Intermediate Guided Reading Lesson Plan

The Breadwinner: An Afghan Child in a War Torn Land by Deborah Ellis
ISBN 0-439-44633-3 / Genre:
Biography / Text Structure:
Narrative Informational / Level:
Literacy Core Objective:
Comprehension. Students understand, interpret, and analyze narrative and informational grade level text. / Enduring Understanding: Purpose for reading
Major world events of the 20th century affect the world today.
There are many understandings as to the civic rights and responsibilities humans have to one another.
Content Core Objective:
6th Grade Social Studies Standard IV, Objective 1: Analyze how major world events of the 20th century affect the world today. / “I Can Statements” - Essential Questions:
How have major world events of the 20th century affected our world today
ELL Strategies:
Students reading at this level are likely to be quite fluent speakers of English although they may need more support with idioms, expressions, vocabulary, and multiple meaning words. This will affect their ability to draw conclusions and infer from the text. Encourage these students to use sticky notes or a notebook to jot questions they have while reading to be discussed/clarified at the guided reading table during the following session.
Other ELL strategies can be found at
and tailored to the individual needs of your students.
Before Reading
Tier 2 Vocabulary Words are high frequency words that are found across a variety of domains. At a minimum, provide student-friendly explanations that tell what a word means in everyday connected language. A wide range of vocabulary resources are available at
Activate/Build Prior Knowledge:
Use map on inside of front cover and Author’s Note at the end of the book to build students’ knowledge of Afghanistan and the conflict there.
Comprehension Strategy:
During Reading
Using appropriate Guided reading strategies, students will be reading at their own pace and teachers will be listening to students read, monitoring, giving feedback, taking anecdotal notes and running records.
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
After Reading
Discussion questions:
The Scholastic edition contains discussion questions that are keyed to Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
Content Core Integration:(Science, Soc. St., Math, etc.)
·  Write a summary of the novel, include Parvana’s thoughts about human rights and responsibilities.
·  Complete the self-assessment rubric found at / Activities:
The Scholastic edition contains supplemental activities in the back.

*Not all activities will be done in each lesson. Some lessons may take multiple days to complete. However, all students should be reading each time you meet.