Open Session:
I Call to Order
Presiding Officer Dave Rector called the Regular Meeting of the Recreation Commission
to order at 7:30 p.m.
IIRoll Call: Presiding Officer Dave Rector, Afrim Hoxha, Dave Cannici, Gerald Falotico
Steve Carmosino, Anthony Gismonde, Willie Ortiz and Michael Graham
Presiding Officer Dave Rector introduced newest member Michael Graham to the Recreation Commission.
IIIApproval of April 7, 2016 Meetings
Motion by Afrim Hoxha, Seconded by Gerald Falotico, that the April 7, 2016 Minutes be
approved as written.
IVFootball Bylaws Change
Football Bylaws will be tabled to a future meeting.
VRecreation Bylaws Change
Recreation Bylaws will be tabled to a future meeting.
VISummer Kick-Off Event
- Fundraising
The Recreation Commission members discussed the Action Plan for the Summer
Kick-Off event.
- Inserra Supermarkets/Shop Rite was asked to support the town event with a donation
of $1,000.00 as they did last year.
- Stop & Shop was asked to supply food and drinks for the event as they did last year.
- Emerson Football should donate $500.00 as they did last year.
- Toyota Motors is committed to donating $250.00.
- Parents for Athletes (PFA) is committed to $250.00.
- Wireless World may donate $75.00 as they did last year.
- Cutz and Stylez will be asked to contribute.
- Suez Water will be asked to contribute.
- Emerson Hotel should donate $25.00 as they did last year.
- Starbucks will be notified to donate this year.
- Rancho Cantina is committed to $250.00.
- Golden Bagels will be asked to contribute.
- Cork and Keg will be asked to contribute.
- Emerson Baseball should donate $500.00 as they did last year.
- The Rector Family will donate $300.00 as they did last year.
- Emerson Fence is committed to $250.00.
- Shortrounds, Subway, Esposito Pizzeria, Dunkin Donuts, Oritani Bank and
Cal’s Excavation have not been approached yet
- Casa Maselli will be asked to contribute this year.
- HUMC@Pascack Valley will donate $500.00.
- Rispoli Bakery is committed to $100.00.
- Emerson Soccer will donate $400.00 as they did last year.
- Emerson Softball will donate $250.00 as they did last year.
- Recreation Commission member will ask Peter Weiss to contribute $250.00 as he
did last year.
- Red Claws will donate $150.00 as they did last year.
- Recreation Commission will have a silent auction.
- Members of the Recreation Commission will do a can shake on May 21.
- Logistics
The Summer Kick-Off will be held on June 11. Recreation Commission will coordinate
with Board of Education and Baseball to have a rain date of June 12.
Borough commissions or sports boards could have tables set up to distribute literature
regarding their programs.
Afrim Hoxha and Mike Graham will budget for food and supplies for the town picnic.
Jump Up Rentals amusements and Celebration Fireworks will be used for the town
A meeting will be coordinated with the Borough Administrator, Presiding Officer,
Captain, Fire Official and Department of Municipal Services to discuss safety issues.
Insurance paperwork will be handled by Presiding Officer and recreation assistant.
The Recreation Commission will decide whether to have a band or DJ.
Summer Kick-Off announcement has been approved and distributed to the schools.
- Promotion
Summer Kick-Off event will be on the website and electronic board. Presiding Officer
Dave Rector encouraged the Recreation Commission to advertise on social media.
VIISummer Hoops Coordinator Needed
Since George Mokrzecki is no longer the Summer Hoops director, Presiding Officer
Dave Rector inquired if anyone could recommend someone to take his place.
Presiding Officer Dave Rector and Board of Education Administrator Phil Nisonoff
will meet to discuss school children who are unable to participate in sports due to
hardship cases.
VIIIExecutive Committee Meeting
The Recreation Commission members decided that the Executive Committee Meeting
will be held in September.
IXSport-by-Sport Review – Liaison
Baseball – There is nothing new to report.
Soccer - The Soccer Board discussed renewal of background checks, concussion
and safety programs.
Softball - Softball Board had their meeting on April 25. Opening day went well.
Softball spent approximately $13,000.00 in upgrades on Board of Education fields.
The annual dinner will be held on June 4 at the Westwood Community Center.
Summer Recreation – Summer Camp registration was on April 28 and will be held
again on May 7.
Football – Football registration numbers are low. Two young mothers are sharing
the cheerleading coaching responsibilities.
Wrestling – Wrestling registration numbers are low. The annual dinner was held on
March 23.
Closed Session:
XMotion to go into Closed Session to discuss matters exempt from the public was moved
by Afrim Hoxha and seconded by Willie Ortiz.
Motion to reconvene to Open Session was moved by Afrim Hoxha, seconded by
Willie Ortiz, and carried unanimously.
XIPublic Comments
There are no comments from the public.
Motion by Presiding Officer Dave Rector, Seconded by Afrim Hoxha, that the Recreation Commission meeting be adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Di Lello
Recreation Secretary