President of Global Policy Institute at Loyola Marymount University
Loyola Chair of Leadership Studies
Professor, Political Science
Director, Institute for Leadership Studies
Loyola Marymount University
Personal Information:
Loyola Marymount University
Department of Political Science
1 LMU Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Phone: (310) 338-7379
Fax: (310) 338-1950
Higher Education:
B.A.St. Mary’s College of California, 1972. Major: Government.
M.A. University of Southern California, 1975. Political Science.
Ph.D.University of Southern California, 1979. Political Science.
Publications: Books
- POTUS, 2018
- The Paradoxes of the American Presidency, Fifth Edition, with Thomas Cronin and Meena Bose, Oxford University Press, 2018.
- How Trump Governs: An Assessment and Prognosis, Cambria Press, 2017.
- Trumping of American Politics: The Strange Case of the 2016 Presidential Election, Cambria Press, 2017.
- The Encyclopedia of the American Presidency, 3rd Ed, with Alison Howard, ed. Facts on File, 2017.
- Presidents and the Modern Presidency, Cambria, 2017.
- How Trump Governs, Cambria, 2017.
- The War Power in an Age of Terrorism, with David Gray Adler, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
- American Government 101: A Participatory/Critical Thinking Workbook, Leadership42morrow Publications, 2016.
- Political Science 101:A Participatory/Critical Thinking Workbook, Leadership42morrow Publications, 2016.
- The Post-Heroic Presidency: Leveraged Leadership in an Age of Limits, with Todd L. Belt, Praeger, 2016.
- Leadership Maxims: A User’s Guide, Leadership42morrow Publications, 2016.
- Presidential Leadership in an Age of Change, Transaction, 2016.
- The Future of Leadership: Leveraged Leadership in an Age of Hyper-Change, Routledge,2015.
- The Quest for Leadership (ed) Cambria Press, 2015.
- Leadership Matters: Unleashing the Power of Paradox, with Thomas Cronin, Paradigm, 2012.(2013 recipient of the International Leadership Association’s award for Most Outstanding Leadership Book of the Year)
- Building Tomorrow’s Leaders, Today: Developing Polymath Leaders for a Changing World Routledge, 2014.
- The Presidency and Domestic Leadership, with William W. Lammers and Todd Belt, Paradigm, 2014.
- Shakespeare’s Politics, ed. with Bruce Altschuler, Paradigm, 2013.
- A Presidential Nation: Causes, Consequence, and Cures, Westview, 2013.
- Woman as Political Leaders, ed. with Janie Steckenrider, Taylor and Francis, 2013.
- Me and Mach: Food Fit for The Prince, 2012. Also published electronically for Amazon Kindle.
- Watergate Remembered: The Legacy for American Politics, ed. with Iwan Morgan, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
- Contending Approaches to the American Presidency, CQ Press, 2011.
- The Presidential Dilemma, Revisited, Transaction, 2011.
- Presidential Prerogative, Stanford University Press, 2011.
- Corruption and American Politics, ed. With Victoria Farrar Meyers, Cambria, 2010.
- The Federalist Papers, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
- Leadership and the Liberal Arts: Achieving the Promise of a Liberal Education, ed. With J. Thomas Wren and Ronald E. Riggio, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
- The Encyclopedia of American Government 3 Volumes, ed. with Lori Cox Han, New York: Facts-on-File, 2008.
- Leadership and Politics, ed. with Lori Cox Han, Praeger, 2008.
- Catholics and Politics, ed. with Kirsten Heyer, Georgetown University Press, 2008.
- Memo to a New President: The Art and Science of Presidential Leadership, Oxford University Press, 2008.
- The Presidency and the Challenge of Democracy, ed. with Lori Cox Han, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
- The Constitution and the Presidency, (with Robert Spitzer) Palgrave, 2005
- Polls and Politics: the Democratic Dilemma ed. with Matt Streb, New York: SUNY Press, 2004.
- The Power of the American Presidency, 1789-2000, New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
- The Presidency and the Law: The Clinton Legacy, (ed. with David Grey Adler) Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2002.
- The Watergate Crisis, Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Press, 1999.
- The Political Film, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998.
- The Presidency in an Age of Limits, Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1993.
- Women as National Leaders (edited), Newbury, CA: Sage Publishing, 1993.
- The Nixon Presidency: Power and Politics in Turbulent Times, Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1990.
- Politics and Cinema: An Introduction to Political Films, Lexington, MA: Ginn Press, 1986.
