Minutes of the meeting of Barlestone Parish Council held on the 12th July 2016 at the Pavilion, Bosworth Road.

Present Mr.D. Burchell, Mr. D. Crane, Mr. P. Enston, Mrs. C. Rahaman, Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs. J. Lowe,

Mrs. C. Watkins, C.Cllr Ivan Ould

The Chairman welcomed Mrs. Watkins to her first meeting having been co-opted.

C.Cllr Ould, having previously circulated his report went on to enforce the fact of the finance cutbacks and how it was affecting services from the County Council. He emphasised that we must fill in the questionnaire from Highways.

The other point mentioned was the need in Barlestone for a Neighbourhood Plan.

1 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Proposed as a true record by P.Enston, seconded by D.Crane and all in agreement.

2 Matters Arising/Clerk’s update

a) Website update

The Clerk together with Jackie had spent some time looking at the web site and a further training time has been confirmed for 3.30 pm on Wed.22nd June at Newbold Road.

b) Kismat – Following on from a request made to Mr. Reid, the Clerk had spoken to the owner and a meeting is to be arranged with him to discuss the possibility of a seat.

c) Dispensation Forms – this being the first meeting attended by the new Councillor, Mrs. Cathie Watkins it was felt that all members who are resident of Barlestone should sign a new Dispensation form. All agreed and signed, these were then agreed by the Clerk.

3 Planning

Ref.16/00445/FUL (reconsultation) Amended plans for demolition of village hall and erection of two dwellings – there were no objections to the application by the members present.

4Finance –

a) Accounts for payment

Proposed Mrs. Smith, seconded D.Crane that the invoices listed totaling £9112.89 are paid. All in agreement.

b) Requests for funding

  1. Mrs. Smith requested that a slide converter is purchased for the council in order that a large number of photo slides can be converted. Proposed Mrs. Smith, seconded P.Enston

A Heritage stall is to be manned by Mrs. Smith at the Fun Day on the 7 August.

  1. St.Giles football Club request for financial help re a ‘dug out’ for a new pitch which has been laid. It was understood the work was to be done FOC by the members of the club but that funding was required for the materials, proposed Mrs. Smith, seconded Mrs. Lowe that £300 is granted.

D.Burchell declared an interest and took no part in the discussion or the voting.

c) Grass Cutting

Some the householders in the village are keeping the grass in front of their property in good condition and Barlestone’s own contractor does a very good job on the areas not belonging to LCC, unfortunately we are being let down by the areas maintained by the County Council which are left in an unacceptable state. Reports have been sent to the County Council

5Neighbourhood Plan

Mrs. Lowe is to ask John Preston from the RCC to get in touch to arrange a date where the councilors can be given information about how to move forward with this.

Information leaflets will be available on the heritage stall at the Fund Day in August.

6Allotments – update

Proposed Mrs. Lowe, seconded Mrs. Rahaman that the notice board be ordered at a cost of £150, all in agreement.

7Playing Fields –

a) Junior Football – contracts

After discussion it was agreed that the charges for the coming season,2016/2017 should be – £25 per game for the Under 17's and £15 per game for the Juniors. This to cover the training sessions. Proposed D.Crane, seconded Mrs. Smith and all in agreement.


Memorial Tablet for Mary Deacon within existing kerbset – permission requested – Agreed by all present.

Churchyard -

Mrs. Watkins reported on the damage to a kerbset caused by a car entering the churchyard.

It was agreed by members that the PC Maintenance Officer should be asked to repair this if possible.

Query as to whether the work on the headstones had been done, Clerk to check.

9Standing Orders

A request was made to change the day of the Parish Council meetings to a Wednesday from a Tuesday. Proposed Mrs. Smith, seconded P. Enston. This to stand adjourned without discussion to the next ordinary meeting of the on the 9th August.

10 Bowls Club

Since 1998 nothing had really changed in the way the club worked and there is now the need to look at various aspects. The Clerk is to write to the members with a view to getting the support the PC gives and also other aspects.


a) Update on August Event – Mrs. Watkins confirmed that all was moving ahead, advertising literature had gone out, there were around 27 stalls booked and the entertainment was shaping up. Next meeting Wed.27thJuly.

b) Remembrance Day – Mrs. Rahaman has this in hand and Mrs. Watkins is to dress the wheel.

c) Christmas Event – this is in discussion at the present time.

12Any other Business

  1. Waste Transfer notice for H&BBC signed by Chairman
  2. Police regarding Preston’s large vehicles again driving carelessly through village center
  3. Date for Barlestone Community Development Trust meeting – Wed.3rd August at 7 pm, Pavilion.
  4. Pat Testing for all electrical items due – electrician to be informed
  5. Roundhouse, seats are a disgrace – changes to area discussed, will be taken to LCC

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.55 pm