Project Heading

Preservation of Survey Infrastructure Strategy

DATE, Project and VERSION References


1. Introduction 2

2. Purpose / scope 2

3. Cadastral and permanent mark audit 2

3.1 Identification / desktop study 2

3.2 Site visual inspection 2

3.3 Field capture 2

4. Cadastral mark strategy 2

5. Control mark strategy 2

5.1 Fieldwork and observations methodology 2

5.2 Processing strategy 2

5.3 Network design 2

5.4 Adjustment methodology 3

5.4.1 Minimally constrained adjustment 3

5.4.2 Constrained adjustment 3

6. Staging and delivery program 3

6.1 Marks to be destroyed 3

6.2 Replacement strategy 3

6.3 Final deliverables 3

7. Attachments 3

8. Examples of formatting 4

8.1 Heading 2 4

9. Heading 4

9.1 Heading 2 4

9.1.1 Heading 3 4

10. Heading 4

10.1 Heading 2 4

10.1.1 Heading 3 4

11. Heading 4

11.1 Heading 2 4

11.2 Heading 2 4

11.2.1 Heading 3 4

11.3 Heading 2 5

2.  Introduction

[Companies involved with reporting and responsibilities defined]

3.  Purpose / scope

[Compliance with RMS specifications and, Surveying and Spatial Information Act and Regulation and Surveyor General’s Directions. Include the project limits and surrounding information]

4.  Cadastral and permanent mark audit

4.1  Identification / desktop study

[Listing initial information supplied with contract documents. Updated search (SCIMS and DP results) and updated Survey Mark Register to list all current marks]

4.2  Site visual inspection

[Methodology and program for searching for marks]

4.3  Field capture

[Results from the field audit highlighting any areas of concern. Update to the Survey Mark Register with version control]

5.  Cadastral mark strategy

[Summarise effect of marks already gone and the potential impact of the loss of marks due to construction]

[If required, detail the area(s) for Deposited Plan for Survey Information and approximate location of new cadastral reference and control marks. Also, detail field capture methodology to comply with Surveying & Spatial Information Act and Regs.]

6.  Control mark strategy

6.1  Fieldwork and observations methodology

6.2  Processing strategy

6.3  Network design

6.4  Adjustment methodology

6.4.1  Minimally constrained adjustment

6.4.2  Constrained adjustment

7.  Staging and delivery program

7.1  Marks to be destroyed

7.2  Replacement strategy

7.3  Final deliverables

[This includes information about the new cadastral and control marks information and data exchange.]

[Also includes final audit and sign off process at the end of the construction.]

8.  Attachments

[Including POSI drawings, POSI Survey Mark Register spreadsheet, Report, Sketches, checklists etc]


9.  Examples of formatting

General Heading

Large text (intro)

Normal (body)

1.  List Paragraph

·  List Bullet

9.1  Heading 2

RMS Body

·  Bullet

—  Bullet 2

10.  Heading

10.1  Heading 2

RMS Body

10.1.1  Heading 3

RMS Body Indent

11.  Heading

11.1  Heading 2

11.1.1  Heading 3

12.  Heading

12.1  Heading 2

12.2  Heading 2

12.2.1  Heading 3

Heading 4

RMS Body Indent

12.3  Heading 2

Pull out Body title (used with ‘pull out body’ makes boxed copy)

Pull out copy

Image (extra padding for image boxes)

Figure 1. Figure Title

Figure 2. Figure Title

List of Figures

Figure 1. Figure Title 5

Figure 2. Figure Title 5

List of Tables

Table 1. Table Title 7

Table 2. Table Title 7

Table 1. Table Title

Table title: / Table title: /
Table text. / ·  Table bullet

Table 2. Table Title

Table title: / Table title: /
Table text. / ·  Table bullet

OTV-TP-03-T2 Issue A 1 June 2016 POSI strategy report template.docx updated: 7 June 2016 Page 1 of 7

Version reference: Id: A13179897