Present / Cameron Winton, John Stewart, Alison McNeil, Graham Cooper, Elaine Kirk, Sandra McCall, Susan Chamberlain, George Docherty, Gordon Bone, Cara Sullivan, Barbara Bell, Kay Cullen, Claire Docherty, Jennifer Thom, Rhona Sturgeon, Hamid Gazem, Cllr Hugh Hunter, Cllr Ian Cochrane, Euan Duncan, Colin Risk, Euan Terras, Karis Deacan, Ross McLeod, Fiona Khaliq, Cllr Margaret Toner
Apologies / D Watson, A Hynd-Gaw, M Thomson, M Devlin, Provost Helen Moonie
1 / Welcome and Introductions
E Duncan opened the meeting and welcomed those present. Following introductions, the minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as an accurate record.
Proposed – Euan Terras
Seconded – Susan Chamberlain
2 / School Captains Report
School Captains Karis Deacan and Ross McLeod were welcomed to the meeting, and presented their report on behalf of the pupil body:
Assemblies – School Captains had attended S1-S3 assemblies to introduce themselves to pupils. The focus of the assemblies had been on encouraging house identity and Captains/Vice-Captains had lots of ideas for inter-house events over the coming year. House captains were also regularly updating house boards with news of pupil achievements and forthcoming events.
Prefects – over 80 S6 pupils had been appointed as prefects,an increase on last session. Prefect duties included monitoring traffic flow in the corridors, supervising lunch breaks, helping fellow pupils and ensuring that everyone was following the rules and keeping themselves safe throughout the school.
Peer Buddying – this continued to be an invaluable programme aimed at easing pupil’s transition from Primary to Secondary by assigning each S1 pupil an S6 ‘buddy’. The Hollywood themed S1 Welcome Disco had been organised by S6 pupils and was well attended and enjoyed by all those present. It was agreed that it was a great opportunity for pupils to meet their buddies and get to know each other a bit better.
UCAS – senior pupils were receiving assistance with completing their UCAS forms for university placements next year through special assemblies, and assistance with writing personal statements.
S6 Last Day of Term – the current S6 were keen to work with the school in ensuring that the problems experienced on the last day of term in session 2012/2013 weren’t repeated this year and they would report back on plans nearer the time.
E Duncan thanked Karis and Ross for the report, and looked forward to welcoming them to future meetings.
3 / Head Teachers Report
Chris Rankin – G Bone reported on the tragic loss of Mr Rankin after over 20 years of service, on 2nd October. The school had come together to support pupils and staff as they came to terms with the news, and counselling and support was made available from Guidance staff, the school nurse, school chaplains and the educational psychologist. Representatives from SAC including QIO’s and the Head of Education were also on campus to assist and advise. A letter had been sent home with pupils, and a text issued to all parents to ensure that it was received. G Bone was in contact with Mr Rankin’s family who had requested that the funeral cortege pass by the school on the morning of the service. There would also be a minutes silence across the school at this time. SMT were continuing to work with staff from across the school to ensure that arrangements were made as appropriate, and Year Heads would keep in touch with parents at all times.
On behalf of the Parent Council, E Duncan conveyed sincere condolences to Mr Rankin’s family for their sad loss. He also thanked all those involved with supporting pupils and staff at what was a very difficult time for the school community.
Staffing – there were a number of changes to staffing across the school since the last meeting, including:
  • Biology – FT (temp) vacancy had attracted 0 applicants. A Graham remained Acting PT.
  • Art and Design – Miss Storm had been successful at interview and took up her permanent post with immediate effect.
  • History/Modern Studies – Adele Alexander had
  • PT Mathematics – David Taylor had been successful in gaining the PT Mathematics post at Grange Academy, with Andrew Clark taking up the role of Acting PT on 21st October.
  • Physics – Colin Wilson would be leaving to take up a post at St Ninian’s in East Renfrewshire
  • PT Chemistry – Miss Donnelly had been appointed as PT Science at Portree High School
All departing members of staff would be a big loss to their respective departments, but also to the wider school and G Bone wished to thank Mr Taylor, Mr Wilson and Miss Donnelly for their hard work, and wish them well in their new ventures, a sentiment echoed by the Parent Council. E Duncan noted that the number of promotions being gained by staff must be testament to the high levels of staff development available to the teaching body at Prestwick Academy, which could only be a positive thing for pupils.
The recruitment process would commence as soon as formal resignations had been received and G Bone would report back on progress at future meetings. In the meantime, the school would continue to update parents with the latest information re cover of classes, and would be working closely with SAC to source cover where necessary. A discussion took place on national concerns around availability of cover staff, following which G Bone confirmed that he was doing everything possible to support pupils and continue to deliver a consistent and high standard of education across the school.
4 / Presentations
  • Pupil Support in Prestwick Academy (proposed structures) – G Docherty, Depute Head Teacher
  • SQA Analysis – G Bone, Head Teacher

5 / Treasurer’s Report/Fundraising Report
The balance remained at £44.07.
A discussion took place around fundraising, and E Duncan proposed that a sub group be formed to look at some potential events for the forthcoming year. At this stage, the group would be tasked with coming up with potential ideas, and further volunteers would be sought later to assist with the organisation of any events that were agreed upon by the Parent Council. Susan Chamberlain, Alison McNeill and Rona Sturgeon kindly offered their assistance, and A Pirie would contact M Thomson who had been the driving force behind fundraising in the past, to see if she would agree to being involved as well. They would meet prior to the November meeting, and report back on their discussions.
6 / Correspondence
  • GIRFEC leaflet has been distributed via email
  • PC magazines were made available
Letter from a local resident interested in becoming a co-opted member – E Duncan would liaise with G Bone re details, and invite him to attend the next meeting.
7 / Meeting Schedule 2013-2014
All meetings to take place at 7pm, at Prestwick Academy
Wednesday 13 November 2013
Tuesday 3 December 2013
Tuesday 14 January 2014
Tuesday 11 February 2014
Tuesday 11 March 2014
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Tuesday 10 June 2014 (venue tbc)

Prestwick Academy Parent Council Page 1