Pride in Practice Standards
Children Looked After Reviews including midway – Independent Reviewing Officers
1 / I have read the IRO handbook and continue to refer to it so that I am discharging the full range of duties legally required of me to improve outcomes for children looked after.2 / I have read the Wandsworth Permanency Strategy and understand my role as IRO in driving timely permanence for children looked after.
3 / I have kept the needs and the voice of the child at the centre of my work.
4 / I have arranged all reviews in line with timings specified in the Regulations
· First Review within 20 working days of the child being placed in Local Authority care checking that Permanence Planning Meetings have started
· Second review no more than three months after the first endorsing the Permanence Plan;
· Third and subsequent no more than six months after the previous review.
· Three monthly for all children looked after who are less than 5 years old
· No more than 3 months after the authorisation to place a child for adoption and thereafter not more than 6 months after the previous review
· No more than 4 weeks after a child has been placed for adoption, the 2nd not more than 3 months after this and subsequently at 6 monthly intervals until an adoption order is made or the child is no longer placed with the prospective adopter.
· Within 28 days of a Placement Order being made and thereafter every 3 months
· A review whenever the IRO directs; and
· A review in all other circumstances as specified in the Regulations
· I have agreed the date and venue of the next review with everyone involved at the review in progress.
· I have booked a mid way review at the end of the CLA review
5 / I have continued to maintain oversight between planned reviews and meetings.
6 / I have arranged 3 monthly CLA Reviews for all looked after children who are less than 5 years old.
7 / I have written to the child introducing myself using the proforma letter explaining the role of the IRO in their life. I have adapted the letter to the child’s needs and given them my contact details in the letter.
8 / I have talked to the social worker and the child as soon as possible before the 1st review and at least 20 working days before subsequent reviews about who the child would like to attend; where it will be held or to confirm if arrangements were made at the previous review; that the report will be ready in time to share with the child before the review..
9 / I have led a single planning and reviewing process where a child looked after remains subject of a child protection plan without compromising the independence of the IRO role.
10 / I have considered whether the criteria continues to be met for the child to remain subject of a child protection plan and considered bringing forward the review
11 / I have addressed permanence for the child at the first review making sure that a Permanence Planning Meeting has taken place and endorsed a permanence plan at the second CLA Review saying why I support the plan, or not, demonstrating my ability to quality assure the care plan. I have noted it as a key decision in my IRO oversight case note within 5 working days of the review.
12 / I have attended Permanence Planning Meetings whenever possible and maintained oversight of progress throughout; make sure they are taking place and are recorded in the Mosaic form at least 6 weekly until permanence is achieved.
13 / I have made sure the Adoption and Permanency team are invited to the 2nd CLA review where I have to endorse the permanence plan for the child.
14 / I have provided independent scrutiny and challenged practice if a permanence plan is not proposed at the child’s second CLA Review. I have recorded IRO oversight on the case file with case note alerts.
15 / I have raised any concerns I have about achieving permanence with the social worker and team manager. I have recorded our discussion in an IRO oversight case note and escalated as a care planning alert if I remain concerned that there is drift or delay in achieving permanence for a child.
16 / I have met with the child before their review and listened to their wishes and feelings. I have made sure they understand their care plan and have a copy of it. I have explained their entitlement to an advocate and how an advocate might help them. I have given them my contact details.
16 / I have raised any concerns I have after talking to the child or young person with the social worker and team manager. I have recorded the concerns in an IRO oversight case note and escalated as a care planning alert if the concerns aren’t resolved within 10 working days.
18 / I have used the Signs of Safety practice framework to structure the review meeting.
19 / I have made sure the views of the birth parents or any other adults with PR; other significant adults in the child’s life like extended family members; those caring for the child, such as foster carers and relevant professionals are considered at the review, whether or not they attend the meeting.
20 / I have recorded an IRO oversight case note within 5 working days of the review stating the date the review took place with a brief summary of the key decisions or recommendations. I have used the case note alert function to make sure the team manager and social worker are aware of my case note.
21 / I have recorded the Record of the CLA Review in the Mosaic within 15 working days using child centred language that makes the review meaningful to the child and passed it to the social worker so they can record an updated assessment in time for the next review. .
22 / My analysis reflects my understanding of the child and their family and it is demonstrated in the analysis of the IRO section of the Record of the CLA Review.
23 / I have written to the Agency Decision Maker to endorse a permanence plan of long term fostering for a child looked after over 12 years old, uploaded the email to the child’s record and recorded the ADM decision as a case note and in the next Record of CLA Review.
24 / I have convened a midway meeting to review progress of the care plan, including the child’s health and education plan and consider arrangements for the next CLA Review including how sensitive issues will be addressed with the child or young person and how they will participate in the review. I have recorded an IRO oversight case note with the date of the mid way review and any key actions or recommendations with a cross reference to a detailed write up of the midway in documents.
25 / I have facilitated the child’s participation in their CLA Review, including co-chairing their CLA Reviews where possible (adding in the case note the child participated by co-chairing or co-minuting)
26 / I have clearly recorded my oversight of the case in between CLA Reviews.
27 / I have completed the monitoring forms after the CLA Review and have highlighted good practice and challenged poor practice, especially drift and delay in care planning and risk management. I have passed the monitoring form with the participation codes to the BSO by a Thursday of every week
28 / I have escalated concerns to my line manager if I have not received a satisfactory response to the safeguarding alert within 10 working days.
29 / I have celebrated the child’s successes and drawn up a SMART plan with them at their CLA review with clear actions and timescales. I have made a back up plan that clearly records actions that need to be taken if the plan is not progressing.
30 / I have contributed to quality assuring placements for looked after children by giving feedback to the Foster Panel for the foster carers’ review.
Wandsworth Borough Council |2nd Edition December 2017