ASCSU Cabinet Director’s 9/2/08
President’s Report–Taylor Smoot
I hope that everyone is ready for and exciting and productive school year!
ASCSU/ Presidents Cabinet Meet and Greet: This week, on Wednesday we are having our Presidents office Meet and Greet in the Grey Rock room. This event starts at 4:30 and goes until 6:30. If you RSVP’ed for this event please make sure to show-up. Unfortunately if you did not RSVP you will not be able to attend. For those who are coming please be dressed in business attire and be prepared with good questions aimed at building relationships and representing students in a positive way.
No Cabinet this week: There will be no cabinet due to the meet and greet, please be prepared for a productive cabinet next week Wednesday at 5:00 in the East Atrium.
Tuition Task Force: I cannot stress how important this committee is. If you are interested in taking part in advocating for responsible spending, tuition education and lobbying, or understanding how the budget is complied please let Dan Palmer know. This task force and issue is arguably the most important thing ASCSU can do for students and the university.
Student Art work in the office: Sometime in the next week, art created by students will be placed in the office to liven up the visual aspects of our semi not so good looking office.
Office Hours: All ASCSU members must have their office hours posted and report those to Chief of staff Gibson.
President’s Fall Address: The President’s Fall Address is on this Thursday, September 11th at 11:00a-1:00p. I strongly encourage all of you to attend this event as it is an annual tradition for the community and for CSU.
New News Paper Stand: The newspaper stand outside of ASCSU is in place. I think this will foster a more broad range of office discussion about national and world issues. Please be respectful of the office and make sure to recycle the papers when you are done with them instead of leaving them laying around.
Ratification: Directors! All members that have not been ratified need to be in senate so we can ratify you. VERY IMPORTANT because you really don’t have a job until that happens.
My New ASCSU Number: I have a new phone, my old one works but please feel free to call me at 970-213-9542
Dates to Remember
9/10/08 Penley meet and greet 4:30 to 6:30 LSC Grey Rock Room
9/11/08 President’s Fall Address 11:00 to 1:00 Oval
9/23/08 ASCSU/City Event 4:30 to 6:00 City Hall, South Patio
Vice President’s Report – Quinn Girrens
Thank you to everyone for last week’s 1st Senate meeting of the semester. I thought that it went great. I expect to see many of you at the President’s Fall Address as well as the Administration Meet ‘n’ Greet.
President’s Fall Address: The President’s Fall Address is on September 11th at 11:00a-1:00p. I strongly encourage all of you to attend this event as it is an annual tradition for the community and for CSU.
Fall Administration Meet ‘n’ Greet: This is a chance for ASCSU students to interact with administrators from President Penley’s office, Blanche Hughes’s office, and the Deans of different colleges. If you RSVP’d make sure to be there, and the attire is BUSINESS.
UUFAB: The first UFFAB meeting of the semester will be Thursday, September 11th 5-6pm in Room 228, Lory Student Center. This is a great way to get involved with a portion of how your student fees are spent. This board also counts for Senators for their external board requirement as well as there is free food provided. Please contact me if you are interested.
Student Legal Services: SLS is looking for ASCSU representation on their advisory board. The time commitment is roughly one meeting per month. Senators, this board counts as an external committee that you are required to sit on. If you are interested please contact me. The meetings have not yet been set.
Senate: Keith from SLiCE will be joining us during the guest speaking portion of the evening to discuss Cans Around the Oval. Remember that Senate is business casual attire.
Student Fee Review Board: The first meeting of SFRB will be held Monday, September 8th at 4pm-6pm. I am still looking for more people to sit on the board, both at large students and Senators. Senators, this board counts as your external committee that you are required to sit on. If you are interested or know of someone who is looking to get involved in an extra-curricular activity, please let them know about this opportunity.
