No Pens Day Wednesday lesson plans matrix
We have developed a large number of lesson plans. You may wish to use these are they are during your No Pens Day Wednesday or you might prefer to take the ideas from them and build your own plan.
This document shows at a quick glance the speaking and listening objectives you will achieve by using the lesson plans provided.
Primary school lesson plans
Year 1 lesson plans
Year / Subject and lesson title / Speaking and listening objective1 / Numeracy: Data Handling (pictograms) / Ask questions and give answers, make suggestions and take turns in a small group
1 / Literacy – ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ /
- Take turns to talk, listen and respond in two-way conversations and groups
- To use newly learnt words in a specific and appropriate way
1 / Science (& Art) - Ourselves /
- To use newly learnt words in specific and appropriate ways
- To listen and respond to questions
1 / History/PSHE – Florence Nightingale /
- To ask relevant questions and find out specific information
- To work in small groups and use language to plan. To understand and respond to questions
1 / RE - RakshaBandhan / To listen to others in class, ask relevant questions and follow instructions
1 / Literacy – Stories with a familiar setting / Takes turns to talk, listen and respond in two-way conversations and groups
1 / Numeracy – Data handling/problem solving / To work with a small group and report back on what we have done
1 / Science/D&T - Materials / To use newly learnt words in a specific and appropriate way
1 / PE - Dance / To understand and follow two or three part instructions
1 / History / To work with a small group and report back on what we have done
1 / English - Tiger Who Came To Tea / Children are able to listen attentively to stories being told or read
1 / Art - Portraits / Confidently start and take part in a group conversation
1 / Citizenship – Making choices / Use language to give opinions and discuss ideas and feelings
1 / Design Technology - Vehicles / Ask questions and give answers, make suggestions and take turns in a small group
1 / Geography - Houses and homes / Ask lots of questions to find out specific information
1 / History - Playtime, toys old and new / Listen to and identify interesting points in an explanation
1 / Maths – 2D shapes / Take turns when speaking and working on a task with a friend or other group members
1 / Music – Sound sensation / Be an effective listener and can identify and make different sounds using their mouth
1 / PE - Multi-skills: bases and balance / Understand complex 2 and 3 part instructions
1 / RE - Harvest / Speak clearly and use longer words with multiple syllables in their speech
1 / Science – What is that! / Use interesting words in my descriptions
Year 2 lesson plans
Year / Subject and lesson title / Speaking and listening objective2 / Numeracy – Measuring length (standard units) /
- To use talk to organise roles and action
- To actively include and respond to all group members
2 / Literacy – Information Texts /
- To explain and give reasons for their views or choices
- To actively include and respond to all group members
2 / Science - habitats /
- To explain and give reasons for their views or choices
- To actively include and respond to all group members
2 / Geography – maps and directions /
- To give clear and precise directions and instructions
- To use newly learnt words in a specific and appropriate way
2 / PSHE – Going for Goals / Takes turns to talk, listen and respond in two-way conversations and groups
2 / Literacy – Poetry ‘Really Looking’ / To use newly learnt words in specific and appropriate ways
2 / Numeracy – Problem Solving / To listen to others in class, ask relevant questions and follow instructions
2 / History – The Great Fire of London / To ask relevant questions to find out specific information
2 / Science/D&T – ‘Health and Growth’ / To use newly learnt words in a specific and appropriate way
2 / PE - Dance / To understand and follow two or three part instructions
2 / PSHE – ‘Good to be me’ / To ask relevant and specific questions in order to gather information
2 / English – Traditional tales /
- Take turns to talk and listen, and respond in two-way conversations
- Identify what is important and unimportant information
2 / Geography – Map work / Join in a discussion about an activity using topic related vocabulary
2 / History – The Great Fire /
- Work in role in small or large groups
- Pupils can improvise and respond to a variety of actions and situations
2 / Maths - Data / Ask questions using appropriate question words
2 / PSHE – Good to be me / Join phrases with words such as if, so, because, etc...
