. The Persian Empire ruled between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE whilst the Assassins came about 1500 years later, in the 11th century CE. They originated in the Nile delta during the Fatimid era, at about the same time that the Druze originated in the same area.The Assassins were fanatic Ismaili, a branch of Shia Islam and, as their infamy suggests, they practiced the ‘dark side of the Force’ and engaged in black witchcraft and assassinations.[*We shall consider the Assassins in the movie as referring to similardark wizards, (not known by name), in Central Asia during the Persian Empire; we shall refer to them in italics].

Alamut fortress was one of more than a dozen lairs of the Assassins in the area south of the Caspianin modernmainland Persia whilstthe gift to the king was the prayer robe of the Regent of the ancientEastern lands. Alamut was not the magnificent holy city shown in the movie.

The hint as to which this ‘holy city’ was, during and before the Persian Empire, is the apple in the king’s hand while talking to Dastan; in both Nasaf (Qarshi in southern Uzbekistan) and Alamut. It is very unlikely that the king would carry an apple handy in his lap, on horseback. In Alamut the king takes the apple from Dastan’s hand; (the king must have forgotten to take the apple with him on stage and the director sent it to him through Dastan). Notice also that the only fruit seen in the Nasaf market are apples. Thismeans that the apple is very significant; it points to the holy city of Princess Tamina. This was Alma Ata, now in Kazakhstan, the mother or origin of the apple tree; this is what ‘Alma Ata’ means. (The confusion between Alma Ata and Alamut must be due to misreading in remote viewing. ‘Alma Ata’reads like‘Alamut’; the rest followed from this error.) This holy city and its location are also hinted by Sheik Amar when he is asked to help Dastan and Tamina to the sanctuary. He is reluctant to follow them over the Hindukush in a storm. The Hindukush range is more than 2000 km from Alamut. The part of Hindukush in question is the range’s northern ridge, south-west of Alma Ata. Crossing it one descends into the Fergana valley, the sanctuary being upstream of Fergana in a ravine. Sheik Amar says: “I was expecting to see golden statues and waterfalls”; (Rivendell in ‘The Lord of the Rings’).

The Persians consisted of indigenous peoples mixed with Aryans (Alans) after the Aryan invasion in the 17th century BCE and, both before and after, with redhead Adamites.(From the Aryans stem the Daans and the cattle-breedingGermanians, two Persian tribes mentioned by Herodotus in his ‘Histories’ book 1). Before their first destruction in Central Asia around 7000 BCE, theAdamites established a civilization inKhorasan (Persia to Uzbekistan) and after the Trojan War Ionian-Adamite refugees immigrated to Central Asia; they were known as the Great Ionians (Da Yuan). From these descended the MedeAstyages and his grandson the Persian king Cyrus, worshipers of Zeus;Cyrus referred to Zeus as ‘theGod of hisancestors’.So,Cyruswas an Ionian-Greek, though not a pureredhead Adamite. Dastan’s face is a typicalbiblical face. He looks like Jesus, with the difference that Jesuswas less muscular and a purer redhead Adamite.[The Persian Empire, with fully autonomous satellite kingdoms,was thebest in history, betterthan the EU today and comparable to the Lycian federation, on which the AmericanConstitution is based; (through thework ofMontesquieu, a political philosopher of the French revolution).Itwas the only empire in antiquity that, likeGreek Thebes,Lycia/PhoeniciaandTyre, (allied with Persia), did not subscribe to the slavery culture and campaigned to abolish it.This was the reason for its clash withAthens, Sparta and Egypt. (It was Cyrus thatalso freed theJews fromBabylonian captivity).]

And now, about psychic skillsor the use of the Force. After Dastan catches up with Tamina in the desert, we see the chief of the Assassins standing on a high precipitous rock, releasing some sand from his hand. His wizardry raised a sandstorm moving towards Dastan and Tamina; (and the sand dervishes later). So, raising a sandstorm was within the capabilities of the Assassins. The GreatSandstorm that threatened humanity, to which Tamina refers, was similarly caused. This raises the question as to who were these Gods that decided to destroy humanity by a sandstorm and what was this sandglass that held the sandsoftime(!). If such skills were possessed by the Assassins, they were not so rare. They were part of thepsychic skillsof the Adamitepriesthood;practicedalso by Thoth-Hermes and hiswizardsusing magic commands; (notice the Phoenixon the corridor wall in the Assassins’ lair). So, it was certainly within the capabilities ofHermicwizards to generate both the Great Sandstorm and the Great Flood 4000 years later. These are the Gods in question. (Thoth-Hermes is also behind the anonymousgod, Lord or Adonai or Allah, in all mystic orritualistic religions, including the Druids and the Freemasons).

I would like to remind you of Elijah in the Old Testament. In ‘Kings 1, 18, 43’Elijah meditates on Mount Carmel and asks his servant (Elisha) to go look at the horizon. On the 7th time Elisha sees a small cloud on the horizon. Elijah tells King Ahab to get on his chariot and hurry to the city so as not to be caught in the imminent flood; sure enough, a downpour and flood follow soon.

