PRESS RELEASE:Embargo 7amon the 5thNovember, 2014

Ruhama has assisted 2,500 women over 25 years

Over 300 women given direct support in 2013……

5thNovember 2014

Ruhama launchedits 2013 Annual Report today,as the organisation marks 25 years of providing frontline services to women affected by prostitution and trafficking.(Launch at 10am today in Alexander Hotel Dublin)

Over the 25 years, Ruhama has assistedover 2,500 women affected by prostitutionfrom over60 different countries.

Speaking at the launch, Sarah Benson, CEO, Ruhama said: “It is quite remarkable when we analysed our work over the past 25 years to see the number of women assisted by Ruhama and the range of nationalities which is indicative of the globalised sex trade which now exists in Ireland”.

Sarah Benson went on to say, “I am also struck by the many changes which have taken place in the Irish sex trade, particularly how it has become increasingly organised by criminal gangs and adapted to the use of modern telecommunications to operate. Yet, among all those changes, some things have not changed fundamentally - there is still the persistence of harm, exploitation and risk which has always, and which continues to pervade the sex trade”

Minister Frances Fitzgerald

Speaking about the launch ofRuhama’sAnnual Report, Minister Frances Fitzgerald thanked the dedicated staff and volunteers who have worked with Ruhama over the past 25 years, adding that: “The work of Ruhama in supporting women affected by prostitution is vital. The free and confidential services offered by Ruhama, whether it is one-to-one support, education or counselling have supported so many women in their individual journey to independence.”

MinisterFitzgeraldcontinued: “We musttakeactionto prevent human trafficking, to protect its victims and prosecute those who perpetrate this evil crime.To achieve these aimswemustwork internationally, in partnershipacross Government, with other state agencies and, importantly, with civil society organisations such as Ruhama.”

Increase in numbers accessing Ruhama in 2013

Ruhama’s services are as relevant today as when they first began and this year’s Annual Report shows another extremely busy year with305 womengiven direct support and assistance through a comprehensive range of services. This represents anincrease of 18%since the previous year.

There was anincrease of 29%in the number of women (219)accessing Ruhama’s Casework, which involves designing a person-centred care plan to respond holistically to the individual woman’s needs.

83of the women in Casework were trafficked for the purpose of prostitution and this represents a17% increasesince 2012.

The Street Outreach Service was the initial service provided by Ruhama in 1989, to women involved in street-based prostitution, this service remains an important aspect of the work. In 2013,70 womenin street-based prostitution received assistance through the ‘Ruhama Outreach Van’.

Advocacy and campaigns

While Ruhama is primarily a frontline service to women, it also works to reduce the exploitation and harm of prostitution and sex trafficking by advocating and campaigning for legislative and policy change.

Sarah Benson said: “2013 was an important year in terms of legislative change, with the publication of the Oireachtas Justice Committee’s Report on the Prostitution Legislation. This Report was the culmination of an extensive consultation process, which Ruhama fed into through written and oral submissions. We specifically welcomed the Report’s unanimous recommendation to criminalise the purchase of sexual services.”

Sarah Benson continued: “We have been advocating tirelessly for over a decade for legislative change to tackle demand and fill the loopholes in the laws which allow organised criminal gangs to operate with impunity. We hope Minister Fitzgerald will be the minister to take action and bring forth this necessary legislative change and free women from exploitation.

Tribute to workers

Sarah Benson concluded by paying tribute to the staff and volunteers who were so critical to the work of the organisation over the years, she said, “We have a highly motivated and dedicated staff and volunteer team, including the voluntary Board of Directors. I would like to express my own personal thanks to each and every person for their time, energy, expertise and enthusiasm which sustains the work of the organisation.”


Contacts:Sarah Benson, CEO, 086-6003115

Gerardine Rowley, Policy and Communications Manager 086-2591247

Young Communications, 087-2471520

Notes to Editor:

  • The launch of the Ruhama Annual Report 2013 will take place at10amin theAlexander Hotel, Dublin 2.
  • The Report will go live on the Ruhama website at10am– Link to page:

Note to Picture Editor:Images supplies byMaura Hickeyon086 8541130