Prevention Research Centers

National Community Committee Monthly Conference Call

2008 Digest of Minutes


Month / Meeting Minutes / Page
January / Leadership / N/A
Membership / 1
February / Leadership / 5
Membership / 6
March / Leadership / No minutes
Membership / No minutes
April / Leadership / 8
Membership / 9
May / Leadership / 10
Membership / 11
June / Leadership / 13
Membership / 14
July / Leadership / 16
Membership / 17
August / Leadership / 20
Membership / 20
September / Leadership / 23
Membership / 23
October / Leadership / 25
Membership / 26
November / Leadership / 27
Membership / 28
December / Leadership / 31
Membership / 32

January 8, 2007

Membership Call Minutes

In Attendance:

Chuck Conner (WVA) Yvonne Lewis (Michigan)

Ella Greene-Moton (MI) Theresa Rudder (Colorado)

Imogene Wiggs (St. Louis) Sandy Good (KY)

Jenny Oliphant (Minnesota) Alicia Norris (CDC/PRC Office)

Freda Motton (St. Louis) Mrs. E. Hill DeLoney (MI)

Linda Forys (U of Texas) Ralph Fucillo (Harvard)

Gabriel McNeal (MN) Sharon Bradford (Yale/Griffin)

Ila Tittlebaugh (Arizona) Charmayne Little (John Hopkins)

Helen Lester (Colorado Linda Pekuri (SC)

Staci Kaczkowski (Pittsburgh) Paul Gilmer (WVA)

Susan Demers (NY)

Arlene Sparks (MI)

Welcome and Introductions

The meeting was called to order by Chuck Conner, Chair. A roll call was taken and updated during the call.

Review of Minutes (12/11/07)

The minutes of the last call were reviewed. No corrections or additions. It was moved and 2nd to approve the minutes. Motion carried.

PRC Steering Committee

Chuck submitted the NCC’s wording for the PRC Re-Competition. Note: Alicia suggested that the title include from the NCC Membership/Leadership Team along with the PRC Directors. This was a very good suggestion and is now included in the Final Draft.

Breakout Session Recommendations

Chuck has requested someone to lead a sub-committee to sort out and review the information that was outlined on flip charts and breakout sessions at the retreat. Paul Gilmer was asked to Chair this sub-committee. Theresa Rudder and Linda Pekuri will assist. Chuck will invite Lisa Hoffman and Suzanne DeVore to participate as well. Chuck will get the information to Paul and the committee will be asked to review the recommendations and come up with a list of the top 5 priorities by the next conference call.

PRC Program Planning (update)

Sandy Good will be doing a presentation during a break out session at the Annual Meeting in Atlanta. The topic is The Challenges of Identifying and Retaining Community Partnership Boards and Members including having diversity at the table. She is requesting help in this presentation. Yvonne has indicated she will work with Sandy in this presentation.

NCC Genomics and R03
As a result of the successful facilitation of the Midwest Genomics Forum, October 12, 2007, the Center for Public Health and Community Genomics, in collaboration with two of the NCC Midwest Region Representatives (Michigan and Minnesota) has submitted a proposal in response to the RFA-OD-001, "NIH Partners in Research Program (RO3)"
The Specific Aims of the proposal include:
Creating a permanent "Community Genomics Research Council" in two states (Michigan and Minnesota) to promote community engagement in genomics research through activities including: (a) Education on genetics research and its potential for improving community health and reducing health disparities; (b) Dialogue between community residents and genetics scientists to further mutual understanding and promotion of
common goals; and (c) Ongoing relationships between community-based organizations and research institutions carrying out genetics research to further join educational activities, two-way communications, and research collaboration. In addition, the proposal aims to enhance and utilize the "" web site as well as plan for a future scale-up of the Community Genomics Research Councils through their replication in other states. Ella, as Community Liaison for this project, will bring updates on the progress of this submission.
Ella also commented on the Center's related request for NCC's level of interest in a follow-up with the funders of the Midwest Genomics Forumand the possibility of them providing additional funding to hold similar forums in other NCC Regions mentored by the five reps from the Midwest Region. We received some responses from NCC members and will plan to move forward.

NIH Partners in Research (R03)

Due to the overlap of R03 and R01 it was decided just to continue to work on the R01 as we can involve more partners in the R01. Asked for support from NCC and PRC’s.

CCPH Membership – Application has been completed.

