Town of Embarrass

Regular Meeting

August 3, 2016

Pending Board Approval

Present: Zane Beaton, Gene Wright, Joseph Scherer, Roberta Pike, Jennifer Boese

Visitors: Diane Nelmark, Mickey White, Sue Beaton, Mary Novak

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 by Zane with The Pledge of Allegiance.

Gene motioned to accept the July 6, 2016 minutes with few corrections to be made. Second by Joe. Carried 3-0.


Maintenance: Mowing and cleaning up storm damage, cleaning of the Info Center sign, painting the inside of the rink, tree trimming at Heritage Park. Problems with the Cub Cadet mower has been repaired. Powerline to well has been fixed. Received compliments on the Baseball Fields and the work done to them.

ROADS: Joe reported roads are in fair condition. With the heavy rain it had washed roads out some. Joe has spoken with Denny and will wait till after the rain next week to go out again.

CAMPGROUND: The campground has been pretty busy the last couple weeks.

TOURS: There was nine tours in July. Very nice article in Hometown Focus was written by Kristen Reichel. Clerks office has been receiving more calls of people interested in tours.

SISU: The garage has been entirely painted. Getting ready for September 11th, Community Night Out at the Seitaniemi House Barn. Also, trying to figure out safety for church tours that will be the next big project.

PROSPECTORS TRAIL ALLIANCE: Gene has finished signing the Embarrass part of trail. EAW should be done by January.


LAWNMOWER ESTIMATES: Has been put on hold until more information about past few years costs and repairs.

FAIR BOARD SECRETARY: Fair Board has discussed the camping at Timber Hall. They will be developing a policy to address the issue. Will be adding Heritage Campground to the daily sheet schedule for the fair. Have been working to make Timber Hall handicap accessible. Poured concrete in the north building and a pad in the horse arena. Sue Beaton thanked the Board for donating the work hours from Embarrass Maintenance. Fair will possibly need to borrow tables. Fair parade will be starting at the Nelimark Home this year.

EMBARRASS REGIONAL VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT CONTRACT AGREEMENT: Zane motioned to pay both half’s of the Fire Dept. Contract Agreement for total of $25,578. Second by Gene. Carried 2-0.

BABBITT LIONS CLUB SLIP FOR SALE OF 3.2 BEER: Gene motioned to approve, second by Joe. Carried 3-0.

LYLE HARDY TO TAKE OVER HAY CUTTING AT THE PHYHALA: Gene motioned to approve Lyle Hardy to take over the hay cutting, second by Joe. Carried 3-0.

QUOTES FROM C & C WINGER: Tree trimming, concrete sidewalk replacement at the Town Hall. Weather Station - concrete to be replaced, install fascia and door wrap. Campground - concrete sidewalk to be removed and replaced. Cemetery – Two buildings to have fascia installed and one door wrap. Joe motions to approve the quotes form C&C Winger and take care of these project. Total of $7,700. Tree trimming at Town Hall is first to be put on list being it is a safety issue. Second by Zane. Carried 3-0.

WALLY-PRECAST VET STONES: Gene motioned to approve Wally to purchase up to twelve stones, Zane second. Carried 3-0.

PLANTER AT WEATHER STATION: Linda Cox states the big round planter is rotted. Gene motioned to get rid of the planter. Zane second. Carried 3-0. Maintenance is to remove the planter after the Flower Garden Club removes all the plants.

Zane stated that Fire training finished certification while burning Four Corners.

Joe stated that Chris Alaspa is trying to get Lakehead to help with electronic scoreboard. He would like to see if township would add on to existing building for storage at fields during the off season. Also fencing at the other field. Chris would like to host a tournament every year. This past tournament was handled very well with many that attended.

CONSENT AGENDA: Gene motioned to pass consent agenda. Second by Zane. Carried 3-0. (Claims 16174 – 16198, $35,948.20 Payroll $6,142.53 and Correspondence). Second by Zane. Carried 3-0.

The next regular board meeting will be held September 7th at 6:00 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jennifer Boese

Embarrass Town Clerk