April 18, 2013
Chairman Vaughn called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Supervisor Jack Green provided the invocation.
The minutes of the March 21, 2013 regular Board meeting and the April 04, 2013 work session were presented. Supervisor Bowen moved to adopt the March 21, 2013 and April 04, 2013 minutes as presented. The motion carried as follows:
J.J. Green Yes
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
Chairman Vaughn asks if there are any delegations from the public;
John Schutt: Mr. Schutt is present on behalf of the Burkeville Volunteer Fire Department to express some concerns relating to declining membership and the ever increasing financial struggle. Mr. Schutt explains that the possibility of closing their Company has become a looming reality; driving the Department to have to hire two part-time providers to staff the firehouse during daytime hours. The Department’s plan is to use paid services two days a week with the anticipation of this increasing to three days a week not soon after. Mr. Schutt suggests a possible short-term solution could be for the Board to increase its Operations contribution.
Wendy Bowen is present to provide the Board with their requested information concerning the Proposed Nottoway Pet Rescue plan. Ms. Bowen urges the Board to let her and her co-volunteers know anything they can do to help the animals in Nottoway County.
Sonny Abbott: Mr. Abbott is present to make a repeated request to the Board to allow more Citizen Interaction and suggests possible “Town Hall” meetings.
Public Hearing – FY 2013-2014 Budget: Public Hearing on the Budget proposed for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2014
Administrator Roark reads aloud the details of the proposed Budget, totaling $33,187,560.00; the proposed budget includes a personal property and real estate tax rate increase of $0.25 and $0.03 respectively and will be further balanced with $376,391.00 from the anticipated General Fund balance.
April 18, 2013
Chairman Vaughn asks if there is anyone present to comment on the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2014;
James Farrar, Little Creek Road: Mr. Farrar is present to express his concerns for the proposed tax rate increase; suggests Nottoway citizens cannot handle increased taxation as they are taxed for “everything” already
David Patterson: Mr. Patterson urges the Board to reduce or relieve tax obligations for fixed income, seniors, and the disabled.
Sonny Abbott: Mr. Abbott address numerous issues of concern with the proposed Budget to include the renewed funding for the Virginia’s Growth Alliance, duplicate line items in the School budget, continued “repurposing” of Budget funding
Jeff Abernathy: Mr. Abernathy urges that any citizen that does not like the way the County operates has the choice to relocate.
Supervisor Green wishes to clarify that he understands the County citizens concerns and more than sympathizes with each respectively but the County cannot operate on “mere pennies” and the Budget Committee stands behind the Budget they prepared.
Vice Chairman Simpson wants everyone to know that every penny of the County Budget was reviewed and discussed and that all requests, items, Departments, and employees were considered during deliberations.
Public Hearing - Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) – Six-Year Plan: Hearing to receive public comment on the proposed Secondary Six-Year Plan for Fiscal Years 2013/14 through 2018/19 in Nottoway County and on the Secondary System Construction Budget for Fiscal Year 2013/14
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) – Six-Year Plan: Hearing to receive public comment on the proposed Secondary Six-Year Plan for Fiscal Years 2012/13 through 2017/18 in Nottoway County and on the Secondary System Construction Budget for Fiscal Year 2012/13
VDOT Representative and Assistant Residency Administrator Dianna Bryant is present to conduct the public hearing and review the projects on the proposed plan; the program funding has drastically reduced over the last few years and now only provides approximately $40,000 for the County projects.
Chairman Vaughn asks if there is anyone present to speak in favor of, or against, the proposed Six-Year Plan:
Charlie Webb – Grove Road: Mr. Webb questions whether previously reported enhancements, such as curve improvements are going to be completed. Other Grove Road residents are in attendance with the same concerns; Frances Wootton, Loretta Daniel, Sandy Noblin.
Linda Harris – Grove Road: Ms. Harris questions the number of citizens residing on the Sullivan Street Extension; how do they compare to the number of residents on Grove Road.
Ms. Bryant provides answers to as many concerns as possible.
Supervisor Simmons reads aloud a letter received from residents of Old Pulliam Road. The residents are requesting the Board’s assistance to have improvements made.