Committee Reports:

Communications (Imogene Wiggs) – Have sent brochure to CDC creative services for review and will make recommendations.

Fund Development (Yvonne Lewis) – On a roll! Have received resources from Midwest Forum; continue to look for proposals to come forward.

Policy, Procedures and Operations (Ella Greene-Moton) – During the retreat, wanted to have the revised procedures completed by the February meeting. Have one area to still be worked on and will be sending out to everyone look at for acceptance.

Content ( Report from Ralph per Sylvia) - Request that the asset mapping information be sent in to Sylvia ASAP.

Regional Updates:

Northeast – Had a conference call today. Discussed the results of the retreat. Access issues were brought forward. Would like for the Northeast region to get support among their PRC’s to be part of the Genomics Research Project but their academic partners are not in that space, at this time.

Midwest – Gabriel McNeal is the new Director of this region. Still talking about the Genomics Midwest piece.

Southeast – No report

West - No report

Southwest - Linda Forys announced Melanie Gilmore has resigned from the Health Department and will no longer be participating as the NCC representative. Linda will be working on a replacement and will be participating as much as possible.

Action/carry-over items review:

·  Linda Pekuri reminded the group that the third break out session was called the Membership and Momentum and that Sylvia Stevens Edouard took notes. Ella will facilitate the retrieval of the information from Sylvia.

·  Alicia will send Sylvia’s email address to the NCC listserv, to remind the group of where to send the asset mapping/matrix information.

·  Chuck will e-mail the breakout information to the sub-committee, Chaired by Paul Gilmer, for completion of the process and a report will be made at the next call.

·  If anyone would like to help Sandy Good with her presentation, please contact her at

Next Call: Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February 12th, 2008

Leadership Team Call


Sandy Good (KY) Charmayne Little (Johns Hopkins)

Gabriel McNeal (MN) Yvonne Lewis (MI)

Imogene Wiggs (St. Louis) Linda Pekuri (South Carolina)

Chuck Conner (WVA) Lisa Puestas (San Diego)

Theresa Rudder (Colorado Josefina Dhunganna (UCLA)

Alicia Norris (CDC) Helen Lester (Colorado)

Ella Greene- Motton (MI) Rose Marie Rodriguez-Hager (MN)

Lisa Hoffman (San Diego) Ila Tittlebaugh (Arizona)

Sharrice White-Cooper (CDC) Elena Quintanar (San Diego)

Freda Moton (St. Louis) Paul Gilmer (WVA)

Ralph Fucillo (Harvard) Sylvia Stevens-Edouard (Harvard)

Gary Tang (WA) Mrs. E. Hill DeLoney (MI)

Leadership Team Meeting Minutes

Welcome & Introductions

The meeting was called to order by Chuck Conner, Chair. A roll call was taken and updated during the call.

PRC Steering Committee

Chuck reported that 4-5 met to develop potential agenda items for the PRC Director’s meeting in Atlanta. There currently has not been any information regarding a budget as yet from the Feds. There was some discussion in terms of not knowing who was going to get funding at this time. Freda, as Chair Elect, will be elected to serve on the steering committee. There was some discussion about the Chronic Disease Conference in December. Yvonne Lewis is the representative on the planning committee. Chuck will provide the steering committee with a one page list of activities of the NCC.

Breakout Session Recommendations

Lisa reported on the work of the committee that worked on the recommendations of the break out sessions at the retreat. Sharrice recommended that we have a broad array of items that we could present to the CDC/PRC. Chuck wants further input from NCC members. This will be presented during the NCC membership conference call later in the meeting. How do we use this information; how do we distribute this information; how do we use it on our March agenda? Sharrice recommends that we include recommendations of what the NCC will be working on. She suggests that we provide a couple of paragraphs of background information. Make it clear what the NCC would like the CDC to do with this information. Chuck stated that he would like to get this information to Eduardo before the March meeting.

March meeting Agenda

The proposed agenda that Chuck sent out was reviewed. Ralph suggests that we allow more time for the discussion of follow up of the retreat. Freda suggested that we give some time to the Genomics (NCC Program/Project Overviews); Discussion held regarding having further meeting time during Dinner. It was decided that another Leadership Call will be held to pull together the agenda and look at the recommendations.

Membership Call

Welcome & Introductions: The meeting was called to order by Chuck Conner, Chair. A roll call was taken and updated during the call.

Review of Minutes (01/08/08)

Members received the minutes via e-mail. No comments corrections or additions were noted. Motion by Paul to approve the minutes as presented; 2nd by Ila. Motion approved.

NCC Genomics - Ella Greene-Moton

Reported on 2 items that involve NCC members which include presentations at the March meeting; (1) is from the Midwest region on the Forum that was held – “ Genomics Community and Equity a Continuing Dialogue”. Focus will be on the work that has been done and will highlight the work that was done in organizing this effort and to show the face of the Midwest region and the uniqueness of each of the states. (2) Another presentation will be on ethical dilemmas which were faced during this project.

NIH Partners in Research (R03) - Yvonne and Freda

Followed up on the comments that were submitted on the RO1. It is unknown when this will be approved.

Committee Reports

Communications - Imogene Wiggs

New NCC Bookmark was sent to the Leadership Team for approval. This will take the place of the NCC Brochure. Discussion was held as to how we will use this bookmark and how it will be distributed. Alicia will be sending the bookmark to the full membership. Discussion was also held regarding the pamphlet that was put together by the CDC/PRC which is the story of the National Community Committee. Members should have received a copy. A special thanks to Alicia for her input in getting this pamphlet together.

Fund Development - Yvonne Lewis

We have money! We have received resources from the Genomics Forum; we have sent in membership for the CCPH.

Policy, Procedures & Operations - Ella Greene-Moton

Chuck asked how does the funds development fit into the PPO? Ella noted that we need to formalize the fiscal agent piece. A draft was sent to the membership for the final version of the document. The plan is to bring to Atlanta as the final document. Members were urged to review this draft and get back to Ella by February 19, 2008.

Content - Sylvia Stevens-Edouard

Received 70 plus responses but does not reflect all 33 PRC’s. There will be one last attempt to get responses from as many PRC’s as possible. Alicia will send out another request for completion of the Asset Mapping to those PRC’s that have not responded. The last date to get to Sylvia will be February 19, 2008. The Content Committee has a conference call set on February 26th which will be used to discuss the results of the Asset Mapping data and how best to present it.

Regional Updates:

Northeast – Sylvia reported that a phone call meeting was held and there is an interest in receiving more information about Genomics. The discussion was that the area of Genomics will need to be brought to the forefront of the general public and they would like to be a little more informed about it. They also discussed having sign language used as an official language. .

Midwest –Gabriel McNeal/Freda Moton: Focused on the Genomics project.

Southeast – Chuck Conner responded since Sandy Good was no longer on the call. Chuck reported they will be contacting their regional PRC’s for support of the October retreat.

West - Lisa Hoffman – Haven’t met recently.

Southwest - Theresa Rudder – Sent out e-mails to the region reminding of the NCC retreat and urging their attendance.

Action/carry-over items review (Chuck)

·  Sharrice to assist in arranging a Leadership Meeting.

·  PPO committee needs another conference call – Alicia will arrange.

·  Content Committee call will be on the 26th.

·  Asset Mapping due on February 19th. Sylvia will send a list of those who need to respond to Alicia.

·  Reponses to the PPO regarding operating procedures document to Alicia by February 19th.

Next Call: Tuesday March 11th, 2008

NOTE: No March minutes because the annual meeting occurred. Please see Meeting Minutes for March 2008.

April, 2008

Leadership Call


Theresa Rudder (CO) Chuck Conner (WV)

Alicia Norris (CDC/PRC) E. Hill DeLoney (MI

Ralph Fucillo (Harvard) Helen Lester (CO)

Josephina Dhungana (UCLA) Freda Motton (SLU)

Imogene Wiggs (SLU) Sandy Good (KY)

Paul Gilmer (WV) Ella Greene-Moton (MI) (Leadership Call Only)

Gabriel McNeal (MN) Katie Barnes (UNC)

Lisa Hoffman (SD) Antonio Tovar (FL)

Barbara Grayson (OK) Joanne Brown (OR)

David Reese (KY) David Collins (ATL)

Leadership Call Minutes

Welcome & Introductions – The meeting was called to order by Chuck Conner, Chair.

Participants’ Roll Call - A roll call was taken and updated during the call.

Breakout Session Recommendation

Need to address levels of funding to include into the recommendations from NCC to Eduardo. Chuck will get this out by tomorrow (Wednesday, April 9th) This needs to be back by Friday (April 11). Then will wrap it up to get to Eduardo.