Minutes of the Meeting of the Sutton Bonington Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Monday 4th December 2017 commencing at 7.30pm
Present: R. Ereminowicz. (in the Chair), F. Clarke, T. Holt, D. Franklin, J. Bradshaw,
E.M. Raven B. Pickering, C. Hellier & D. Etherton
Cllr Brown
Apologies: J. Barton
17.148 Minutes.
The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 6th November 2017 as circulated, were agreed and signed as a true record of the business transacted.
17.149 Matters Arising
1)Item 17.65/3/d - Old NCC Depot, A6006 Nottinghamshire County Council have informed Mr Armstrong that should the boulders and trees, currently installed on the highway verge, not be removed then Nottinghamshire County Council will remove all items and charge the persons responsible.
No action required
2)Item 17.95/a - Bus Shelter library – Should the Parish Council take on the responsibility of the bus shelter they would then become responsible for responding to any requests for a replacement bus shelter and ultimately for the decision about when to replace it. Nottinghamshire County Council have confirmed that the shelter was installed between 2005 and 2009. The shelter was stained in 2017 and the report carried out showed no comments and hence it was presumed that the shelter is in good condition. Nottinghamshire County Council recommend that the shelter is restained every 4 years, swept out every 6 months and that a report on the shelter is carried at the same time. It was suggested that the PTA might consider helping towards the cost of replacing the shelter should it require replacing in the future. It was suggested that before any firm decision is made the following should be obtained.
1)A structural survey is to be carried out.
2)Insurance cost to be obtained.
3)Primary School to outline their responsibilities.
Clerk to organise the survey and insurance quote
R. Ereminowicz to contact the school.
17.150 Policing Matters
/1. Crime Reports:
No action required
/2. Police Concerns
No report.
No action required
/3. Community Road Safety Scheme/Speed Trolley: Speed trolley results, which showed an 85th percentile figure of between 33mph and 31mph, were forwarded to the Police and as a result the Police speed van has visited Sutton Bonington on 4 occasions.
No action required.
/4. East Leake Parish Council have arranged a meeting with the local police inspector, Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner and councillors from neighbouring Parish Councils. The meeting will take place on 12th December at 2pm.
J. Bradshaw to attend
/5. Information on the revitalised Key Individual Network programme was circulated. The scheme is intended for people with a good knowledge and a good relationship within their community who are willing to work with the police to help improve safety by:
- Advising the local Police & Partners identified below on concerns or tensions in the community
- Helping the Police & Partners understand communities better
- Facilitate communication and consultations for proposed changes to community safety policy and provide more representative views of communities
- Provide information to Police and Partners about upcoming events and festivals to help protect and engage with our citizens
- Passing on and feeding back community safety information or messages of reassurance from the Police/Partners to their community
No action required.
17.151 Planning
35.17 / 32 Main StreetSutton Bonington / Erect new 4 bay garage / Do Not Object – we note that the development site does not include the area where they wish to build the garage.
36.17 / The Walled Garden
St Anne’s Manor
Hungary Lane
Sutton Bonington / Single storey rear extension to the rear of the property / Do Not Object
/2 Decisions:
26.17 / 18 Landcroft LaneSutton Bonington / Application to remove condition 4 (restriction to holiday let) on planning permission 15/01039/FUL to allow occupation as separate dwelling / Grant Permission
27.17 / 22 Landcroft Lane
Sutton Bonington / Change of use of land to use as extension of existing gypsy caravan site including retention of hardstanding / Grant Permission
28.17 / 19 Park Lane
Sutton Bonington / Single storey rear/side extensions / Grant Permission
30.17 / 72a Melton Lane
Sutton Bonington / Proposed single storey orangery to rear of property. / Grant Permission
34.17 / 40 Main Street
Sutton Bonington / Replacement of existing main entrance door and door to rear elevation of listed building / Grant Permission
No action required.
/3 Other Planning Issues.
/a. Park Lane Farm – Rushcliffe Borough Council have now issued the HMO following the submission of all relevant documents.
No action required
/c. Minutes from the meeting held with Oxalis were circulated and agreed. It was agreed that the Parish Council would hold a meeting to discuss future development within the village.
Meeting to be arranged at the January Parish Council meeting.
17.152 Correspondence and Reports.
/1 Highway Matters:
/a. NCC Report.
/1. The resurfacing of Station Road is on the Candidate List for the 2019/2020 Capital Programme although NCC are unable to fully commit the funding at this time.
No action required
/b. Drainage: No report.
No action required
/2 Transport Matters (Rail & Bus)
/a. LANRAC – Letter from Kay Cutts to the Secretary of State regarding the Government’s decision to postpone the electrification of Midland Mainline was circulated. An official response from LANRAC was circulated. The Parish Council agreed to send the letter on behalf of LANRAC
Clerk to send letter.
/3. NCC
/a. Nottinghamshire County Council has prepared a review of its Statement of Community Involvement which sets out how the County Council will consult and involve communities in the carrying out of its planning functions. The consultation will run until 18th December 2017.
No action required.
/b. Nottinghamshire County Council have launched their Local Improvement Scheme applications are to be submitted by January 2018.
No action required
/c. County Councillor report
1)Nottinghamshire County Council have announced that they are putting another £5m into the budget for the next three years to enable work to take place on the highway over the whole of the County. Nottinghamshire County Council are looking at maintaining the highways rather than waiting for the highways to become so bad that they need a full resurface.
2)Nottinghamshire County Council are looking into putting a weight restriction through Normanton on Soar.
3)Fire Brigade consultation document is available on the Rushcliffe Borough Council, Fire Brigade or Nottinghamshire County Council websites. A decision will be made on the consultation document in January 2018.
4)Fire Brigade union has removed the first responder from the service. Attempts to reinstate the service is being made.
5)Discussions regarding the poor bus service to the East Midlands Airport and The Parkway are ongoing.
6)Cllr Brown is to check whether the work currently taking place on the right hand side of the M1 (going north) is to do with the tunnel connecting the feight railway line.
No action required.
/4 RBC Items.
/a. Letter from R. Mapletoft regarding the Local Plan consultation was circulated.
No action required.
/b. Borough Councillor report
No report
No action required.
/5 NALC, RCAN & Voluntary Organisations.
No report.
No action required
/6 Any Other Correspondence.
/a. Leicestershire County Council has published Proposed Changes to the pre-submission draft Minerals and Waste Local Plan for Leicestershire. Information can be viewed on their website – consultation runs until 22nd December 2017.
No action required.
/b. Leicestershire County Council are to fell a number of Willow trees on the A6 in Hathern due to their deteriorating health. The trees are scheduled to be replanted.
No action required.
17.153 Receipts and Payments
/1 Payments
DD / Eon / £44.00DD / NEST / £8.40
3258 / C. Littledyke / £19.99
3259 / Century Electrix / £38.40
3260 / J. Bradshaw / £128.98
3261 / Water Plus / £52.55
3262 / J Faulks / £919.23
3263 / Inland Revenue / £71.23
3264 / J Faulks Expenses / £42.74
3265 / N. Toothill / £170.00
/2. Receipts
The Forest School / £30.00Rushcliffe Borough Council Grant / £240.00
No action required.
/3.Other Financial Matters
No report.
No action required
17.154Pavilion & Playing Field
/a. Reports
1) Email making enquiries re pitch availability for an under 16 team was forwarded to Sutton Bonington Football Club. The Parish Council have not received any request.
No action required.
17.155 Spinney & Meadows Nature Reserve
No report.
No action required
17.156 Village News Items.
1) Doctors Surgery update.
2) Lack of response for CSW volunteers
No action required.
17.157 Allotments
No report.
No action required
17.158 Community Orchard
No report.
No action required.
17.159 Doctors Surgery
No report
No action required
17.160 Nottingham University- Sutton Bonington Campus
Following the meeting held with Nottinghamshire University the hedges have been cut and the noticeboards repainted. There are still no signs on Landcroft Lane and the white lines at the entrance to the University still require repainting.
Clerk to contact the University
17.161 Matters of Report
1) Email from Mr Mike Wright was reported.
No action required.
2) Nottinghamshire County Council have delivered the salt to 131 Main Street, Sutton Bonington.
No action required.
Next Meeting to be held Monday8th January 2018 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Meeting closed at 20.35 pm