April 18, 2013
Supervisor Green moves to approve the Secondary Six-Year Plan for Fiscal Years 2013/14 through 2018/19 in Nottoway County and the Secondary System Construction Budget for Fiscal Year 2013/14 as presented. The motion carried as follows:
J.J. Green Yes
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
Vice Chairman Simpson moves to forward a resolution to the Department of Transportation declaring Fairview Lane and The Grove Road as Rural Rustic Road projects. The motion carried as follows:
J.J. Green Yes
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
Highway Department: Ms. Dianna Bryant, Assistant Residency Administrator, is present to receive any communications from the Board, and also provide updates on the routine maintenance performed since the last meeting. Ms. Bryant has provided the Board with updates addressing a few citizen concerns relating to Rt. 664 – Dusty Road and a guardrail request for Rt. 628 and Rt. 688
Administrator Roark express appreciation for recent help provided the County by Residency Administrator Bob Zimmerman and Assistant Residency Administrator Dianna Bryant concerning an upcoming event to be held at Hyde Park.
School Board – Charlotte D. Wood, Clerk: Actions taken at the regular meeting of the Nottoway County School Board held on April 12, 2013, minutes of the regular meeting of the Nottoway County School Board held on March 14, 2013, Budget Adjustment:
1 – Budget Adjustment – $50,000.00
3-201-51050-000-0001 Local Appropriation Fund Balance from $50,000.00
11-12 – Carryover for New Kindergarten $50,000.00
Teacher due to enrollment increase
4-201-61100-1120-200-100-100 Instructional Salaries – Elem Reg $39,308.00
4-201-61100-2100-200-100-100 FICA 3,008.00
4-201-61100-2210-200-100-100 VRS 4,584.00
4-201-61100-2400-200-100-100 GLI 468.00
4-201-61100-2750-200-100-100 RHCC 437.00
4-201-61100-2300-200-100-100 Health 2,195.00
Supervisor Simmons moves to approve the $50,000.00 Budget adjustment for the School. The motion carried as follows:
J.J. Green Yes
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
April 18, 2013
Economic Development Committee: There is no scheduled meeting for April 2013
Landfill: Administrator Roark gave the Landfill report
A – Letter – Draper Aden Associates – Leonard Ford, Jr., Environmental Services Division: Results of the Nottoway County Sanitary Landfill (active facility) Groundwater Monitoring Program Sampling Event on 01-22-2013; there was an exceedance of Chloroform detected
B – March 2013 Solid Waste Report, average of 58.42 tons per day
Fort Pickett Redevelopment Authority: Administrator Roark reports he soon plans to proceed with seeking bids for roof repairs on numerous buildings located in Pickett Park.
Planning Commission Report: There was no meeting held for April 2013
Nottoway Pet Rescue: Administrator Roark reminds the Board of a discussion held at the February 21st Board meeting concerning a recent meeting with a group of citizens that are requesting access to the Nottoway County Animal Pound. The desire of the group is to increase public awareness of the animals located in the pound by assisting with care and grooming of the animals and taking photos and posting them on social media sites to encourage adoption. The group declares their plan will be to no expense of the County.
The Board will review new information provided by Amelia County Administrator Taylor Harvie, III and will plan to take action on the Nottoway Pet Rescue request at its May regular Board meeting.
Letter – Chuck Beale: Mr. Beale submits his resignation from the Nottoway County Board of Zoning Appeals effective April 12, 2013; Mr. Beale will be relocating for a new job. Administrator Roark will notify the Circuit Court of this resignation and request a new appointment.
Chairman Vaughn asks Administrator Roark to send Mr. Beale a letter of appreciation for his dedicated service to Nottoway County.
Letter – Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) – Eunice D. Fisher, Land Acquisition & Property Management Agent: Requesting the Board deed land (Right of Way) to VDOT to accommodate the proposed road improvement to replace the bridge and approaches over Cox Road along with the realignment of Route 636 (Reservation Road)
The Board members will discuss this matter further, as there are still questions, and will plan to take action at the May regular Board meeting.
Four for Life appropriation: Administrator Roark informs that he has received notification of receipt of the FY13 Four-For-Life Funding totaling $13,101.92. Supervisor Green moves to appropriate the Four-For-Life Funding and distribute it, as done in the past; 80% to the Nottoway County Emergency Squad and 20% to the Burkeville Volunteer Rescue Squad. The motion carried as follows:
J.J. Green Yes
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
April 18, 2013
Letter – Darrell Garber – Nottoway Wildlife Association: The Association is requesting that their property, located on Rt. 625 between Rt. 49 and Rt. 723, be assigned an emergency 911 address (physical address). Mr. Garber explains that the Nottoway 4H, local Boy Scout troops, and local Police agencies all use the site for training – to include firearms training.
