President James Monroe-Democratic Republican.

1. James Monroe was the ______president of the United States and is considered the last of the founding fathers.

2. The Monroe Doctrine:

3. TAKS Practice: Question 1 ______Question 2 ______Question 3 ______

4. The Missouri Compromise was the first of several ______over how to deal with the expansion of slavery in the West. ______came up with the idea to try to satisfy the desires of slave owners moving west and abolitionists moving west. The idea was that slavery ______expand in the southern territories and in Missouri which could enter the union of the United States as a slave state; however, slavery ______expand in the northern territories or any where north of the ______line. Maine could also enter the United States as a ______state.

President John Quincy Adams – Democratic Republican

1. John Quincy Adams ran against ______in the Election of ______. There was no ______so the election was decided by ______. They chose ______to be President who then made the Speaker of the House of Representatives his Vice President. Many people including ______believed Adams and Calhoun had made a secret deal and called the election a ______. Andrew Jackson won a plurality of votes - the most ______votes and the most ______votes, yet had lost the election. He was furious and spent the next four years working to change voting restrictions to include those who did not own ______.

2. John Quincy Adams was the son of ______. He was first American president to recognize the sovereignty of Latin American republics like ______who had just won their freedom.

3. He believed, like his father and Jefferson, that the best government governed the least and so supported ______economics – meaning that he did not think the government should interfere in economic affairs of the United States.

4. Still he supported private and state investments like the ______which was built during his Presidency.

5. The Erie Canal was a man-made ______between Albany, New York and Buffalo, New York. It was used to ______between the territories and states near Lake Erie to the East.

6. The election was ______was a dirty campaign in which rumors were spread about ______being a bigamist. Andrew Jackson though had succeeded in campaign to allow non-property owners ______or the right to ______. Andrew Jackson wins the election and is seen as a representative of the ______, but his victory is bittersweet due to the ______of his wife Rachel.

President Andrew Jackson – Democrat

1. Andrew Jackson's win was seen as a win for the poor and regular people so at his inaugural his supporters crashed into the White House destroying dishes, furniture, and nearly crushing ______. He then gave supporters jobs working for the government and created ______.

2. Andrew Jackson created the modern ______party to be the voice of the ______man and represented the idea of the ______man. He is credited with extending ______by giving non-property owners the right to ______.

3. He believed that the people in the establishment – those in power, with money – had been responsible for the death of his wife. Consequently he does everything in his power to destroy these people. One decision he makes is to ______the bank of the United States which was created by ______.

4. He is considered one of the strongest presidents, and one reason for that was his stance on South Carolina's ______of the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832. He was ready to send troops to South Carolina to enforce the Tariff, and South Carolina backed down.

5. Long friends with ______, Andrew Jackson supported Texas independence against Mexico.

6. Gold was discovered in Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee areas, and white settlers wanted land. Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act even the Supreme Court had guaranteed the Cherokee the right to their ______.