Price List for Lone Wolf Farm (As of January 1, 2018)

Cheques payable to Marilyn McFadden please apply HST to all services.

E-transfers to be sent to

Unfortunately we do not accept Paypal at this time


Indoor: New Barn $565.00 per month and Old Barn $515.00 per month

Outdoor with grain: $365.00 per month

Outdoor without grain: $340.00 per month

Lessons: To be paid at the beginning of the 3 month lesson period (1 month paid up front and 2 post-dated cheques for other 2 months)

Boarders paying for 4 lessons per month: $124.00/month ($31/lesson)

Group lessons: $36.00/lesson (approx. 1 hour)

Private lessons: $47.00/lesson (approx. 45 min)

Beginner Program: $400.00 (12 x “one on one” lessons learning basics of grooming and riding) - Ask for our Beginner Program package to learn more.

Lessons with Ron King: Semi-private- $55.00/lesson and Private - $80.00/lesson

Individual Rides: (not including at shows) $30.00/ride

Packages: Choose one of the following:

Basic: 1 lesson/mth + 1 training ride Or 2 training rides - $230.00/mth

Full Training: 3 days per week: $330.00/mth

Full Training: 4 days per week: $416.00/mth

Full Training: 5 days per week: $500.00/mth

Leasing: Part and Full leases available. Pay to lease one horse or pay a lease fee and ride different horses each week.

Show Fees:

Coaching (Lone Wolf Farm): $50.00/day

Trailering (LWF clients to local shows): 2017 rates are $120 per horse trailed to location in the Ottawa Valley. Trailering rates to shows in Quebec or Toronto are TBD.

Rides by a LWF Coach: $20.00/class or $35.00/division

Day Fees (wrapping/loading): $15.00/one-way, $25.00/two-way

‘A’ (Gold)Show fees: please discuss for day fees, expense splitting etc. Range $75- $120/day (depends on the number of riders going to the show)


10% of final sale price if horse/pony is sold through LWF

2% Finder’s fee or $100/viewing (which ever is lower) for horses purchased while you are a client at LWF


Indoor Board: Included in monthly board fee

Outdoor Board: Boarder is responsible for blanketing their own horse. If Boarder would like LWF staff to blanket their horse according to weather changes, the cost is $75/mth in addition to the monthly Board fee (only on months selected, i.e. winter months only if desired)

Lay-ups: **Any medical supplies supplied by LWF will be billed on the next invoice.

$5/day or $75/mth additional to regular board (for hand walking, cold hosing, stable wraps etc.)

Emergency Medical Care: $25/hour (between 8:00pm and 7:00am) for night medical care.

Cheques payable to Marilyn McFadden and HST is now applied to all services.