Supervisor Bowen moves to allow an emergency 911 address to be assigned to the Nottoway Wildlife Association property. The motion carried as follows:
J.J. Green Yes
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
Letter - Nottoway County Literacy Program: Providing annual nominations for the Nottoway County Literacy Program Board of Directors as follows:
I. Nominations for reappointment to the Board for an additional two (2) year term:
1. Kathleen Buschbell
2. Ruby Royall
3. Carol Sartor
4. Pat Inge
5. Lou-Ann Joyner
6. Juanita Yates
II. Nomination for reappointment as an alternate Board Member:
1. Tanya Clayton
III. Nomination for appointment as a second alternate Board Member
1. Diana Drinkwater
Supervisor Green moves to reappoint/appoint Nottoway County Literacy Program Board of Directors members as presented by the Literacy Director. The motion carried as follows:
J.J. Green Yes
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
Chairman Vaughn presented the CONSENT CALENDAR:
1 – Budget Adjustment – LRA - $4,420.00
3-100-18990-0050 Miscellaneous – Undefined $4,420.00
(VML Ins Proceeds from storm damage) $4,420.00
4-100-83090-3004 Repairs & Maintenance $4,420.00
2 – Budget Transfer – Anticipated General Fund Balance - $4,423.03: to accommodate auditing expenses exceeding original estimate and the need for additional part-time funding for the Animal Control officer
April 18, 2013
Supervisor Green moved to approve the CONSENT CALENDAR as presented. The motion carried as follows:
J.J. Green Yes
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
Administrator Roark presented the following information items:
1 - Sheriff’s Report: Nottoway Sheriff’s Office partial activity report for March 2013
2 – Note – John Prosise: Expressing appreciation for the flowers sent during the passing of his mother
3 – Minutes:
Minutes of the Nottoway County Community Policy and Management Team meeting held on January 28, 2013
Minutes of the Piedmont Court Services Piedmont Community Criminal Justice Board meeting held on September 26, 2012
Minutes of the Piedmont Court Services Piedmont Community Criminal Justice Board meeting held on March 28, 2012
Minutes of the Nottoway County Library Board of Trustees meeting held on February 20, 2013
Administrator Roark presented the following correspondence:
1 - Building Inspector’s Report: Report period March 2013
2 – Animal Control Officer’s Report: Report period March 11, 2013 through April 10, 2013
3 – Letter – Virginia Energy Purchasing Governmental Association (VEPGA) – Joe Lerch, Secretary/Treasurer: Due to a review of VEPGA’s financial status it has been determined to make a one-time refund to members in a total amount of $125,000; refunds will be issued to each jurisdiction for their share
4 – Virginia’s Growth Alliance (VGA): Minutes of the VGA meeting held on March 07, 2013, Minutes of the VGA Marketing Committee meeting held on March 21, 2013; Administrator Roark informs that the VGA website is now active and groups are currently working to seek private funds for the continued operations for VGA.
5 – Letter – Virginia Department of Emergency Management – Michael M. Cline, State Coordinator: Announcing the redistribution of the Local Emergency Management Grant Program (LEMPG); provides a system for funding emergency management activities at the state and local levels. The FFY 2013 funds will be made available to each locality utilizing a formula with a base allocation and per capita basis using the most recent census figures in support of the efforts to develop and maintain a Comprehensive Emergency Management Program; these funds also have a cost share (match) requirement.
April 18, 2013
Letter – James W. Elliott, Attorney At Law: Attorney Elliott provides the results of the recent delinquent tax auction held at the Courthouse:
A – Six properties (G. Fowlkes, Jr., J. Hill, N. Johnson, B. Mavin, A. Thomas and M. Ward) received adequate bids allowing for the payment of all taxes and costs; these bids will be submitted to the Court for acceptance
Supervisor Green moves to accept the bids for G. Fowlkes, Jr., J. Hill, N. Johnson,
B. Mavin, A. Thomas and M. Ward and close the files. The motion carried as follows: