November 6, 2008

Regular Meeting

In Attendance:

President of Council Albert Gabriel Council Member Brian Taboada

Council Member Michael Frankovich Council Member Richard Woods

Council Member Greg Heizler Mayor Karen Hershey

Council Member Betsy Hyle Borough Attorney Doug Jones, Esq. Administrator/CFO Adrian Fanning

The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Island Heights was called to order following the caucus session held at the Island Heights Municipal Building, Wanamaker Complex, Island Heights, New Jersey.

Mayor Hershey read the notice of the meeting in accordance with the OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS ACT P.L. 1975 Chapter 231 (Section 10:4-10). Notice of the meeting time and dates appeared in the Observer and Asbury Park Press on December 21, 2007, notice is also posted on the bulletin board and in the municipal building.

Pledge to the flag and a moment of silence.

Roll Call:

President of Council Albert Gabriel Council Member Brian Taboada

Council Member Michael Frankovich Council Member Richard Woods

Council Member Greg Heizler Mayor Karen Hershey

Council Member Betsy Hyle Borough Attorney Doug Jones, Esq. Administrator/CFO Adrian Fanning

Island Heights Board of Education: re: correspondence dated 10/9/08 making a formal request for shared services in regards to the legal representation in the lawsuit pertaining to the dissolution of Central Regional School District. This item was moved to executive session.

Motion made by Mr. Taboada second by Ms. Hyle to approve the award for Cellular Antennas on the Water Tower based on the recommendations of O’Donnell, Stanton & Associates. Award to the following subject to attorney review.

1. New Cingular Wireless PCS - $34,200.00 per year

2. Metro PCS New York – 32,300.00 per year

Motion made by Mr. Taboada second by Mr. Woods to approve payment of obligations chargeable to the 2008 operating budget as presented.

Motion made by Mr. Gabriel second by Ms. Hyle to approve the following Raffle License:

Applicant: Island Heights PTO

DOE: December 10, 2008

License: R2008 - 09

Approve the following Purchase Order requests as presented:

Requesting Dept: Public Works


Item/Service: Vehicle Maintenance Roll Off

Total: $880.69

Requesting Dept: Public Works

Vendor: Titans Air Care, LLC

Item/Service: Library Bldg. /Air Duct Cleaning

Total: $575.00

Requesting Dept: Police

Vendor: Dell Computers/Sole Source

Item/Service: 1 OptiPlex 755 Minitower desktop with dual monitors

2 Laptop Computers – D530

Total: $3,524.60 + S&H

* Requesting Dept: Public Works W/S

Vendor: Yardville Supply

Item/Service: Solar Salt 150 – 80 lb. bags

Total: $1, 317.00


Mr. Woods reported that he is preparing a draft policy for materials to be distributed with the newsletter, copy of which will be provided for council review prior to the Nov. 25th, meeting.

Mr. Taboada reported that the Island Heights Recreation would like to remind all that the Baseball Clinic is open to all children of any skill level and will continue throughout the winter. The Clinic takes place on Saturday’s at 5:30PM, at the Island Heights Grade School gym.

Ms. Hyle reminded that the flu clinic is scheduled for Nov. 13th from 9:30AM-10:30AM in borough hall. She also reminded all that the next Senior Get-to-Gether is Nov. 19th starting at 9:00AM, at the Island Heights Grade School gym.

Mr. Gabriel reported that public works has cleaned the storm drains and he would like to recommend that leaf collection be done on Mondays and Tuesdays in stead of the current schedule. He also asked that the borough think about cost savings in this difficult economic time, and he is concerned with the spending.

Mr. Frankovich gave the year to date police activity report. He also reminded the residents that the Island Police will be conducting their annual food drive, non perishable food items can be dropped off at headquarters and borough hall.

Mr. Heizler mentioned that towns are offering paper shredding services; prices are $800.00 for a 4 hour minimum.

Mayor Hershey reported that the Asbury Park Press recently named the Island Heights Boardwalk as one of the best places in Ocean County. She also reported that the council is exploring ideas on how best to recognize and honor the contribution of the late Mayor.


There were no items raised during Privilege of the Floor.


Approve award for Cellular Antennas on Water Tower: (1) New Cingular Wireless PCS $34,200.00 per year; (2) Metro PCS New York $32,300.00 per year. Subject to attorney review, motion Taboada/Hyle.

Roll Call Vote:

Mr. Gabriel Yes Mr. Taboada Yes

Mr. Frankovich Yes Mr. Woods Yes

Mr. Heizler Yes Mayor Hershey Yes

Ms. Hyle Yes

Approve obligations as presented, motion Taboada/Woods.

Roll Call Vote:

Mr. Gabriel Yes Mr. Taboada Yes

Mr. Frankovich Yes Mr. Woods Yes

Mr. Heizler Yes Mayor Hershey Yes

Ms. Hyle Yes

Approve Raffle License R2008-09, motion Gabriel/Hyle.

Roll Call Vote:

Mr. Gabriel Yes Mr. Taboada Yes

Mr. Frankovich Yes Mr. Woods Yes

Mr. Heizler Yes Mayor Hershey Yes

Ms. Hyle Yes

Motion made by Mr. Gabriel second by Mr. Heizler to adopt Resolution 2008 – 68 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE BOROUGH OF HEIGHTS, COUNTY OF OCEAN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, TO ENTER


There bring no formal action taken as a result of the executive session, motion to adjourn the regular meeting was made by Mr. Gabriel second by Ms. Hyle, unanimous voice vote.


Respectfully submitted, Ellie Rogalski, RMC/CMC