- The Supreme Court, The Constitution, and Presidential Power, Washington: University Press of America, 1980.
Publications:Articles /Book Chapters/Interviews
1.“This is How the Trump Presidency Ends.” Presidents and Executive Politics, Spring 2017.
2.“Nixon Rising,” PEP Newsletter, Spring 2017.
3.“Presidential Decision Making in Iraq: Bush vs. Bush/Phronesis vs. Faith.” The George W. Bush Presidency, Vol. 3. Ed. Meena Bose, Ed. Paul Fritz. New York: Nova Publishers, 2016. 83-106.
4.“On Interviewing the President,” Presidents and Executive Politics Report, Summer 2016.
5.“Leadership Challenges in a Hyper-Changing World,” World Policy Journal, Winter 2015-16
6.“Were Carter’s Foreign Policies a Success or Failure?” The Idea Exchange ABC-CLIO, 2015.
7.“The Incredible Shrinking Presidency,” Limes (Italy’s premiere opinion magazine) June 2015.
8.“No Laughing Matter –or – Strategery: Understanding the Leadership of George W. Bush through the Skewering of the President,” International Leadership Journal, June 2015.
9.“Leadership and Transformative Ambition” International Leadership Connector pp. 9-19 May 2014.
10.“Art and Politics: The Political Film as a Pedagogical Tool,” and “Using Political Films in the Classroom.” Hollywood Raises Political Consciousness, edited by Michael Haas, Peter Lang Publishing 2014.
11.“Leading Change in a Hyper-Changing World,” The IBM Center for the Business of Government, 2014.
12.“Art and Politics: The Political Film as a Pedagogical Tool,” Peter Lang Publishing, 2014.
13.“Give Me a Depressed Introverted President, Any Day,” President & Executive Politics Journal, Vol. 36, No. 1, Fall 2013.
14.“Women’s Political Leadership,” e-International Relations, April 2013.
15.“Is the United States presidency too powerful or not powerful enough?” Zocalopublicsquare.org, April 4, 2013.
16.“Michael A. Genovese: Barack Obama and the second-term curse” DailyBreeze.com, November 17, 2012.
17.“Political Corruption in the USA” The European, October 2012.
18.“The American Presidency: Full Circle?” The American Presidency: Multidisciplinary Perspective, edited by W. Mausbach, D. Schloss, and M. Thunert, Heidelberg, Germany: Universitatsverlag, 2012.
19.“The Clinton Character Conundrum,” The Presidency of Bill Clinton: The Legacy of a New Domestic and Foreign Policy, edited by Mark White, 2012.
20.“Brokered convention spells doom for Republican hopes,” DailyNews.com, March 7, 2012,
21.“Leadership Lessons From the World’s Great Chefs,” ILA Member Connector, Edited by Debra DeRuyver, 2012.
22.“Bush, George W.,” The Oxford Companion to Comparative Politics / International Relations, edited by Joel Kreiger, Forthcoming 2012.
23.“Leadership and the Classics,” with Larry Tritle, Leadership Studies: The Dialogue of Disciplines, edited by Michael Harvey and Ronald E. Riggio, 2011.
24."Faculty Picks," Choice, Forthcoming 2011.
25."Teach for the Job – or Shaping the Future?", with David W. Burcham, DailyBreeze.com, March 8, 2011,
26."Lincoln's Warning to a Splintered Nation", Stanford University Press Blog, February 18, 2011,
27.“The Clinton Character Conundrum”, in Mark White, The Clinton Presidency, (London: I.B. Taurus, 2011).
28.“Leadership and the Classics”, with Larry Tritle, Leadership Studies: The Dialogue of Disciplines, 2011.
29."Foundations of the unitary Executive of George Bush" The Unitary Executive and the Modern Presidency, edited by Ryan J. Barilleaux and Christopher S. Kelley (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 2010).
30.“Leadership and Ethics”, with Kristina L. Rioux, in Richard A. Cuoto, ed. Political and Civic Leadership: A Reference Handbook, Los Angeles: Sage 2010.
31.“Presidents on a Pedestal”, with Thomas E. Cronin, Rocky Mountain News, February 14, 2009.
32.“Passing the torch”, with Thomas E. Cronin, Rocky Mountain News Opinion, January 10, 2009.
33.“Do Generals Make Good Presidents?” International Leadership Journal, November 2008.
34.“Lead Me Alone” Leadership Excellence, with Thomas E. Cronin, June 2008.
