Capital Area Human Services
Prevention Program Annual Report 2015
Goal: Implement evidence-based programs to prevent substance use among youth and promote a healthy lifestyle among families in the region.
School-Based Prevention Curriculum(Enrolled 7,678 students in FY 2014)
Evidence-based curriculum implemented in the schools to enhance skills among youth to resist social influences to use drugs and to improve general competence and self-esteem. Curriculum focuses on increasing knowledge about harmful effects of substance use, providing realistic prevalence of substance use, and improving problem-solving, decision-making, resistance, and communication skills among youth.
Curriculum programs include:
-Coping Skills (elementary grades) – Pointe Coupee parish, Central School -EBR, Iberville parish, WBR parish
-Guided Imagery (high school grades) – East and West Feliciana parishes
-Kids Don’t Gamble,Wanna Bet (middle school grades) – Ascension parish- (special project funded by OBH through the Gambling funds)
-Life Skills (high school grades) – Ascension parish
Community-Based Programs
Evidenced-based family focused curriculum implemented in the community to enhance the parent- child relationship by building problem-solving, decision-making and communication skills.
-Strengthening Families (children age 6-12 and caregivers) – EBR
Community Health Fairs & Onsite Wellness Programs –Upon request, informational materials related to substance use prevention and treatment resources are provided as part of a community sponsored health fair. Participate in wellness programs such as Recovery Month, Great American Smokeout, etc. that are provided onsite with support from community agencies and CAHS staff to promote healthy living.
Public Awareness Campaigns– Media campaigns are developed to distribute prevention and treatment messages through billboards, newspaper, movie theater ads, door hangers, social media, etc.A new Prevention Webpage on the CAHS website has been developed to feature educational information, links to national prevention websites, news and events, and publications. CAHS collaborates with local agencies such as Crimestoppers, LAMAR Advertising, the Advocate, local newspapers, etc. in developing media campaigns.Prom and Graduation Substance Abuse Preventionmessages are delivered regionally through media and promotional items to reinforce a drug-free prom and graduation season. CAHS launched an anti-synthetic marijuana campaign in 2014 for youth and adults using print media, billboards, educational flyer, and a music video.
Community Prevention Collaboration Projects/Special Events(During FY 2014, CAHS reached 13,315 participants in prevention community events).
Community Health Worker Program called “Community Health Connections” in Pointe Coupee Parish (started September 2012) In collaboration with Pointe Coupee Hospital, CAHS provides a Community Health Worker program toassistadult residents and their family to find and use local health resources, increase knowledge aboutdeveloping a healthier lifestyle, and manage health conditions. During 2014, the CHW combined monthly caseload was 40 clients.The most frequent chronic conditions among participants included hypertension and diabetes. There were a total of 1,240 visits completed. CHW services included chronic disease self-management, health education, social support and referral to community resources. There were 415 referrals made for resources such as dental services, transportation, housing, nutritionist, primary care health clinic, etc. Community health education activities reached a total of 468 people. CHWs have expanded outreach efforts to include collaborative activities to promote integrated primary and behavioral health care.
Local Parish Government/Schools/Coalitions-CAHS collaborates with the local parish government and school system in use of the Caring Communities Youth Survey results and other data to assist in parish level prevention planning. Town hall meetings provide a forum to discuss major issues such as underage drinking, drugs and tobacco use, violence, and gambling. CAHS is a member of the ICARE Advisory Council of EBR School System that makes recommendations and implements community projects to address substance abuse and violence in EBR parish.Several parish Coalitions in the region have received SAMHSA grant funding (Drug-Free Communities and La Partnership for Success)to address substance use/abuse among youth and young adults using prevention environmental strategies. CAHS provides technical assistance and fiscal management for these grant funded projects.
O’Brien House “I’m a Good Kid Too” Annual Youth Festival (October) - CAHS provides a booth at the festival with informational materials.300 participants
Governor’s Office: State Epidemiology Workgroup (SEW)- The State Epidemiology Workgroup works in collaboration with the Prevention Systems Committee to advise and make recommendations to the Drug Policy Board on issues relating to programs, policies, and practices that build a solid foundation for delivering and sustaining an effective substance abuse prevention effort. The State Epidemiology Workgroup is comprised of individuals and organizations who are knowledgeable about alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug data and prevention issues. CAHS is a member of the SEW.
Fetal Infant Mortality Review(FIMR)–A program supported by DHH to reduce the fetal-infant mortality rate in targeted areas by identifying health system interventions for improvement including prenatal care, social support services, education, home visitation and community based outreach. Clinical FIMR teams review and analyze abstracted regional fetal and infant deaths and make recommendations for community interventions to the community FIMR team. CAHS is a member of the review and community FIMR teams.
Birth Outcomes Initiative–A program supported by DHH which is a targeted cross-departmental and cross-sector initiative to improve the outcomes of Louisiana’s births and health of Louisiana’s moms and babies.In partnership with prenatal providers in Region 2, CAHS provided prenatal screening, supportand referral for substance use, depression and domestic violence as part of a SAMHSA grant supported program in the Capital area. The program has transitioned to the LaHART program that is offering reimbursement to Medicaid prenatal providers for providing electronic prenatal screening and brief intervention.As of January 2014, CAHS is co-locating a social worker to provide brief intervention services at a Woman’s Hospital outpatient prenatal care clinic with plans to expand to other clinic sites.
CAHS’s Annual Public Forum- Annual event to gain input from the public to use in strategic planning for service enhancements. Agenda includes speakers, community dialogue, and informational material. ~180 attendees
Woman’s Hospital Baby Grand Event-Sat., held twice/year at Woman’s Hospital(participants tour hospital, attend classes, meet with physicians, and view materials from local vendors). CAHS provides a booth of informational materials related to substance abuse and pregnancy. ~1,500“moms-to-be” register and over 3,000 visitors attend the events.
For More Information on CAHS’s Prevention Programs in Your Area Contact:
Prevention Specialists:Prevention Division Director:
Charlene Gillard – Vivian
Bridget Lewis – 225.922.2672