CALL TO ORDER: 40 members, 3 guests
LAST POST: Cde. Larry Davies
APPROVAL OF AGENDA(M/S/C) Cdes. Woodruff/McAllister
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (M/S/C) Cdes. Vandale/Falle
Approval of the General Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2016as distributed. The Executive Meeting Minutes are on the board in the Games Room or a copy can be obtained from the Office.
1. Thank you letter from the Commanding Officer of #127 Admiral R. H. Falls Navy League Cadet Corp for the donation from the Poppy Fund dated May 10, 2016;
2. Thank you letter for the donation from the Branch President, Juan de Fuca Branch of the Navy League of Canada dated May 31, 2016;
3. Thank you card from Victoria Hospice for the incredible effort our Branch has shown them dated June 6, 2016.
Memo #44.16 - Via Rail Sweepstakes – Open to all Legion Members;
Memo #45.16 - Western Economic Diversification Grants;
Memo #46.16 - Dominion Convention - St. John’s, NL June 11 to 14, 2016 - Parade, Caucus and More;
Memo #47.16 - 2016 Poppy/Wreath Promotional Material Price Lists;
Memo #48.16 - WorksafeBC Survey;
Memo #50.16 - New Horizons Grant.
Memo #51.16 - Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act (CNCA) - Annual Meeting
Memo #52.16 - Dominion Convention - Reissued;
Memo #53.16 - Provincial Buying Plan - New Partners;
Memo #54.16 - Dominion Play downs - Application to Host Eight Ball.
PRESIDENT'S REPORT: Cde. Norm Scott - See attached report.
MANAGER'S REPORT: Cde. Tammy Shiells - See attached report.
TREASURER’S REPORT: See attached - M/S/C) Cdes. Ralph/McClellan
Cde. Ralph met with the auditor, Colin Haime, today and it went very well.
On the Income Statement 05/01/2016to 05/31/2016 under Lottery, Cde. Ralph is looking into how to show this as an actual figure. Right now the figure showing does not reflect the income.
Cde. Ralph motioned to pay the travel and rooms for the convention out of the Lottery Account. (M/S/C) Cde. Ralph/B. Hartwig.
Cde. Ralph motioned to increase the amount of money for the convention from $5000 not to exceed $5700 to cover the cost. (M/S/C) Cdes Ralph/Hyde
1. Donation request from Metchosin Seniors Mixed Golf Association. It was motioned we donate 1 membership to them for a prize. (M/S/C) Cdes. Ralph/ J. Shackleton.
2. Donation request from Raiders Softball Team. It was motioned to donate $200 to the team out of the General Account. (M/S/C) Cdes. Ralph/L. McAllister.
MEMBERSHIP: Cde. Cruickshank - See attached report.
Dale Holroyd
James Ashdown
(M/S/C) Jill Shackleton
Dianne Mayzes
(M/S/C) Cde. Ray Hyde
Affiliate Voting
Dawn Kirkham
(M/S/C) Cde. L. Peatt
Ordinary Transer-in
Kenneth Lowenberger (Branch 97 - Oliver)
Sylvia Adamson (Branch 49 - Mt. Arrowsmith)
William Adamson (Branch 49 - Mt. Arrowsmith)
Edward Russell Murphy (Branch 239- Pender Island)
(M/S/C) Cde. B. Himes
Ada-Marie Murphy
(M/S/C) Cde. B. Dillion
BULLETIN: Cde. Walker - See attached report.
INVENTORY: Cde. Walker - No report.
BUILDING & GROUNDS: Cde. Ray Hyde–See attached report.
BURSARIES/SCHOLARSHIPS: Cde. M. Nicholls - No report.
POPPY FUND: Cde. M. Nicholls- No report.
POSTER & LITERACY: Cde. M. Nicholls - No report.
ENTERTAINMENT: Cde. Tammy Shiells - See attached report.
GOLF TOURNEY: Cde. Tammy Shiells - See attached report.
HONOURS AWARDS: Cde. B. Shackleton - See attached report.
LADIES AUXILLIARY: Cde. Lumb - See Attached Report.