35.“Must the President Obey the Law?,” White House Studies, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2008.
36.“Madison’s Curse/Madison’s Gift: Presidential Leadership and the Lure of Blame Avoidance in a Separated System,” Politique Americaine, forthcoming, 2009.
37.“Declaration of Independence” Milestone Documents in American History: A Reference Guide for Students, with Kristina L. Rioux, Spring 2008.
38.“Bill of Rights” Milestone Documents in American History: A Reference Guide for Students, with Kristina L. Rioux, forthcoming Spring 2008.
39.“Social Desirability and Support for a Female American President,” Public Opinion Quarterly, Spring 2008.
40.Encyclopedia Entry, “Gore, Albert A., Jr.,” The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, University of Mississippi, forthcoming, 2007.
41.“The Watergate Scandal,” The Encyclopedia of the United States Political History, 2007.
42.“The Paradoxical Presidency of George W. Bush,” Seattle Times, with Thomas E. Cronin, Sunday December 10, 2006
43.“The Polarizing Presidency,” San Diego Union-Tribune, with Thomas E. Cronin, Sunday December 3, 2006
44.“The Persistence of Poverty in America,” Manna, February 2006.
45.“Re-examining The War Power,” with Robert J. Spitzer. The Presidency Research Group, PRG Newsletter Volume XXX, Issue 1, January 2006.
46.“The Invitation Only Presidency of George W. Bush” with Lori Cox Han, History News Network, 2006.
47.“Presidents and Polls,” in Robert P Watson and David A. Freeman eds., Debating the Presidency, Kendall-Hunt 2005.
48.“George W. Bush and Presidential Leadership: The Un-Hidden Hand Presidency of George W. Bush,” in Betty Glad and Chris J. Dolan eds., Striking First: The Preventive War Doctrine and the Reshaping of U.S. Foreign Policy, Palgrave Macmillan 2005.
49.“Celebrity in Chief: The President As a Pop Culture Icon,” in Lori Cox Han and Diane J. Heith eds., In the Public Domain: Presidents and the Challenges of Public Leadership, State University of New York Press, 2005.
50.“Transformations of the Bush Presidency: 9/11 and Beyond” in Richard S. Conley ed., Transforming the American Polity, Prentice Hall, 2005
51.“Unearthing the Buried Foundations of the American Presidency: What the Native Americans Taught the Framers about Political Leadership, and What They Can Teach Us”, White House Studies, Volume 4, Number 4, 2005.
52.“Fahrenheit 9/11: A Review?” The Forum: A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics, Volume 2, Issue 3, 2004.
53. “Political Leadership” in The Encyclopedia of Leadership. Berkshire Publishing, 2003.
54.“Executive Orders”, World Book Encyclopedia, New York: World Book, Inc 2003. p. 436.
55."President Nixon: Alone in the White House," Times Literary Supplement, July 12, 2002.
56.“Lots of Pomp, But Limited Power,” The Boston Globe, editorial page, February 17, 2002.
57.“This is Guatemala: The 2000 Election in Perspective,” in R. Watson, ed. Counting Votes, University of Florida Press, 2004.
58.“Required Reading for the 43rd President,” (with Thomas E. Cronin) White House Studies, April 2001.
59. “The President as Icon and Straw Man,” in P. Rollens and J. O’Connor, ed., The Presidency in Film and Television, 2002.
60. “The President’s Pardon Power,” (with Kristine Almquist) in Adler and Genovese, The Presidency and the Law, University Press of Kansas, 2002.
61.“Margaret Thatcher: Revised, Revisited, Reexamined, and Reappraised,” in S. Pugliese, ed. Political Legacy of Margaret Thatcher. Politico’s Publishing, 2003.
62.“President Clinton and the Character Question,” Taking Sides: Political Issues Dushkin? McGraw Hill, 2002.
63.“Campaign 2000: The Hypocrisy Test” newspaper editorial, syndicated nationally, February 2000.
64.“Admit it, You’d Vote for Clinton a Third Time,” newspaper editorial, syndicated nationally, February 2000.
65.“What Have You Done For Me Lately? Presidential Leadership and Campaign 2000,” National Forum, Winter 2000.
66.“Campaign 2000: What If’s,” (with Thomas E. Cronin) Portland Oregonian June 31, 2000. Opinion / editorial.
67.“Clinton for President; Again!” San Francisco Chronicle, February 6, 2000. Opinion / editorial.