2 / Science - Living things: similarities and differences / Use newly learnt words in a specific and appropriate way
Year 3 lesson plans
Year / Subject and lesson title / Speaking and listening objective3 / Literacy – Reading comprehension /
- Participate in discussions, presentations, performances, role play, improvisations and debates
- Take turns to talk, listen and respond in 2 way conversations and groups
3 / Maths - measurement / Use spoken language to develop understanding through speculating, hypothesising, imagining and exploring ideas
3 / Science – Animals including humans /
- Consider and evaluate different viewpoints, attending to and building on the contributions of others
- Use spoken language to develop understanding through speculating, hypothesising, imagining and exploring ideas
3 / History – war memorials /
- Participate in discussions
- Share ideas with a group
- Listen to other’s ideas in discussion
- Present/summarise ideas from discussion
3 / Music – the percussion factory / Make contributions relevant to the topic and take turns in discussion
3 / Literacy – treasure map /
- Sustain conversation, explain or giving reasons for their views or choices
- Use talk to organise roles and action
- Actively include and respond to all members of the group
3 / Science – healthy eating /
- Sustain conversation, explain or giving reasons for their views or choices
- Use talk to organise roles and action
- Actively include and respond to all members of the group
3 / History - the Vikings /
- Use drama strategies to explore stories or issues
- Identify and discuss qualities of others’ performances, including gesture, action and costume
3 / Numeracy - map directions /
- Use talk to organise roles and action
- Actively include and respond to all members of the group
3 / PSHE – Unwise or Brave? /
- Use drama strategies to explore stories or issues
- Identify and discuss qualities of others’ performances, including gesture, action and costume
3 / English – Traditional Tales / Use intonation to make speech more interesting for listeners
3 / Geography - Investigating our local area / Know when it is appropriate to use formal or informal language
3 / History - The Romans / Take into consideration how much the listener already knows and add or leave out detail accordingly
3 / Maths - Ordering numbers / Use newly learnt words in a specific and appropriate way
3 / PSHE - Group work and problem solving / Present a well created, organised performance to engage the interest of the chosen audience
3 / Science - Characteristics of Materials / Join in a discussion about an activity using relevant topic related vocabulary
Year 4 lesson plans
Year / Subject and lesson title / Speaking and listening objective4 / Literacy: Narrative Recounts /
- Speak audibly and fluently with an increasing command of
- Standard English
- Give well-structured descriptions and explanations
4 / Maths: Geometry – properties of shapes /
- Ask relevant questions to extend their understanding, as well as to build vocabulary and knowledge
- Give well-structured descriptions and explanations
4 / Science: Space /
- To select relevant ideas and use appropriate vocabulary to engage and maintain the interest of listeners
- To use dialogue and discussion to build up and refine ideas, move groups on and reach agreements collaboratively
4 / Literacy: What happened on Tuesday /
- Develop scripts based on improvisation
- Comment constructively on plays and performances, discussing effects and how they are achieved
4 / Maths – Temperature / Make contributions relevant to the topic and take turns in discussion
4 / History: Roman Gods /
- Create roles showing how behaviour can be interpreted from different viewpoints
- Comment constructively on plays and performances, discussing effects and how they are achieved
4 / Geography: Sierra Leone /
- Take different roles in groups and use the language appropriate to them, including different roles
- Follow up others' points and show whether they agree or disagree in whole class-discussion
4 / PSHE: Moral Dilemma /
- Develop scripts based on improvisation
- Make contributions relevant to the topic and take turns in discussion
4 / Science: Insulators and conductors /
- Take different roles in groups and use the language appropriate to them, including different
- Use time, resources and group members efficiently by distributing tasks, checking progress, making back-up plans
4 / Literacy: Narrative Unit 4 – Stories that raise issues/dilemmas, Phase 2 /
- Use different ways to help the group move forward including summarising the main points, reviewing what has been said, clarifying, drawing others in, reaching agreement, considering alternatives and anticipating consequences
- Use dramatic techniques to explore characters and issues
4 / Maths – Problem solving / Understanding of coin values; calculations; calculating change
4 / History: Tudors: Henry VIII and his 6 Wives /
- Make contributions relevant to the topic and take turns in discussion
- Use different ways to help the group move forward, including summarising the main points, reviewing what has been said, clarifying, drawing others in, reaching agreement, considering alternatives and anticipating consequences
4 / Geography: Improving the environment /
- Gain and maintain the interest and response of different audiences [for example, by exaggeration, humour, varying pace and using persuasive language to achieve particular effects]
- Vary contributions to suit the activity and purpose, including exploratory and tentative comments where ideas are being collected together, and reasoned, evaluative comments as discussion moves to conclusions or actions
4 / Science: CSI Primary /
- Speak audibly and clearly, using spoken standard English in formal contexts
- Qualify or justify what they think after listening to others' questions or accounts
Year 5 lesson plans
Year / Lesson and subject title / Speaking and listening objective5 / Literacy: Explanations /
- Give well-structured descriptions and explanations
- Ask relevant questions to extend their understanding and build vocabulary and knowledge
- Use spoken language to develop understanding through speculating, hypothesising, imagining and exploring ideas
5 / Maths: Calculators /
- To select relevant ideas and use appropriate vocabulary to engage and maintain the interest of listeners
- To use dialogue and discussion to build up and refine ideas, move groups on and reach agreements collaboratively
5 / Geography: Rainforests /
- To select relevant ideas and use appropriate vocabulary to engage and maintain interest of listeners
- Give well-structured descriptions and explanations
