Primary Care Digital Maturity Index Survey – Phase 1, September 2014

Index Survey

A - Infrastructure - baseline understanding
1 / What percentage of GP IT WAN is a managed service?
2 / Do you have firewalls security in place?
3 / Which standard N3 connection speed do you consider that you have?
4 / Is your N3 provision through a CoIN? If No, Do you have any other plans for a CoIN network?
5 / What services do you run over N3/CoIN? (e.g. VPN, telephony, etc.).
6 / What speed of switches are in use across your estate?
7 / What is your minimum cabling specification?
8 / What percentage of practices have a wireless connection?
9 / Please document any additional services that you are running over wireless
“The equipment must meet recommended specifications for National Systems and the relevant GPSoC systems, and is able to run multiple systems simultaneously, (e.g. System One, Choose & Book, word, etc.)at the same time, efficiently, and in a timely manner to support patient care. The type of equipment provided is appropriate to the relevant care setting”.
10 / What percentage of your estate meets the requirement above?
11 / How many current GP IT workstation assets do you have?
12 / What is the average age of your current GP IT Workstation assets?
13 / Do you have any mobiles/Tablets that are provided under GP IT?
PERIPHERALS (e.g. scanners/printers, etc.)
14 / Do your practices cover their own requirements outside of GP IT funding? If Yes, what percentage?
15 / How many printers and scanners (total) are there?
“Servers must meet the recommended specification for national systems where applicable, and the relevant GPSoC systems”.
16 / What percentage of your estate meets the requirement above?
B - Services
GP IT “core” services
Service Desk
17 / Please tell us about your SLA. From the drop down, please select the Priority Code, Priority name, Response time, and Resolution time (choose from drop down). Proposed resolution times: 1 day, 2 days, 3days, between 3-5 days, over 5 days. Proposed response times: Less than a day, 1 day, 2 days, between 3-5 days, over 5 days
18 / In relation to the above, what % of calls are resolved within the SLA
19 / Do you have anescalation process for your GP IT service? If Yes. Do your GPs and their staff know how to escalate?
20 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?
21 / How many of your staff are dedicated to GP IT?
22 / Does your CCG pay for these staff out of GP It funding or out of its own running costs?
23 / Is your Service Desk shared between more than one CCG?
24 / Does your service desk cover multiple services, e.g. all CCGs and all GP practices?
25 / Is your Service Desk provided in house or is it contracted out to a delivery partner?
26 / Does your Service Desk provide an out of hours service? If Yes, is it provided In House or by your Delivery Partner
General Infrastructure Service
27 / How many of your General Infrastructure Service Staff are dedicated to GP IT?
28 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?
29 / Is your General Infrastructure Service provided in house or is it contracted out to a delivery partner?
30 / What are your core operating hours?
31 / What percentage of your estate is enabled for remote support?
32 / Does your General Infrastructure Service provide an out of hours service?If Yes, is it provided In House or by your Delivery Partner?
Local Clinical Server Support
33 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?
34 / Is your Local Clinical Server Support provided in house or is it contracted out to a delivery partner
35 / Does your Local Clinical Server Support Service provide an out of hours service?If Yes, is it provided In House or by your Delivery Partner?
Desktop Maintenance and Support Service
36 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?
37 / How many of your Desktop Maintenance and Support Service staff are dedicated to GP IT?
38 / Is your Desktop Maintenance and Support Service provided in house or is it contracted out to a delivery partner?
39 / What are your core operating hours?
40 / What percentage of your estate is enabled for remote support?
41 / Does your Desktop Maintenance Service provide an out of hours service?
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Support Service
42 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?
43 / Do you or your Delivery Partner offer a Disaster recovery support service?
44 / Has the CCG got a locally commissioned IG service in place?
Asset Management & Software Licencing Service
45 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?
46 / As a percentage, how accurate and up to date are your records across your estate?
Supplier Management and Procurement Service
47 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?
48 / Does your service provider manage this or is it provided in-house?
On-going Support for GP Clinical Systems
49 / Does your provider provide first line clinical system support? If No, how is it provided?
50 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?
Technology Infrastructure Refresh Service
51 / Do you or provider have an in house deployment team?
52 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?
Training Service
53 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?
54 / Does your provider provide training? If Yes, How is it managed?
55 / How many dedicated trainers do you have?
56 / If you do have dedicated trainers what clinical systems do they support?
57 / Do they (dedicated trainers) train staff on national systems/
58 / Do you buy in any additional training services from system suppliers?
59 / Do you cover Microsoft?
National Strategic System Implementation Service
60 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?
61 / Do you have a local deployment team? If Yes, how much do they cost?
Routine Project and Change Management Service
62 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?
63 / Do you have a dedicated programme management office to cover this service?
GP IT “discretionary” services
Additional Infrastructure and Hardware Services
64 / Please provide a short summary of what else you do/provide in this area
65 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?
Additional Service Provision
66 / Please provide a short summary of what else you do/provide in this area
67 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?
Additional GPSoC Services
68 / Please provide a short summary of what else you do/provide in this area
69 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?
Informatics Strategy Support and Planning
70 / Please provide a short summary of what else you do/provide in this area
71 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?
Estates Strategy Service?
72 / Please provide a short summary of what else you do/provide in this area
73 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?
Exploitation and Optimisation of Core Clinical systems
74 / Please provide a short summary of what else you do/provide in this area
75 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?
Primary Care Data Quality Service
76 / Please provide a short summary of what else you do/provide in this area
77 / What is the cost of the service in £000s?

John Sadler,

PCDMI Programme Lead,

!7 September 2014