Preventing Childhood Obesity Scrutiny Action Plan

Recommendation / Cabinet Members Comments / Rec Accepted by Executive? / Target Date for Action / Lead Officer / OSC Update / Notes
Recommendation 1
That the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee will closely monitor progress against National Indicator NI56 – obesity among primary school age children in Year 6 / Approve. / Annually in December / Jackie Heighton / 08.12.10 / NI55 and NI56 are monitored and the figures are reported to the Health and Well being Board. Measurements from June/ July 2009 (academic year 08/09) due in December 2010 and will be brought back to committee following publication.
- See Appendix 1 for 2008/09 Data.
Recommendation 2
That the collection of data for the NCMP continues to use an ‘opt-out’ consent format. / Approve. / Annually in May / Teresa Waleboer / 08.12.10 / This is part of a standard national child measurement, which is rolled out within the ‘opt out’ consent format.
Recommendation 3
That the results of the NCMP be automatically fed back to parents and include an information pack for all children classed as overweight or obese with signposts to the relevant support services. / Approve. / Annually in July / Teresa Waleboer / 08.12.10 / Packs are sent out to those parents who request further advice following the receipt of the standardised results letter. Data is compared nationally.
Recommendation 4
That the commissioning of a family based weight management programme continues should the full evaluation of the Carnegie Weight Management Pilot Programme be deemed to have been successful in reducing child obesity levels. / Approve. / Oct 2010 / Jackie Heighton / 08.12.10 / Plans are in place to commission such a service but a number of issues need to be successfully managed in order to fully implement the programme. Carnegie evaluation was provided to Scrutiny Working Group and whilst successful was expensive. A blend of approaches bespoke to Blackpoolis being developed.
Recommendation 5
That the scheme to reward regular users of the school meals service should not be repeated. / Approve. / Oct 2010 / Stephen Crawshaw / 08.12.10 / Confirmation that this scheme willnot be repeated.
Recommendation 6
That catering services should continue to explore funding options to enable a biometric system to be implemented in all high schools. / Approve. / Aug 2010 / Stephen Crawshaw / 08.12.10 / Biometric systems are not always 100% successful and may cause problems with ‘queuing.’ Therefore, an introduction of pin number systems such as,the Family Friendly payment system can be a more efficient way forward. This system has beenrolled out in 4 primary schools. Rollout to rest of Primary schools by end of year. Roll out to secondary schools due by Easter 2011
School nurses ensure all primary schools receive appropriate coverage on Healthy Lunchboxes for KS1 + KS2.
This includes information sessions with guidance leaflets, stalls for parents and participation in Health Weeks
The same approach is delivered by Health Mentors within Secondary Schools.
Recommendation 7
That the Catering Steering Group develops a system which utilises an efficient family friendly payments system in all Blackpool schools. / Approve. / Aug 2010 / Stephen Crawshaw / 08.12.10 / (As per Recommendation 6)
Introduction of Family Friendly payment system. Already in 4 primary schools. Rollout to rest of Primary schools by end of year. Roll out to secondary schools due by Easter 2011
School nurses ensure all primary schools receive appropriate coverage on Healthy Lunchboxes for KS1 + KS2.
This includes information sessions with guidance leaflets, stalls for parents and participation in Health Weeks.
The same approach is delivered by Health Mentors within Secondary Schools.
Recommendation 8
That guidance on packed lunches continues to be issued to all schools and that schools continue to promote healthy packed lunches. / Approve. / Sept 09 / Teresa Waleboer/ Debbie Park / 08.12.10 / School nurses ensure all primary schools receive appropriate coverage on Healthy Lunchboxes for KS1 + KS2.
This includes information sessions with guidance leaflets, stalls for parents and participation in Health Weeks.
The same approach is delivered by Health Mentors within Secondary Schools.
Recommendation 9
That all high schools ensure that effective measures are in place to prevent pupils leaving the school premises during lunchtime. / Approve. / TBA / Head Teachers Forum / 08.12.10 / Recommendation to be presented to the next Head Teacher Forum Feb 2011, however, such measures are for local determination by head teachers and their governing bodies.
Recommendation 10
That Blackpool Council’s planning department explore the feasibility of a consultation to restrict the number of fast food takeaways in close proximity to schools. / Approve. / Dec 2010 / Gary Johnston / 08.12.10 / A Supplementary Planning Document could be considered which could seek to resist the opening of any new hot food take-aways within a certain radius of schools. To be discussed with the AD for Housing, Planning and Transport.