Cde. Carol Lumb, President of the Ladies Auxiliary, made a presentation of $800to the Branch to go toward the new storage shed out back.
AML HOUSING REP: Cde. McClellan -
Cde. Scott discussed a meeting which was held on Friday, June 24th about the Alexander Mackie Lodge. We are trying to get a clause insertedwhich protects the rental income given to the branch in the event the Alexander Mackie Lodge defaults on their mortgage.
Cde. Scott said that on Thursday, June 23rd, Cdes. Orser, Ralph, Shiells and himself went to Savory Elementary School for a presentation of the Smart Board the Branch had purchased for the school. We were taken to a class room where the Smart Board is and shown some of the cool things it does to help teach the class. The Goldstream Gazette was there as well to write up a story on the donation and on the Smart Board. If you would like to see this please go to Savory and talk to the principle there I am sure she would show you the Smart Board.
SERVICE OFFICER: Cde. Tompkins- See attached report.Cde. Tompkins added to his report that currently serving and former members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) now benefit from an enhanced baggage allowance when they travel with West Jet, Air Canada, Air Rouge or Air Canada Express Flight. These offers apply to both duty and leisure travel.
Cde. Woodruff stood up and thanked Cde. Tompkins for all his help with the DVA.
SGT-AT-ARMS: Cde. Bourdage- See attached report.
SICK AND VISITING: Cde. Sjostrom - See attached report.
Cdes. Dillion and Falle presented the Trophy they won at the 2016 Dominion Doubles Crib Nationals in Charlottetown, PEI. They have won three out of the last four National Championships they have attended. Cde. Dillion mentioned that anyone is welcome to come join the Branch crib league on Wednesday nights here at 7pm.
WAYS & MEANS: Cde. B. LeBlanc- See attached report.
ZONE: Cdes. Walker, Ralph, Himes and Alternate, Cde. Vandale
Next Zone meeting is September 11th in Chemainus.
YOUTH COORDINATOR: - Cde. Grant Vandale - See attached report.
None at this time.
1. Bylaw Committee: Cde. Scott asked Cde. Vandale to be the chair of this committee and Cde. Walker to help. If anyone else would like to be on this committee, please let Cde. Vandale know.
2. Summer Hours for Secretary's Office: Summer Hours are now in effect. Cde. Carmichael will be in the office Monday- Wednesday, 9-4pm.
3. Membership dues: Cde. Scott discussed membership dues are going up at Dominion Command. He let the members know we were not going to be changing our prices for the 2017 year. (M/S/C) Cdes. Sjostrom/B. Hartwig.
4. Back 40 - Cde. Scott said as all of you have seen, the house is gone in the back yard now. It cost $10,800 to get it removed. Cde. Scott asked what we wanted to call the back yard or if we still want to call it the "Back 40". Members all said "Back 40". If anyone has any ideas they would like to see in the Back 40 to please write it down and turn it into the Manager's office or to an executive member. Cde. Scott is looking into the liquor licensing for having parties outback and we need to make sure our license says we can serve liquor and/or have liquor outside.
5. Mayor's Golf Tournament: Cde. Scott said it was a great tournament, the Volunteers had a lot of fun, but it was cold. Cde. Carmichael entered a raffle and won a bike. The City of Langford will be making a donation of $2500 to the Branch for our help.
Cde. Scott has a book he purchased called "Canadian Sniper". If anyone would like to read it, please come to the office and sign it out. The book is a very heartwarming book to read.
Cde. Scott mentioned that Cde. Shiells is planning a pig roast for August 28th here at the Branch, so keep an eye out for that.
There is no General meeting now until September 26th. Have a great summer. The Executive will still be having their meetings once a month.
Executive Meeting:July 20- 5:30 pm
General Meeting:September 26-7:00 pm
MOTION OF ADJOURNMENT: TIME - 8:15 pm (M/S/C)Cdes. L. Peatt/Hyde
**Could those of you who are able, please help stack some of the chairs.
Thank you.
Approved for circulation by Cde. President Norm Scott on July 5/16.