68.“George Bush and the Finitude of Presidential Power,” in William Levantrosser, ed. The Bush PresidencyLandham: University Press of America, 2002.
69.“ ‘If Men Were Angeles . . .’: Presidential Leadership and Accountability,” (with Thomas E. Cronin), in SOURCES: Notable Selections in American Government ed. Mitchell Gerber (Dunskin / McGraw Hill, 1999).
70.“Searching for the Good Leader,” PGR News, Spring 1999.
71.“President Clinton and Character Questions”, with Thomas E. Cronin, Presidential Studies Quarterly, Fall1998.
72.“The Limits of Presidential Power,” in Voices of Dissent ed. by Joe Peschek and William Grover, Longman, 1998.
73.“The Executive Branch,” (co-authored with David Gray Adler), in The Constitution and Its Amendments, ed. Roger Newman, Macmillan, 1998.
74.“The Fate of the President.” Star-News Syndicate, September 1998.
75.“The Dilemmas of Presidential Leadership,” The Virginia Papers on the Presidency, ed. Kenneth Thompson, Miller Center, University of Virginia, 1996.
76.“Aging and Leadership,” The Los Angeles Times, May 13, 1996, B5.
77.Can Presidents Lead?” The Journal of Leadership Studies, Spring, 1996.
78.“Nixon: Character Study, Character Assassination,” Presidency Research, Spring 1996.
79.“The Finitude of Presidential Power,” in Roger Davidson and James P. Pfiffner, eds., Understanding the Presidency, Harper-Collins, 1996.
80.“Art and Politics,” monograph, Political Film Society, No. 1, 1995.
81.“Watergate and the Collapse of the Nixon Presidency,” in James P. Piffner, ed., Governance and American Politics, Harcourt Brace, 1994.
82.“Thomas Jefferson and the Vision of Democratic Leadership,” The Journal of Leadership Studies, Vol. 1, No. 3, June 1994.
83.“Leadership for the 21st Century,” VISTAS, Spring, 1994.
84.“Teaching Political Leadership,” The Journal of Leadership Studies, Vol. 1, No. 3, June 1994.
85.“Unlocking the Mystery of the Nixon Psyche,” PGR Report, Fall 1992.
86.“Where’s the Rest of Me?: Presidential Scholars and the Reagan Library,” PGR Report, Spring 1992.
87.“Crisis Management,” in Fisher and Levy, eds., Encyclopedia of the American Presidency, New York, Simon and Schuster, 1993.
88.“Jimmy Carter and the Age of Limits,” in Rosenbaum and Ugrinsky, eds., Jimmy Carter: Keeping Faith, Greenwood Press, 1993.
89.“Richard Nixon and the Politics of Justice,” in Levantrosser and Friedman, eds., Watergate and Afterward: The Legacy of Richard M. Nixon, Greenwood Press, 1992.
90.“Money and Politics,” International Social Science Review, Autumn, 1989.
91.“The New Textbook President,” Presidency Research, Winter, 1988-89.
92.“The Presidency and Economic Management,” Congress and the Presidency, Autumn, 1987.
93.“Political Allegory and the Progressive Era,” in Clela Alpin-Haggart, ed., Good News for Writers, Harper & Row, 1990.
94.“The Politics of the Wizard of Oz,” Los Angeles Times, March 19, 1988.
95.“The Return of the Imperial Presidency,” Presidency Research, Fall, 1986.
96.“President’s and Crisis: Developing a Crisis Management System in the Executive Branch,” International Journal on World Peace, Spring, 1986.
97.“Presidential Leadership and Crisis Management,” Presidential Studies Quarterly, Spring 1986
98.“Transarmament and the State,” Civilian-Based Defense, December 1985.
99.“Politics and Science Fiction Films,” NEWS for Teachers of Political Science, Summer 1985.
100.“Teaching About Fascism With Films,” NEWS for Teachers of Political Science, 1984.
101.“Preparation for the Citizen-Lobbyist,” Sierra Club, Southern Sierran, Vol. 39, No. 2, February 1984.
102.“The Political Impact of Film,” NEWS For Teachers of Political Science, Winter, 1984.
103.“Presidential Frontrunners: Strategies of Success and Failure of Early Leaders in the Presidential Selection Process,” POLITICS, Vol. 4, No. 1, October 1983.
104.“Democratic Theory and the Emergency Powers of the President,” Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol. IX, No. 3, Summer, 1979.
