Minutes of the full Governing Body Meeting held in School Tuesday 3rd February 2015at 7.15pm

PresentLocal Authority GovernorMr R Nowell (Chair)

Community GovernorsMrs D Cavill

Mr R Farmer

Foundation GovernorMrs D Thompson

Parent GovernorsDr J Jackson (Vice Chair)

Mr I Broome

Mr S Wratten

Staff GovernorsMr M Ingall (Headteacher)

Mrs L Pearson (Teaching Staff)

Mrs M Matthews (Support Staff)

In attendance:Mrs R Morrison (Clerk)

The Clerk confirmed that the meeting was quorate.


1.1The Chair welcomed governors to the meeting.Apologies had been received and were accepted from Mrs N Smith,Mrs C Swan, Mr D Finlay, Dr S Floate, Mrs C Jones and Ms J Oatridge (Associate member).Governors agreed to look into electronic participation at meetings when the Standing Orders are reviewed in September.



2.1There were no declarations of conflicts of interest against any of the agenda items.


3.1Safeguarding training–Mrs Pearson offered to send the link for online safeguarding training to governors due for the training who had not attended face-to-face sessions.


3.2Attendance policy – The Headteacher advised that the current policy is due for review in March. The new policy will be updated to include information on fixed fines and letters from Oxfordshire County Council. Mrs Pearson and Mr Finlay will work with the Headteacher in reviewing the policy.



4.1The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and signed by the Chair.


5.1Register of pecuniary/business interests(minute 5.1)– The Clerk confirmed that all governors had completed the register.

5.2Bloxham Benefice vacancy (minute 3.2) – The Headteacher reported that he had had no response to his attempts to contact Revd Tillett following her departure from the Benefice. Governorssuggested making contact through Mrs Swan.

5.3Use of Inhalers (minute 11.2iv) – The Headteacher advised that though the wording in the minute is correct, additionally parents must give written permission to say that in an emergency they are happy for the inhaler to be used. Parents have been sent a letter to this effect.


6.1Self Evaluation (Provision in the Early Yearssection) – The report written by Sarah Fisher (Foundation Stage Phase Leader) had been circulated in advance of the meeting. The Headteacher gave an overview of the report and answered governors’ questions:-

i) Progress - provision in the Early Years (EY) is good. Progress from September 2014 to the end of term 2 is good.

ii) Entry level – Governors questioned the low age related expectations (ARE) of pupils on entry. The Headteacher advised that the AREs are high and are determined by Ofsted. Entry levels vary from year to year. The system is due to change; the new system is yet to be determined.

iii) Report format - Governorscomplimented the format of the report, in particular the inclusion of what needs to be done to become outstanding.

Governors asked that their thanks are conveyed to Miss Fisher for the helpful information.



7.1Finance committee – Mr Wratten advised that the committee had not met since the last full Governing Body meeting; the next meeting is scheduled for 12-3-15.

7.2Personnel committee –Governors noted the minutes of the meeting held on 11-12-14 which had been circulated prior to the meeting.

i) Code of Conduct for Bloxham Primary School Staff and Governors – Dr Jackson tabled the code which had been approved by the personnel committee on behalf of the Governing Body. The Headteacher confirmed that there had been a positive response to the code from staff. Governors asked that the code is included as an appendix to the minutes of this meeting and that it is published on the school website.


ii) Easter School– Anecdotally there had been varying views from parents regarding the Easter school although none received by the Headteacher. Take-up for year 6 is 80%; governors acknowledged that some families would be on holiday during the Easter break. Parents and pupils will be asked to complete a questionnaire at the end of the Easter school to seek their views.

7.3Standards committee –Governors noted the minutes of the meeting held on 19-1-15 which had been circulated prior to the meeting. Mrs Cavill summarised the key points from the meeting and answered governors’ questions:-

i)Teacher Assessment data – The committee had considered the data in detail using the new tracking grids. Teachers have been positive about the new system. Reading and Maths in years 4 and 5 is an area of concern. Ms Oatridge had advised the committee that this was due to information not being recorded in the Book-marks and that verbal feedback is now being recorded in them.

Governors questioned how they could be sure that the data for other subjects and year groups is accurate. Ms Cavill advised that triangulation takes places where the data is cross referenced. The Headteacher advised that moderation is needed both within the school and the Partnership as currently the data is down to professional judgement. Benchmarking will also take place. Years 2 and 6 will be tested at the end of this academic year under the old system which will highlight any anomalies with the new framework for tracking progress and attainment. Governors acknowledged that the system is new and will gain more validity as more data is collected.

Governors asked how the data shows consistency between classes in a year group. Mrs Cavill advised that Ms Oatridge colour codes the data for each class in the year summaries. The Senior Leadership Team discuss the data with individual teachers rather than the whole year.

ii) Attendance–Attendance figures are now reported to the standards committee. Attendance for term 2 had been 95.46%.

iii) School Website – Governors thanked Dr Jackson and Ms Oatridge for their work in ensuring that the website is compliant with the statutory requirements.


