President Walt Smith called the meeting to order at 12:15 at the Franklin Steak House. There were 14 Rotarians and 1 guest in attendance.

Bob Peters distributed "Gift of Life" Raffle tickets. The tickets are for Super Bowl LI in Houston, TX. The drawing will be held on January 12, 2017. Tickets are $10 a piece. If you are interested in obtaining a ticket or selling tickets for the raffle, please contact Bob Peters.

We voted on a partial slate of officers for 2017. The vote was unanimous. The Slate is Tom McCrohan, President; Ro Costa, President-elect; Bob Peters, Treasurer; and Barbara Hirsch, Secretary.

Bob Peters introduced our guest speaker. She was Eileen Painter, Executive Director of The Nutley Family Service Bureau - cell phone number 973-477-3688.

She explained that the Family Service Bureau was going through a lot of change. It would no longer be the "old" Family Service Bureau. The Red Cross had stopped discontinued doing community service and had closed its doors. The Family Service Bureau headed by Eileen, has three main goals: Psychotherapy in an attempt to diminish the stigma of mental health and service those in need; the Food Pantry; and the Nutley Family Service Thrift Shop. They are currently supplying assistance for Nutleyites in need of assistance with mental problems; they distributed over 140 Thanksgiving Gift Baskets; and the Thrift Shop is becoming more of a boutique than a second-hand clothes distributor. Eileen explained there are many programs in the works - including a Treasure Chest Program, a program to distribute food for seniors, and exercise programs to name a few. She is also trying to make volunteering as easy as possible. High School students need to do community service. The NFSB is an easy way to complete their com-

munity service requirement. Seniors can even work from home clipping coupons for distribution to NFSB members. The Family Service Building will also be going through major renovations.

Dates to remember:

·  12/3 Christmas For Farm Children Washington Park 1 - 11 pm Bill Jernick's fundraiser for a town in NY for gifts for their children

·  12/8 - Nutley Choralettes will be performing for us at Franklin Reformed Church. Our meeting starts promptly at 12:00

·  12/8 - Door Jam will be performing at the Nutley Historical Society 7 pm

·  12/16 - Rotary Santa Christmas Party at Parks and Rec 6 pm $20 per family

·  12/18 - Door Jam will be performing at the Dutch Reformed Church at 4 pm. This will be followed by a Soup Supper

·  12/21 The Holy Trinity Lutheran Church will be holding a "Longest Night Service"

·  12/22 - Rotary Christmas Luncheon

Eileen visited with Grace Viola because Grace was active in the Thrift Shop. she looks great and is beginning to eat real food. Remember to send her a card


Neal Conlan - For Eileen's program, for the sun coming after two days of rain, and for a great day

Ro Tangorra - For Eileen's program, for Nutley being lucky to have Eileen at NFSB, and for her sister Carol's return from CA

Barbara Hirsch - For the fine job Eileen is doing and just happy

Eileen Painter - Delighted to be here and to be in a position to work with the great people of Nutley

Walt Smith - For Eileen and for a good day

Bob Peters - For our program, for seeing "The Bronx Tale," for eating at Barrow's on Van Houten Avenue (note: the owners are from Nutley, their father was a Rotarian, their grandfather was Gus our waiter when we met at Gene Boyle's)

Sal Rosamilia - For today's program

Jill Fenske - For the program, for lunch next week, a Joe Viola Dollar for not having a pin, for being late, and for Door Jam announcements

Ro Costa - For Eileen's program

Ben Costa - For Eileen, for the new officers, and for his wife being wrangled into the President Elect position

Bob Ciocco - Thank you Eileen for your program

JoAnn Salvio - Thank you, Eileen, for a great problem

Dorothy Huey - Glad to finally meet Eileen and for a great program

Tom McCrohan - For Eileen's presentation

MaryAnn MacKinnon - For Eileen

50/50 $135

Non-winners - JoAnn Salvio, Walt Smith