5 / Literacy: Persuasive Writing / To select relevant ideas and use appropriate vocabulary to engage and maintain interest of listeners
5 / Maths: Measures /
- Take different roles and make relevant contributions in groups
- Use dialogue and discussion to build up and refine ideas collaboratively in groups
5 / Geography: Investigating the Local Area / To use dialogue and discussion to build up and refine ideas, move groups on and reach agreements collaboratively
5 / History: Past Events /
- To select relevant ideas and use appropriate vocabulary to engage and maintain the interest of listeners
- To evaluate own and others’ speech and identify how it varies
5 / Science: Forces in Action /
- To convey complex ideas, using different techniques for clarity and effect
- To extend and justify their opinions and ideas building on what they have learned
5 / Music: Composition / To use dialogue and discussion to build up and refine ideas, move groups on and reach agreements collaboratively
5 / Literacy: Non Chronological Reports
Phase 2 /
- Choose material that is relevant to the topic and to the listeners
- Show clear shape and organisation with an introduction and an ending
- Make contributions relevant to the topic and take turns in discussion
5 / Science: Moving and growing: the heart /
- Make contributions relevant to the topic and take turns in discussion
- Vary contributions to suit the activity and purpose, including exploratory and tentative comments where ideas are being collected together, and reasoned, evaluative comments as discussion moves to conclusions or actions
5 / History: World War 2 (WWII) /
- Qualify or justify what they think after listening to others' questions or accounts
- Use different ways to help the group move forward, including summarising the main points, reviewing what has been said, clarifying, drawing others in, reaching agreement, considering alternatives and anticipating consequences
5 / PHSE: Getting on and falling out /
- Create, adapt and sustain different roles, individually and in groups
- Use character, action and narrative to convey story, themes, emotions, ideas in plays they devise and script
5 / Geography: Water /
- Show clear shape and organisation with an introduction and an ending
- Identify the gist of an account or key points in a discussion and evaluate what they hear
- Ask relevant questions to clarify, extend and follow up ideas
5 / Numeracy: Using and Applying Numbers /
- Vary contributions to suit the activity and purpose, including exploratory and tentative comments where ideas are being collected together, and reasoned, evaluative comments as discussion moves to conclusions or actions
- Qualify or justify what they think after listening to others' questions or accounts
Year 6 lesson plans
Year / Lesson and subject title / Speaking and listening objective6 / Literacy: Discussion and Dilemma writing - Dangle /
- To select relevant ideas and use appropriate vocabulary to engage and maintain the interest of listeners
- To extend and justify their opinions and ideas building on what they have learned
6 / PSHE: Speed Meeting /
- Listen and respond appropriately to adults and their peers
- Ask relevant questions to extend their understanding and build vocabulary and knowledge
- Gain, maintain and monitor the interest of the listener(s)
6 / Maths: Statistics / Give well-structured descriptions and explanations
6 / Literacy: NarrativeWriting /
- To select relevant ideas and use appropriate vocabulary to engage and maintain interest of listeners
- To use dialogue and discussion to build up and refine ideas, move groups on and reach agreements collaboratively
6 / Numeracy: Problem Solving /
- To use dialogue and discussion to build up and refine ideas, move groups on and reach agreements collaboratively
- To extend and justify their opinions and ideas building on what they have learned
6 / History: 20th Century Life /
- Use dialogue and discussion to build up and refine ideas collaboratively in groups
- To convey complex ideas, using different techniques for clarity and effect
- To extend and justify their opinions and ideas building on what they have learned
6 / Geography: Map skills / To use dialogue and discussion to build up and refine ideas, move groups on and reach agreements collaboratively.
6 / Science: Investigating Dissolving /
- To convey complex ideas, using different techniques for clarity and effect
- To extend and justify their opinions and ideas building on what they have learned
6 / RE: Faith in the Community /
- Use dialogue and discussion to build up and refine ideas collaboratively in groups
- To convey complex ideas, using different techniques for clarity and effect
6 / Literacy: Unit 2: Journalistic Writing (Phase 3) /
- Speak audibly and clearly, using spoken standard English in formal contexts
- Evaluate their speech and reflect on how it varies
- According to context and purpose [for example, choice of vocabulary in more formal situations]
6 / Geography: Rivers /
- Gain and maintain the interest and response of different audiences [for example, by exaggeration, humour, varying pace and using persuasive language to achieve particular effects
- Vary contributions to suit the activity and purpose, including exploratory and tentative comments where ideas are being collected together, and reasoned, evaluative comments as discussion moves to conclusions or actions
6 / Science: Interdependence and adaptation /
- Use different ways to help the group move forward, including summarising the main points, reviewing what has been said, clarifying, drawing others in, reaching agreement, considering alternatives and anticipating consequences
- Create, adapt and sustain different roles, individually and in groups
6 / Numeracy: Using co-ordinates /
- Respond to others appropriately, taking into account what they say.
- Make contributions relevant to the topic and take turns in discussion
6 / PSHE: Group work and problem solving /
- Speak audibly and clearly, using spoken standard English in formal contexts
- Use different ways to help the group move forward, including summarising the main points, reviewing what has been said, clarifying, drawing others in, reaching agreement, considering alternatives and anticipating consequences.
- According to context and purpose [for example, choice of vocabulary in more formal situations]
6 / History: Children in Victorian Britain /
- Create, adapt and sustain different roles, individually and in groups
- Use character, action and narrative to convey story, themes, emotions, ideas in plays they devise and script
- Evaluate how they and others have contributed to the overall effectiveness of performances