Dates to Remember
9/10/08 38th Senate 3rd Session (Senate Chambers)- 6:30pm
9/8/08 First SFRB meeting (Senate Chambers)- 4pm-6pm
9/10/08 President Meet ‘n’ Greet (Grey Rock Room)- 4:30pm– 6:30pm
9/11/08 President’s Fall Address (Oval grass)– 11:30am– 1:30pm
9/11/08 UUFAB 1st Meeting (Room 228 LSC)—5pm-6pm
Finance Report – Jenna Coleman
Student Funding Board: Distributed a total of $24,477.20this year approx 11.66% of SFB allocation for the year.
Distributed money to Interfraternity Council, Snowriders, Organization of Graduate Student Writers, Latino Greek Council
Senators: Please make your college council aware of the funding available from Student Funding Board. I am still looking for TWO senate seats as well, I need two by this senate, 10th of September.
Dates to Remember
September 11th – First Student Funding Board Meeting
September 16th – Latino Greek Council’s Mexican Independence Day Celebration
September 18th – Organization of Graduate Student Writers – Reading Series
September 22nd – Interfraternity Council’s Ice Cream Social
September 23rd – Interfraternity Council’s “Get Smart” Movie Night
October 8th – Snowriders Homecoming Rail Jam
~ These are YOUR student fees, so attend these events and support our student organizations on campus. There is a calendar of events on my door, please look at it frequently and attend some events! ~
Controller – Steven MacLeay
Chief of Staff –Blake Gibson
Academics –Russ Pinkston
Send Student Voice Survey on the Plus/Minus Grading System (again)
Develop Student Voice Survey on the Advising System (again)
Pass Honor Code Legislation
Community Affairs –Katie Freudenthal
City Council Meetings: I met with City Manager Darin Atteberry the first week of school to talk about student issues. We had a great conversation about 3unrelated, affordable housing, and UniverCity Connections. I am meeting with Mayor Pro Tem Ohlson and Council Member Troxell tomorrow at the Bean Cycle. Assistant McCutchen and Senator Hole will be joining me for the meeting with Kelly Ohlson.
City Council Dinner: The 2nd annual City Council Dinner is taking place September 23rd. We have 29 people RSVP’s currently and need more students to sign up.
VoteCSU! Kick off meeting: Our campaign kick off is this week Thursday at 5 pm on campus. (Room TBD) Please attend!! It will be an hour long with a speaker and lots of excitement. If you want to learn more about VoteCSU! come to the meeting. I will inform you all of the room at senate.
Register to Vote… ONLINE!: Yes! We know have a widget on the ASCSU office to get registered online. Check it out.
Volunteer Recruitment: Our main focus right now is volunteer recruitment. The goal is to register 10,000 students and you know what that requires…volunteers. We are in desperate need of volunteers and cannot succeed without more help. We will be spending some time this week on recruiting students in and outside of ASCSU. Come see me to lend a hand (and get a t-shirt/recognition).
Volunteer Opportunities
- Volunteer Recruitment Phonebanking – September 8th, 9th, and 10th 7 pm – 10 pm in the office.
- Tabling – 11 – 2 pm
- President’s Fall Address – 11:00 – 1:30 pm. We will have a voter reg. booth there and need volunteers. If you can help, please get in touch with Associate Director Lindsey McKee.
- Constitution Day – We are partnering with Campus Activities on Constitution Day. Campus Activities is planning for 50 5th graders to hand out constitutions on the plaza! We are joining them and getting student’s registered to vote. It will be from 11:00 – 2:00 pm. See Associate Director to get involved.
Dates to Remember
9/23/08 City Council Dinner, 4:45 – 5:45 pm, Location TBD
9/11/08 President’s Fall Address
9/17/08 Constitution Day
(See volunteer opportunities)
Diversity & Outreach –Gabe Barela
Sitting on Hispanic Heritage Month Committee, planning a Colorado Civil Rights Initiative forum as one of events. Also helping to coordinate 7th Annual Evening of Music and Dance and other ad hoc events.
