Search & Governance Committee Meeting held on 20th May 2015
(Additional Meeting)

Confirmed Minutes.

PresentMs L Summers (Chair), Ms Williams, Mr J Dawson and Mr A Nelson

ClerkMrs C Coupland

  1. Apologies for Absence/ Declaration of Interest

Apologies were received from Ms M Boryslawskyj .

There were no apologies or declaration of interests to record.

Ms Summers welcomed Mr Nelson to his first Search & Governance Committee meeting.

2. Clerks Report: Membership Determination and Succession Planning.

Ms Summers explained that thepurpose of this meeting is for the Committee to consider all expressions of interest received to date for the External Governor vacancies and to make recommendations to the Corporation. The Corporation is to convene immediately after this committee meeting.

Corporation Membership:

The committee was reminded that at present the Corporation comprises of 12 Governors. The Search & Governance Committee has been tasked with recruiting 3 external governors by the end of the academic year.

Governors were impressed by the calibre of individuals having expressed an interest in joining the Corporation. Recommendations on the suitability of appointment of those interviewed wereduly considered; Members were of the opinion that those to be recommended for appointment brought essential skills needed by the governing body at the current time, as well as taking this opportunity to diversify the existing Corporation profile.

Committee Membership:

The Clerk advised Members that Ms Pryce (Staff Governor) is to retire at the end of the Summer Term (July 2015). Ms Pryce currently serves the F&R Committee, however it was agreed at the last Search &Governance meeting (February 2015) and later approved by the Corporation (April 2015) for her to serve the Audit Committee as a co-opted member in the new academic year. The Clerk however is of the opinion that t would be more beneficial for Ms Pryce to continue to serve the F&R Committee as a co-opted member in light of Mr Uppal’s recent request to continue as an Audit co-opted member for the full duration of 4 years. Upon review of the Committee memberships, the Clerks recommendation was endorsed.


To recommend to the Corporation the following:

  • For Mr Richard Waterhouse to be appointed as an External Governor for a period of up to 4 years (term of office to expire at the end of the Summer Term 2019) and be invited to also serve the Remuneration Committee.
  • For Mr Keith Webb to be appointed as an External Governor for a period of up to 4 years (term of office to expire at the end of the Summer Term 2019).
  • For Ms Pryce to be appointed as a Co-opted Member of the F&R Committee from September 2015 for a period of up to 4 years (term of office to expire at the end of the Summer Term 2019)
  • For Mr Uppal to be appointed as a Co-opted Member of the Audit Committee for an extended period of up to 4 years (term of office to expire at the end of the Autumn Term 2018 rather than end of Spring term 2015).

8. Any other Business.

There was no other business.

10. Learner Impact Reflection

The impact of discussions and scrutiny of the Corporation’s work in improving the outcomes and experience for all learners was considered and the following agreed:


  • By reviewing, membership and agreeing succession planning strategies; the committee ensures that the Corporation continues to have the required mix of skill sets to effectively undertake its business in improving the quality of teaching, Learning and Assessment.

11.Determination of confidentiality

Supporting papers for the Membership and Vacancies Report is deemed to be confidential as it specifically refers to individuals.

12. Date of next meeting: Thursday 18th June 2015 at 5pm.