Kentucky Humanities Council

Presents the 35th Annual Kentucky Book Fair

PO Box 715, Frankfort, KY 40602




Please complete and submit with two copies of the book before May 15, 2016.

Date: ______Submitted by: ______

I am the: _____Author_____Editor_____Publisher_____Other

Mailing Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Telephone Number: ______Cell Home Work

Alternate Telephone Number: ______Cell Home Work

Email Address: ______Website address:______

If the person submitting the book is not the author, please complete the section below to provide us with the author contact information.

Author’s Name: ______

Mailing Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Telephone Number: ______Cell Home Work

Email Address: ______Website address:______

Will any additional person be signing books at the table (i.e. illustrator, second author)? ___Yes___No


Kentucky Book Fair Policy on paying Self-Suppliers:

The Kentucky Book Fair will pay self-supplied or self-published authors for the actual sales as determined by the sales figures from the cash registers. You will not be compensated for books that are not processed through the cash registers. Therefore, it is imperative that all data fields are completed in order for this information to be added to the event database accurately and ahead of the day of the book fair.If the books are Print on Demand (POD), the author will be responsible for supplying the books for the event. The Kentucky Book Fair will pay the author 60% of the agreed upon retail price of the title for each copy sold during the event. For books that are not POD, the Kentucky Book Fair will procure them from the publisher. However, for this to occur, the titles must be obtained on a returnable basis with no prepayment required and at least a 40% discounted rate. Otherwise, the author will be requested to provide the books for the event as described with the POD titles.

Current Title Submitted for 2016 Kentucky Book Fair

All titles submitted must be in publication by September 30, 2016. Please send two copies of the book (or manuscript, if in pre-production).

Title: ______

Publisher: ______

Publisher Address: ______

Publisher Phone Number: ______

Publisher Email: ______

Date of Publication: ______(Should be published during the last 12 months)

ISBN (13 digits): ______Retail Price: ______

Will books be supplied by author? ___Yes___NoWill books require a bar code? ___Yes___No

Appropriate Age:


Young Adult


GENRE: Fiction

Comic/ Graphic Novel

Fantasy/ Fairy Tale

Historical Fiction

Horror / Thriller

Mystery / Crime / Detective



Science Fiction

Short Stories / Literary Fiction


Other: ______


Art / Photography

Biography / Memoirs


Gardening / Farming / DIY



Religion/Self Discovery


Other: ______

Biographical Questionnaire

(The information provided below will be used to write information for catalog entry.)

1.: Provide a two-sentence description of your new book.

2. Why your book will be of interest to the visitors of the Kentucky Book Fair?

3. List two or three sentences about the author. (You may also attach a vita.)

4. List any pertinent facts about your book, including awards or nominations for awards this book has received.

5. List any promotional avenues that you would be willing to participate in the promotion of your book and your appearance at the Kentucky Book Fair. Include any social media contact identifiers where we can help promote your book and the Fair. (Facebook names, Twitter handles, etc.)


By signing this statement, the author acknowledges that he/she would like to attend the Kentucky Book Fair to sign books on Saturday, November 5, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Authors of children’s and young adult’s books should also indicate whether they would like to attend the Kentucky Book Fair Children’s and Young Adults’ Day on Friday, November 4, 2016: ___YES ___NO.


Author’s SignatureDate

(This page can be competed and submitted after receiving an invitation to attend the Kentucky Book Fair, but must be received no later than August 15, 2016.)

Each author is limited to the author’s current title and three back list titles. Further, no additional books not already in the database may be added the day of the Fair. You may bring additional copies of your previously approved books. Please provide the information on the three addition books that you would also like to sell at the Kentucky Book Fair.

Title: ______

Publisher: ______

Publisher Address: ______

Publisher Phone Number: ______

Publisher Email: ______Publisher website:______

Date of Publication: ______(Should be published during the last 12 months)

ISBN (13 digits): ______Retail Price: ______

Will books be supplied by author? ___Yes___NoWill Books require a Bar Code? ___Yes___No

APPROPRIATE AGE: Adult Young Adult Children’sGENRE: Fiction Non-Fiction

Title: ______

Publisher: ______

Publisher Address: ______

Publisher Phone Number: ______

Publisher Email: ______Publisher website:______

Date of Publication: ______(Should be published during the last 12 months)

ISBN (13 digits): ______Retail Price: ______

Will books be supplied by author? ___Yes___NoWill Books require a Bar Code? ___Yes___No

APPROPRIATE AGE: Adult Young Adult Children’sGENRE: Fiction Non-Fiction

Title: ______

Publisher: ______

Publisher Address: ______

Publisher Phone Number: ______

Publisher Email: ______Publisher website:______

Date of Publication: ______(Should be published during the last 12 months)

ISBN (13 digits): ______Retail Price: ______

Will books be supplied by author? ___Yes___NoWill Books require a Bar Code? ___Yes___No

APPROPRIATE AGE: Adult Young Adult Children’sGENRE: Fiction Non-Fiction

If submitted after receiving the invitation to attend the Kentucky Book Fair, please include the author’s name.