The Adamitecolony in Central Asia was destroyed by terrible sandstorms from the Kyzylkum desert of Uzbekistan; (‘Kyzylkum’ means ‘Red sands’). Thoth-Hermes and hisdissidentwizardsdestroyed the colony after Thoth colluded in the murderof hisguru, Rwanem the Adamitehigh priest.Thoth’swizards had infiltrated theAdamitepriesthoodthrough locals employed as lower priests.They abused primary technologyand practiced black wizardry; the dark side of the Force.(They are the Sith Lordsin Star Wars; Thoth is Lord Sidious).

Such devastating weather phenomena, including hurricanes and tornadoes, can arise naturally or can be generated deliberately. In both cases a sentient presence is observed in the eye of the Vortex and this sentient presence controls the phenomenon. In 2003 I sent an Angel to hurricane Isabel and gave him instructions how to diminish the hurricane or kill it. The Angel tried what I told him for a few secondsaggressively. I watched the news and saw that the hurricane decreased by about 30% but it picked up again in a few hours. I sent the Angel back to the hurricane with instruction not to attack or threaten the presence; first ask it‘which deity it served’ and then gently command it to step down a few notches. The presence had the appearance of an overgrown baby. It said that it served under Aranuel. Aranuelis the deity or king of all nature spirits. (They are the ones that formed the first corn-field patterns. These were later imitated by humans who made them even better. The spirits said they wanted to warn humans that their sprays were poisoning the land.)

Such spirits* (also called ‘genies’) were employed by wizards, including King Solomon, even against their will; by using magic commands that the genies were compelled to obey. (After his death, these genies were at Solomon’s throat and he had to barricade himself in a mental fortress to keep these genies at bay if not in chains). One way to confine a genie was to shut it up in a bottle. It was not so much the glass of the bottle that held the genie but the magic command with which the bottle was sealed; Aladdin’s genie was confined in aglasslamp; transparent. (* These sentient beings are the sentientprograms mentioned by the Oracle in Matrix Reloaded that govern nature, including phenomena like the migrations of birds, butterflies and all sea-life).

Similarly, the genie of the sandstorm (not the sand) was confined in some kind of device, like thehollow glasshilt of the dagger. (It is unthinkable that the sands of the storm were shut up alive in a sandglassbeneath the city). Releasing the genie would set another sandstorm in motion, thus continuing the unfinisheddestruction. (Actually, the destruction of the colonywas not revoked).

As for turning back the time by releasing some sand from the dagger, this was inspired by modern Sci-Fi and time-travel but actually refers to a recurrence of the sandstorm, should thegenie of the sandstorm be released by braking the magic seal of the dagger; not the sandglass(!).

I believe that the story of the destruction of the Adamite colony in Central Asia (from Fergana to Samarkand, Bukhara, Tashkent and Alma Ata) was part of an old legend that must have been lost; (however, it can be accessed by remote or psychic viewing). I could not find it written anywhere but I was given the notion, years before I saw the movie, that the ‘Life’or‘Adamite’projectwas started in the Fergana valley, the origin of the teachings of the Upanishads, Zarathustra and Jesus; and that the first destruction of Zionwas the destruction of the Adamite colony in Central Asia.

It is obvious that these repeated ‘destructions of humanity’, whether through conjuredweather disasters or byNordic marauders, were not universal but targetedonly theAdamites; the divine race consideredby Thoth and Mermek, (hisChrist), as rival to their favoredNordic divine race. Hence, they are more aptly referred to as the ‘destructions of Zion’; (to cover up these repeated genocides, Thoth made it appear in Genesis that all racesdescended from Adamthrough Seth).

‘Asia’ means ‘Holy land’. The rest of what we refer to as ‘the continent of Asia’ today was not called ‘Asia’ then. Ionia, now in Turkey, was also called ‘Asia’ by the Japhetite Adamites, the firstborn descendants of Noah led west by Zeus. Later, when the continent was called ‘Asia’, the Turkish peninsula was called ‘Asia Minor’ for distinction.

Why then do we talk about the destructions of Zion and not of Asia? Because in the older scripturesZion is considered the Jewish Holy cityas the city of King David. In Revelations 21.15,Zion refers to the Holy landof theAdamite divinerace, (with an area ofabout 5 million km2),or the Adamite divinerace itself. The original Adamites were a non-agingrace; the immortal firstborn. The Greek pantheon, with all its gods and demigods, were of this race.Zeuswas a living(human) god, the patriarch of theAdamites; Rwanem/Cthulhuwas theirhigh priest from outer space.

In ‘The Lord of the Rings’, the Elves are the immortal firstborn. Their pointed ears come from the dwarfishelves and goblins of Norse mythology. The immortals, (with exceptional longevity)were the Adamites of the Fergana valley; Rivendell; (the hobbits are AdamiteJews).