Sitting on Dia De Los Muertos Planning Committee, working on co-programming event with Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity to bring in spoken word artist Bobby Lefebre. Also working on distributing information to LSC offices on significance and history of holiday.
Planning an ASCSU/Advocacy office meet and greet. Will be tentatively scheduled for the end of September.
Coordinating with advocacy offices to begin Student Issues series. Will be an ongoing event throughout the year.
Working with Resident Hall staff to coordinate “Diversity Summit” Will consist of advocacy office student group presentations and advocacy office resource information distribution. Tentative date mid October.
Dates to Remember:
9/10: Women at Noon “Ironman? I’m an Ironwoman! LSC 214-16 12-1pm
9/16: Hispanic Heritage Month Kickoff Event, LSC Plaza 11-3pm
9/16: Triunfo Tutoring Program Starts (Visit El Centro for details or to volunteer)
9/17: El Centro Open House, 178 LSC11:30-1pm
9/18: Women’s Program and Studies Open House, 112 Student Services Building 1-3pm
9/25: 7th Annual Evening of Music and Dance, LSC Theatre 7-9pm
9/25: GLBTSS Open House, LSC 174 6-8pm
Environmental Affairs –Chris Diedrich
Research has been started to begin our campaign to remove Styrofoam from the dining halls. The idea is to replace the take-out containers and utensils with recyclable/ biodegradable materials.
RockyMountain Sustainable Living Fair is coming up soon! We need more volunteers to help CSU’s presence at this large event. This is a two day event with over 200 national exhibitors, four keynote speakers, and ten workshops. Volunteers get a free meal, t-shirt, and more! This will also be a great networking opportunity for the department. Talk to me about volunteering or sign up yourself at:
Patrick will be our member on the Environment and Sustainability Committee. It meets twice monthly and deals with energy, the environment, and applied research.
Work will be starting soon to put together recycled notebooks. This project will be collecting used one-sided office paper and binding it into inexpensive notebooks for students to purchase, hopefully through the bookstore.
One of our projects is to make sure that the lighting on campus is the most efficient available. This includes replacing all of the incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs. Carol Dollard of facilities has been in contact with us and has informed us that there is already a program going to make this happen. Good job facilities!
Dates to Remember
9/16 – International day for the preservation of the ozone layer (World Ozone Day)
9/20 – 9/21 – Rocky Mountain Sustainable Living Fair
9/28 – Green Consumer Day
Leadership Development–Kyle Lohman
Recruitment: Well, we completed our recruitment- sort of. The last day to turn in an application was last Friday. We had a disappointing turnout, only getting about 25 applications, which is enough to fill our RLT but we were hoping for three times that much. ALL HOPE IS NOT LOST- phone calls were made on Wednesday September 3rd to about 80 people that did not receive the original email because their email address did not work and their deadline is Monday September 8th, so hopefully we can get some numbers from that group. Also, we are giving a presentation and bbq to the leadership development hall on Monday and they also will have a chance to join our team. So, for those religious folks reading this, keep RLT in your prayers, we need to get our numbers!
RLT Interviews: Interviews began on Sept. 8th and go to the 11th. If you are interested in helping out with them, please sign up for as many time slots as possible on Kim’s desk. There are still some spots that available. Thanks to everyone who is already signed up, we put together some really fun questions for you all to ask.
On Thursday September 18th at 6:30 we will be having group interviews and I will definitely need help for that. The signup sheet to help will be posted the week of September 8th and will be passed around.
Partnership with Lincoln Jr. High: This year we are continuing to partner with LJH for cans around the oval. Can distribution locations are being set up now with SLICE.
RLT Mentors: When we have our first meeting with the Ram leaders on September 25th, we are going to inform them of this aspect of RLT. There mission will be to get to know the office and ASCSU for the next two weeks to get a feel of what we are all about. Sign up to be announced.