105.“Presidency Watching,” Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol. VII, Spring-Summer 1977.
106.“The Supreme Court as a Check on Presidential Power,” Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol. 1 and 2, Winter-Spring 1976.
Publications: Blogs
- “Apres Moi, Le Deluge –or– Revenge of the New Leviathan,” World Policy Blog, 6 February 2017.
- “Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy: The Past is No Longer Prelude,” World Policy Blog, 18 January 2017.
- “How Did This Happen?” World Policy Blog, 15 September 2016.
- “The Profit/Purpose Corporation Goes Global,” World Policy Blog, 15 August 2016.
- “Shape-Shifting Crime in an Age of Globalization,” World Policy Blog, 29 June 2016.
- “Too Few and Too Many: The Looming Population Crisis,” World Policy Blog, 13 June 2016.
- “When Women Govern,” World Policy Blog, 16 May 2016
- “The Age of the Imperial Executive,” World Policy Blog, 28 January 2017.
- “The West’s Growing Democratic Distemper,” World Policy Blog, 7 January 2016
- “Dispatches from a Fading Empire” World Policy Blog, 28 October 2015
- “Great Britain Closes Door on Constitutional Reform” World Policy Blog, 02 September 2015.
- "Lincoln's Warning to a Splintered Nation", Stanford University Press Blog, February 18, 2011,
Publications: Book Reviews
1.Hardy-Fanta, Carol. Contested Transformation: Race, Gender, and Political Leadership in 21st-Century America. Cambridge, Choice 2016.
2.Cohen, Jeffrey E. Presidential Leadership in Public Opinion: Causes and Consequences. Cambridge, Choice2015.
3.Resh, William, Rethinking the Administrative Presidency, Baltimore, John’s Hopkins University Press, 2015, Choice 2015.
4.Smith, Robert and Richard A. Seltzer, Polarization and the Presidency, Lynne Rienner, Choice2015.
5.Cohen, Jeffrey, Going Local: Presidential Leadership in the Post-Broadcast Age, Cambridge University Press, Choice, 2015.
6.Prakash, Saikrishna Bangalore. Imperial from the Beginning: The Constitution of the Original Executive.Yale University Press, Choice, 2015.
7.Brown, Archie.The Myth of the Strong Leader: Political Leadership in Modern Politics. Basic Books, 2014. Choice 2014.
8.Stuckey, Mary E. The Good Neighbor: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Rhetoric of American Power. Michigan State, 2014 (c2013). Choice 2014.
9.Schoen, Douglas E. The End of Authority: How a Loss of Legitimacy and Broken Trust Are Endangering Our Future. Rowman & Littlefield, 2013.Choice 2014
10.Brown, Archie. The Myth of the Strong Leader: Political Leadership in the Modern Age. Basic Books, 2014. Choice 2014
11.Ringen, Stein. Nation of Devils: Democratic Leadership and The Problem of Obedience. Yale, 2013.Choice 2014
12. Shafie, David M. Eleventh Hour: The Politics of Policy Initiatives in Presidential Transitions. Texas A&M, 2013. Choice 2014
13. Mark E. Stuckey, The Good Neighbor: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the
Rhetoric of American Power, Michigan State University Press, 2013.
14. Douglas E. Schoen, The End of Authority: How a Loss of Legitimacy and
Broken Trust Are Endangering Our Future, Rowman & Littlefield, 2013.
15. Gates, Robert Michael. Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War.Choice. 2013.
16.Moises Naim, The End of Power: From Boardrooms to Battlefields and Churches to States, Why Being in Charge Isn’t What It Used to Be. Choice, 2013.
17.David M. Shafie, Eleventh Hour.Choice, November 2013.
18.Stein Ringen, Nation of Devils. Choice, 2014.
19.Ryan J. Barilleaux and Jewerl Maxwell, Tough Times for the President: Political Adversity and the Sources of Executive Power. Presidential Studies Quarterly, March 2014.
20.James P. Farwell, Persuasion and power: the art of strategic communication, Choice, Forthcoming 2013.
21.Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson, The Spirit of Compromise: Why Governing Demands It and Campaigning Undermines It, Choice, January 2013.
22.Michael Nelson and Russell L. Riley, eds., Governing At Home: The White House and Domestic Policymaking, Choice, April 2012.
23.Eric A. Posner and Adrian Vermeule, The Executive Unbound: After the Madisonian Republic, Choice, 2011.