8.1 Governors were pleased to hear that the Christmas fete on 12-12-14 had been a success. Dates for future events are included in the fortnightly newsletter.


9.1AttendanceWorking Group – In the absence of Mr Finlay governors agreed to defer the summary report of the attendance working group until the next meeting.

9.2Health & Safety - Governors agreed the proposal from Mr Broome that site audits be carried out each October and February; the annual audit will take place in May.

9.3Safeguarding –

i) Annual Safeguarding Report – Dr Jackson confirmed that the previously approved annual safeguarding report had been submitted to county.

ii) Anti-bullying survey for pupils - The Headteacher confirmed that all year 1 to 6 classes had completed the survey. Results will be analysed by Dr Jackson. ACTION DR JACKSON

iii) Annual Looked After Children (LAC) report- The LAC report had been completed by Mrs Pearson and circulated prior to the meeting. Governors thanked Mrs Pearson for the useful information.

9.4Academy Working Group–Mr Farmersummarised the meeting of the group which had taken place on 15-1-15; notes from the meeting had been circulated to governors in advance of the meeting. The Headteacher drew governors’ attention to minute 4.4ii; the Department for Education will not consider any applications for conversion from 1st March due to the general election. Governors noted the feedback and recommendations from the group and agreed that the group reconvenes in September when further information is available. The Chair thanked the group for their work.

Mr Broome gave information regarding the Warriner School’s continued work towards converting to an academy. Their target date in 1-6-15.

9.5Local Collaborative Company (LCC) – The Headteacher advised that the Articles ofAssociation for the company have been received. TheChair will check and sign the document. ACTION CHAIR

Governors felt there had been a lack of clarity of information regarding the services that OCC will continue to offer schools in view of some of them moving to Hampshire. The school has not completed the Educational School Support subscription form pending further information.


10.1Copies of the report entitled Bloxham Housing Developments & Future Capacity of Bloxham Primary School, written by Mr Finlay, were tabled. Governors agreed to defer consideration of this item until the next meeting.


11.1Reconstitution of the Governing Body – Notes from the meeting of the group held on 2-12-14 had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Chair reported that the group had devised a skills audit based on the National Governors Association questionnaire. This will be circulated to all governors for completion by 13-2-15. Governors noted that the new constitution must be in place by 1-9-15.

11.2Governor Visits to School – Dr Jackson reported that he had visited the Foundation Stage earlier in the day and had read from the Governors’ Award book. Mrs Thompson has arranged to visit year 2 in the week commencing 9-2-15.

11.3Governor training– In the absence of Mrs Swan governors agreed to defer this item until the next meeting.

11.4Committee membership list–The Chair agreed to talk with Mrs Swan regarding her possibly joining the pay appeals panel. ACTION CHAIR


12.1Admissions – Governors approved the policy which had been circulated prior to the meeting.

12.2Anti-Bullying – Governors asked that the named OCCAnti-bullying Co-ordinator contact is removed and replaced with the team’s contact details. Governors approved the policy which had been circulated prior to the meeting subject to this amendment.

12.3Appraisalfor Teachers and Headteacher – The Clerk read out an email from Melinda Kapsala (Schools’ HR) explaining that a new revised policy is being drafted which will contain only minor amendments, and advised that schools continue to use the current policy. Governorsagreed to continue with the current policy.

12.4Exclusions – The Headteacheradvised that the 2015 version of the policy issued by the Department for Education had been withdrawn pendingreview; in the interim the guidance issued in September 2012 is to be used. Governors agreed to continue with the 2012 version and asked that the Clerk produces a policy cover to this effect and includes the contact information for the Social Inclusion Team. ACTION CLERK

12.5Personnel Procedures policy –Governors agreed to defer approval of this policy until the next meeting and continue with the existing policy in the interim. Dr Jackson will review the policy. ACTION DR JACKSON

12.6Promoting Positive Behaviour – The policy and Behaviour in School Grid had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Headteacher drew governors’ attention to the grid and reported that it has proved helpful in school. Governors approved the policy subject to minor amendments by Mrs Pearson to ensure the grid is correctly referred to in the appendices of the policy. ACTION MRS PEARSON.

12.7Safeguarding and Child Protection – The policy had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Headteacher advised that reference to the requirement for staff working with pupils under 8 years, to complete a disclosure form has been included. This must be completed annually and includes people living in their house. Governors expressed concern regarding the implication of the addition. Governors approved the policy as presented.


13.1Thursday 19th March, Tuesday 28th April and Thursday 9th July.

All meetings will take place in the school commencing at 7.15pm.

The Chair thanked governors for their work and support over the year.

The meeting closed at 9pm.

Reminder - Add the Code of Conduct as an appendix here.

Full Governing Body 3-2-15Page 1 of 6

Signature of Chair………………………………Date………………….