Would like to advise the Committee to exchange the word “consultation” with “policy.”
Introduction of an SPD would be a matter of drafting by the Department’s Development Plans & Projects Division.
Any planning policy which sought to limit or prohibit new hot food take-aways within a specified distance of schools would have to be subject to formal adoption following public consultation, including with interested business groups. Such policy would have to be clearly rooted in valid town planning considerations to be supported at appeal.
Recommendation 11
That Blackpool Council’s planning department liaise with fast food outlets located in the vicinity of schools to encourage and promote the availability of healthy food options. / Approve. / Philip Welsh / Trading Standards and EHO/Jackie Heighton / 08.12.10 / This is a role for NHS Blackpool, therefore, a meeting between NHS Blackpool Healthy Weight Healthy Lives Lead and Trading Standards is being arranged to discuss options.
Recommendation 12
That all schools meet the PSA target of offering 2 hours high quality physical activity within the school curriculum. / Approve. / Oct 2010 / Justine Blomeley / 08.12.10 / Majority of schools have engaged in this recommendation, although, this is not a statutory duty; however Lead Officer continuing to engage and encouraging at every opportunity. Currently have an average of 113 minutes across Blackpool Schools.
Recommendation 13
That Blackpool Council’s website provides clearer information on the availability of sports facilities within the town with the information updated on a regular basis. / Approve. / Oct 2010 / Chris Simcock / 08.12.10 / Launched a new website called Sport Blackpool, which will ensure this recommendation is completed. The website is updated on a weekly basis.
Recommendation 14
That the availability of sports facilities be publicised more widely with consideration being given to utilising school notice boards for this purpose. / Approve. / Oct 2010 / Justine Blomeley / 08.12.10 / PE Depts promote local club sessions via school notice boards.
Recommendation 15
That gym facilities are provided for young people to encourage physical activity. / Approve.
Suggested that gym facilities be provided in all future developments of young people’s centres. / Oct 2010 / Chris Simcock / 08.12.10 / Launching a junior membership to access local gyms.
Additional provision for St. Marys/Highfield.
No specialist gym facilities included within Southpoint as already a sports facility on-site. (planning is based on a whole-campus approach).
Recommendation 16
That representation is made to the Lawn Tennis Association to request assistance in providing affordable tennis facilities within Blackpool. / Approve. / Oct 2010 / Chris Simcock / 08.12.10 / Meeting arranged with County Development Manager to discuss.
Recommendation 17
That all schools within Blackpool have a travel plan in place. / Approve. / Oct 2010 / Ross Ford / 08.12.10 / All schools bar 1 have a travel plan in place linked to NI 198 and monitoring of travel plans is in operation. However, even though this is not a statutory duty, the lead officer will continue to encourage the opt out school at every opportunity.
Reception / Year 6 / Reception / Year 6 / Reception / Year 6 / Reception / Year 6 / Reception / Year 6
England average 2007/08 / 1.3%
(+/-0.03%) / 1.4%
(+/-0.03%) / 76.2%
(+/-0.12%) / 66%
(+/-0.13%) / 13%
(+/-0.1%) / 14.3%
(+/-0.1%) / 9.6%
(+/-0.08%) / 18.3%
(+/-0.11%) / Not stated / 92%
North West SHA 2007/08 / 1.2%
(+/-0.1%) / 1.4%
(+/-0.1%) / 75.6%
(+/-0.3%) / 65.9%
(+/-0.3%) / 13.3%
(+/-0.3%) / 14.4%
(+/-0.3%) / 10.0%
(+/-0.2%) / 18.3%
(-0.3% - + 1.0%) / 90% / 87%
Blackpool 2007/08 / 0.4%
(+/-0.3%) / 1.5%
(+/-0.6%) / 77%
(+/-2.2%) / 65.6%
(+/-2.3%) / 12.5%
(+/-1.8%) / 14.7%
(+/-1.7%) / 10.1%
(+/- 1.6%) / 18.3%
(-1.9% - + 2.3%) / 100% / 92%
England average 2008/09 / 1%
(+/-0%) / 1.3%
(+/-0%) / 76.2%
(+/-0.1%) / 66.1%
(+/-0.1%) / 13.2%
(+/-0.1%) / 14.3%
(+/-0.1%) / 9.6%
(+/-0.1%) / 18.3%
(-0.1% - +0.8%) / 91.2% / 89.1%
North West SHA 2008/09 / 0.9%
(+/-0.1%) / 1.3%
(+/-0.1%) / 76%
(+/-0.3%) / 65.8%
(+/-0.4%) / 13.5%
(+/-0.3%) / 14.1%
(+/-0.3%) / 9.6%
(+/-0.2%) / 18.8%
(-0.3% – +0.9%) / 92.8% / 90.3%
Blackpool 2008/09 / 1.2%
(+/-0.5%) / 0.9%
(+/-0.5%) / 76.3%
(+/-2.1%) / 68.2%
(+/-2.4%) / 12.8%
(+/-1.7%) / 11.4%
(+/-1.6%) / 9.7%
(+/-1.5%) / 19.6%
(-2.0 - +2.3%) / 97.1% / 94.5%
Underweight / Healthy Weight / Overweight / Obese
Reception / Year 6 / Reception / Year 6 / Reception / Year 6 / Reception / Year 6
Blackpool Targets
2009/10 / NA / NA / NA / NA / NA / NA / 9.6% / 17.2%
2010/11 / NA / NA / NA / NA / NA / NA / 9.3% / 17.0%
2011/12 / NA / NA / NA / NA / NA / NA / 9.0% / NA
2012/13 / NA / NA / NA / NA / NA / NA / 8.7% / NA
2013/14 / NA / NA / NA / NA / NA / NA / 8.4% / NA
2014/15 / NA / NA / NA / NA / NA / NA / 8.0% / NA

Prevalence of Weight Distribution in Reception & Year 6 Children.

Blackpool versus North West Regional and National Averages.

Measured in Academic Year

Source: The Health & Social Care Information Centre, Lifestyle Statistics 2009


Updated 16/11/2010

Preventing Childhood Obesity Scrutiny Action Plan


Updated 16/11/2010