BOD Minutes


President Stephanie David called the meeting to order.

Those present were Jandy Sprouse, Claire Roberts, Stephanie David, Holly Modjeski, Michelle Orwick, Tom Hansen, Daniele Garner, and Larry Richards. Melodee Smith was absent.

●Minutes were approved prior to the meeting via email vote.

●Officer & Committee Reports

○Geneseek Report- Larry gave an overview of his conversation with Dr. Ted Kalbfleisch. The BOD discussed whether we will go through geneseek or UC Davis to process DNA for all stock show animals.

○Treasurer's Report- Cash on hand; $5534.68. Outstanding bills to be paid: $1023.00 Travelers insurance for the BOD due 11/21. $501.00 UC Davis. We are sending a check to NWSS for $3000 on Nov 9th. We have not yet received the Quickbooks file back from Ruth or the checkbook but they are supposed to arrive today. All debit cards have been canceled and are being re-issued for new officers.

○ Holly moved to approve the report. Jandy seconded. Discussion.

■Larry moved to amend the motion to reflect that this information is all that we presently have and are missing most reports that would be included in the quickbooks. Holly seconded. Motion passed 7-0.

■Motion passed to approve the amended motion 7-0.

■Larry moved to notify Ruth Higdon that all treasurer and quick book items must be mailed back to the board as soon as possible. Claire seconded. Motion passed 7-0.

○Secretary/Registrar Report- All memberships have been fixed in the database and the registrar report was emailed before the meeting began. Michelle moved to approve. Danielle seconded. Motion passed 7-0.

○Fiber Committee Report- The fiber committee along with Elizabeth Taylor will be helping Wini with the fiber judging. Wini will be judging 3 fiber classes, as well as, giving two seminars. This year all fiber classes can be signed up for online. Jandy also gave times of each show that will be announced via email newsletters. Holly moved to approve the report. Tom seconded. Motion passed 7-0.

○Meat Committee Report- Committee chair did not send in a report.

○Stock Show Committee Report- Possible seminars were discussed.

■Larry moved to allow all non-member seminar leaders and judges to receive a free banquet meal. Jandy seconded. Motion passed 7-0.

■Larry moved to not have an AI seminar. Daniele seconded. Motion passed 7-0.

■Holly moved to have a $200 sponsorship to cover the cost of the Photo Contest (This will not be included in the sponsorship program but sent out in an E-newsletter). Michelle seconded. Motion passed 7-0.

■Jandy moved to have a minimum fee of $50 to be included in the mini mall. Holly seconded. Motion passed 7-0.

■Jandy moved to add a separate class for steers in the halter show. They will not eligible to compete against breeding bulls for Champion or Grand Champion, however they are able to compete in showmanship and costume classes. Daniele seconded. Motion passed 7-0.

■There was discussion to add the previously approved rule change about breeding females 3 years or older to be written and posted in the Show Rules Doc as: Adult Breeding Female Class Requirements :Entry for 3 year old and older females. Barren Cows Excluded under these Qualifications:Females 4 and older are required to have raised a registered calf in the current or preceding year. If the calf or calves were not registered then the breeder must testify that a calf was indeed raised in at least one of those 2 years. A bottle raised calf will be considered as satisfying the raised requirement.

■Larry moved to have a sponsor for the outfitter class in the amount of $200. This money will be given to the winner of the class and they will be included in the prorodeo showing. Michelle seconded. Motion passed 7-0.

■Larry moved to approve the stock show committee report. Holly seconded. Motion passed7-0

●Open Issues

○Per Robert’s rules of order, we will appoint a BOD member to fill the vacancy at the BOD meeting after the membership meeting when officers are appointed at NWSS in January.

○Jandy presented a document based on a proposal to create a Governance Committee for IYAK. BOD will be able to review this on google docs before the next regular meeting.

●New Business

○Holly moved to table the discussion of the formation of the governance committee until the next regular meeting. Jandy seconded. Motion passed 7-0.

○Tom moved to extend the BOD term to 3 years. This will be presented at the Membership meeting in 2018. Jandy seconded. Motion passed 7-0.


○Larry announced that he will be recommending Nicole Porter for the Genome committee with the members of the Genome Committee.


○Jandy moved to adjourn. Holly seconded. Motion passed 7-0.

There will be a special meeting to discuss Geneseek and response to Facebook questions on Monday November 13th, 2017 at 7PM Central.