Special ThanksTo:
Kim for facilitating the signup sheets at her desk and for clearing the Atrium for interviews.
Finance department for helping me get the Pingree park retreat on the right foot.
- Jerek, LynAnn, and Brooke for taking up a lot of their time to interview candidates this week.
Dates to Remember
9/08/08 Limited extension on applications for RLT
9/08/08 Interviews begin till the 11th
9/18/08 Group interview
9/25/08 Team has been selected and we have our first meeting
9/27/08 Retreat for new RLT team!!
Legislative Affairs Department –Sid Simonson
Marketing –Phil Camillo
Set up a public relations contact list
Met with ASAP to construct a week full of entertainment the week before the last day to register
Helping with the booth for the Division of Student Affairs Day on Wednesday Sep 10
Working on setting up a time to develop a video clip for the front page of website
Developing marketing plan for voter registration|
Amanda Lau-Associate Director of Marketing, Handbook
In charge of putting together the booth for the Division of Student Affairs Day
Keeping in touch student organizations
Waiting on bids for the hand book
Greg Harmon-Associate Director of Marketing
Designing voter registration posters and other promotional material
Creating 3 foot by 4 foot posters for ASCSU along with flyers for promoting ASCSU
Designed t-shirts for the vote coalition
Joe Lessard-Associate Director of Marketing, Website
Constantly updating website
Implementing an event calendar on front page
Ready to put video clip up on front page
Olivia Kirkpatrick-Assistant Director of Marketing
Met with the primary contact for the Collegian and developed a relationship
Going to meet with and develop relations with all student media departments (CTV, KCSU, College Ave)
Helping with the booth at Division of Student Affairs
Marisa Midyet-Assistant Director of Marketing
Volunteered with the booth for the Involvement Fair
Ready to help with the booth
Going to start executing promotional tasks for voter registration
RamRide –Erica Holtzman
Thank you to everyone who came out and volunteered on Friday night. That was the only night this semester we have run all 15 cars!!! We gave 753 rides this weekend. GO ASCSU!!!
Dates to Remember
10/24/2008- RamRide’s fifth birthday
10/31/2008- Halloween. Volunteer in costume!
Student Services– Zane Guilfoyle
Positive Impact ran flawlessly this weekend!
Positive Impact: Positive Impact worked our first game this past Saturday. Associate Director Ragland ran everything smoothly and to near perfection. She will announce in Senate the number of student contacts during the game!
ForEverGreen:We want to have a FEG distribution at the President’s Fall Address and Picnic this Thursday. We need volunteers to help out, please let me or Associate Director Ragland know if you can help!
Dates to Remember
9/11/2008 President’s Fall Address and Picnic and FEG Distribution!
9/20/2008 PI CSU vs Houston
Judicial Report –Cari Stepsay
~Supreme Court Joke of the Week: (A little humor from the serious branch)
Q: What did one penny say to the other penny?
A: Let’s get together and make some sense.
Restructuring, Hiring, and Training: Currently, the Supreme Court’s main undertaking is filling the court’s empty seats as well as stacking the court in preparation of graduating seniors. Once the court is fully staffed, annual trainings will begin.
As for the restructuring, we are writing a proposal for the addition of the Legal Portion and Human Resources Portion to the court. Once the court is fully staffed, annual trainings will begin.
Next Meeting, September 17th: Due to the addition of so many new members, this meeting will be strictly based around training. If anyone from other branches is interested in attending, we will be covering a brief rundown of the entire ASCSU organization including all three branches, Elections Codes, the ASCSU Constitution, and the Bylaws of Senate and the Supreme Court.
The Constitutional Summit: One member from all three branches will be reviewing the inconsistencies and needed changes in the first ever Constitutional Summit. These members include Nick Radishofski, Sara Goldman, and Andy Shank. Feel free to contact anyone on the court or these members if anyone has any questions or concerns.