Primary School PE and Sport Funding
Year 1 Development areas
2015-2016 / Year 2 Development areas
2016 - 2017 / Year 3 Development areas
2017 - 2018
To enter as many School Games Competitions as possible with the support of the CLF SSCo. / Trial the CLF RAG Assessment Sheet to ensure and develop competence of all children across NC skills. / To maintain links with local sports clubs and the community to increase participation outside school.
Collate Data for Sainsbury School Games Bronze Awards / To offer a broad curriculum that inspires the children to participate in a wide range of physical activities. (e.g. Healthy Lifestyle Week) / Devise a whole-school CPD plan of support for Staff to increase staff confidence and pupil experience.
To raise the profile of PE throughout the school. / Consolidate participation in School Games and devise a plan of staff support and CPD to ensure effective teaching of Sports Games across the school. / To provide enrichment opportunities for all of the children, giving them access to a sport that they wouldn’t have previously tried.
Developed by: M.Cerepanova
Agreed by : Jan Saunders
Year 3 PE Action Plan 2017 - 2018 / Total amount allocated
£8, 805
Possible use of funding / Why? / Who is responsible? / Action: What is going to happen? / Success Criteria / Breakdown / Planned
Cost / Actual Cost / Time Frame
Pooling funding with other schools to provide CLF SSCo / Increase opportunities
Access specialists to raise standards for pupils and staff / JS, MC / Nigel Cooley is to come in for 1h every week to team teach with Year 6 teacher – delivering Games curriculum.
Nigel Cooley is to run a football lunchtime club for Year 6 (30min a week). / Year 6 pupils are introduced to competitive sports such as football, netball, rounders, cricket, hockey, basketball etc.
Year 6 teacher will develop her confidence and skill in her teaching of Games.
FVA football team is established.
FVA football team is a part of football league. / Buy into CLF support of SSCo for one day per term. / £1000 / One Year - ongoing
Pooling funding with other schools to provide CLF SSCo Transport
Fund / Ensures opportunities for competition eg. CLF Football and School Games Competitions.
Ensures that G & T Pupils have access to stretch themselves in a competitive setting / JS, MC / Academy to select which competitions they are interested.
Frome Vale to compete in CLF Football League. / FVA pupils are able to attend at least 4 intra-school games competitions and 3 inter-schools games competitions.
FVA pupils are able to attend Football League matches.
Pupils begin todevelop team skills, resilience and perseverance. / CLF SSCo Transport Fund co-ordinated by CLF SSCo. / £150 / One Year - ongoing
Paying for Professional Development Opportunities
Funding Future Stars Legacy Project / Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils / 2 coaches will work with the school for one afternoon a week for the whole year (38 weeks in total).
Teachers will team-teach with Future Stars coaching staff – 1 session per week, 2 terms CPD for each class teacher.
Full access to all session plans before and after the coaches work with the teachers will be provided.
FVA will receive a CPD staff meeting - used for either an introduction to the project or to help with another sport/area of PE.
An enrichment morning or afternoon for all of the children, giving them access to a sport that they wouldn’t have previously tried. / Children are more aware of physical education and the priority of it within the school.
Teacher confidence and ability to deliver chosen PE areas is increased and they are able to further utilise planning provided.
Outcomes for children are improved as they regularly engage in well planned and delivered physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles. / Paying coaches and facilitators. / £4,000 / Continual for 2017-2018
Future Stars after-school clubs / COST -Free to the school - Paid for by the parents (about £3.80 per session, per child). / JS, MC, Office / Future Stars will provide two after-school clubs per week. The clubs are presented to the children during an assembly and letters are taken home. Parents sign up on-line through the Future Stars website. / New skills are being developed.
Greater capacity for team work within the classroom.
Increase in self-confidence of pupils.
An interest and willingness in being outdoors engaging in physical activity. / N/A / COST -Free to the school - Paid for by the parents (about £3.80 per session, per child).
After school clubs that offer a wider range of activities / Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
Maintain a link with local clubs / JS, MC, Office / Children will have an opportunity to attend a range of Sports after-school clubs including Street Dance, Tennis and Cricket. / New skills are being developed.
Greater capacity for team work within the classroom.
Increase in self-confidence of pupils.
An interest and willingness in being outdoors engaging in physical activity. / Paying professionals/facilitators
Street Dance – Term 1 / £2000 / Continual
Bristol City Council Modeshift Stars accreditation in conjunction with Living Streets WOW Project / 1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles / MC / FVA will continue to take part in the Living Streets WOW project to record pupil travel information.
MC to apply for Modeshift Stars accreditation program and meet with BCC representative. / School will be able to review and set new targets for increasing walking and cycling. / TBC / Ongoing
Outside sports specialists and resources for whole school healthy/active lifestyle week / To raise the profile of physical education within the school. / MC / Implement a whole school healthy/active lifestyle week for students and staff. Activities to be planned for by teachers for children and outside specialists to come in and take classes. / Children are more aware of physical education and the priority of it within the school.
New skills are being developed.
Pupils show interest and willingness in being outdoors and engaging in physical activity. / To be confirmed / By Term 6
Increasing pupil participation in school games
Attending School Games competitions to sustain Silver Award / To increase participation amongst pupils
To allow all pupils to access opportunities
To continue raising the school’s profile and pupil confidence
To raise whole school aspirations / JS, MC / Children are to go to Football League games.
MC to apply for Sainsbury’s school games silver award when the application is released.
To attend at least 4 intra-school games competitions and 3 inter-schools games competitions. B team to attend at least 1 event.
Children are able to attend Bristol Together Championships (Year 5). / Pupils take part in competitive sports and activities.
Pupils have an opportunity to develop their confidence and interest to get involved in exercise and sports and activities.
Pupils show interest and willingness in being outdoors and engaging in physical activity.
Pupils begin to develop team skills, resilience and perseverance. / Additional staff release hours to take children to football league and other competitions.
Additional staff release hours to take children to Sainsbury’s School Games competitions.
Additional staff release hours to take children to Bristol Together Championships. / £500
£50 / Continual
Provide cover costs to release leading PE staff /
- To provide release time to introduce an effective planning and assessment tool.
- To work in collaboration with many other local schools
This will be used in conjunction with a clear skills progression map for Years 1-6 and the CLF assessment and progress tracking tool.
2. MC to Attend PE Meeting One Hour per term. / 1.Teachers will have a clear understanding of what is expected from each year group and which skills should be taught.
2.Continued collaboration between schools and recognising the needs of the school / Additional TA hours to cover PE Leadership time.
MC to Attend PE Meeting One Hour per term. / £300
£300 / By end of T1
Paying for Professional Development Opportunities / Raise standards in delivery
Improve pupil experience in PE
Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
Maintain a link with Sports professionals / MC / Year 3, 4 & 5 teachers will observe and team-teach with a dance teacher. / Staff will be more confident in their delivery of Dance part of the curriculum.
Children will develop their agility, balance and coordination. / Paying the dance teacher
Year 3 in Term 2
Year 5 in Term 3.
Year 4 in Term 4 / Estimated £420