
Minutes of a Meeting of the Ottery St Mary Town Council held in the Council Chamber, The Old Convent, 8 Broad Street, Ottery St Mary on Monday

5th October 2015 at 7.00pm

PRESENT:-MayorCouncillor Dobson (Town Ward).

Councillors Holmes (Deputy Mayor), Carter, Faithfull, Edwards, (Town Ward),

Pratt(Tipton St John)

Talbot, Bailey, Hall (West HillWard).

Gori (North Ward).

together with the Clerk

OTHERS PRESENT:- EDDC Cllr Matt Coppell, PSCO Maria Clapp,

two reporters and one member of the


The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting


The Clerk read the Council prayer


To receive Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs Harding, Bartlett, Giles, Mitchelland Pang


To receive Declarations of interest foritems on the Agenda andreceipt of requests for new Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) dispensations for

items on the Agenda.

There were none


In consideration of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted): to agree any items to be dealt with after the public and press have been excluded.

There were no items



To receive the Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of 7th September 2015 (minuterefs15/09/028-15/09/47) and to approve the signing of the Minutes by the Mayor as a correct record.

Corrections and Queries :-

P40 15/09/34 (iv)

The sentence commencing:- `Cllr Goring` to read `Cllr Gori would liaise with Mel to consider different alternatives for posting information on the website and Facebook`.

P43 15/09/43

delete Councillor Harding and insert `Cllr Holmes`

The Minutes of the Full Council meeting of the 7th September 2015 were then presented, approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record.


To receive the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meetings of 4th and 14th September2015

The Minutes of the Planning CommitteeMeeting of the 4th September 2015 together with the Minutes of the Planning Committee Minutes of 14th September 2015 were presented approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record


To receive a Police Report


Recorded crimes for September 2015 stands at 20, this compares to 18 for the same

month last year.

Cumulative crime stands at 107

These incidents include......

1 assault.

6 incidents this month have been where fuel has been taken from vehicles during the

night by drilling the fuel tank. Ottery and one incident in West Hill.

The building site opposite Kings School was broken into and a generator stolen. Plus

entry to the office.

Bag was left on roof of car. When aggrieved returned to area, found items of no value,

but money etc had been taken.

Parking cones at Downs Garage were stolen.

A window in the Paternoster Row area of Ottery has been broken, with stone pellets,

The size of a mini egg! The outer pane had to be replaced. The inner glazing will also

have to be replaced.


An insecure bicycle was taken from outside Sainsbury’s. It had been left there over

night. Several days later, the aggrieved rang to say that it had been returned with parts

swapped with inferior parts.

2 sheds at the front of a property in West Hill had had its lock & door forced, causing

damage. Also Koi Carp were taken from a pond at the same time.

In Higher Metcombe, 2 wooden barn doors were unscrewed. Barn entered & nothing

taken. Another entry to a garage was committed by unscrewing the hinges once again.

A can of petrol was taken this time.

Burglary to Alfington Stores. Door was kicked in. Entry gained & a messy search. They

went off with 2 cans of Lilt. CCTV footage has been retrieved & has been entered onto

our ID sought section for officers to see if they recognise the offenders.

Other Information...

Plans are well underway for the Carnival & Tar Barrels.

Have Your Say dates are & have been arranged in Ottery St Mary, West Hill & Tipton St


Maria Clapp PCSO 30018 Ottery St Mary


To allow members of the public present to submit questions for consideration (Individual contributions will be limited to 3 minutes)

  1. Philip Algar thanked the TC for proceeding with the purchase of the Nat West Bank building. He was of the view that the proposed use would provide community benefit
  2. Mr Algar advised that progress was being made with the new John Gaffney award. He proposed that entries for the competition be handled by the TC. Currently a female judge was being sought. Several names had been proposed


To receive Reports from East Devon District Councillors and Devon County Councillor

  1. Cllr Coppell advised that the ground works for the flood alleviation scheme works at Feniton were progressing.
  2. Cllr Carter reported that there was no further news re the sewerage works at Fluxton other than the works to increase capacity were scheduled for next year. He thanked EDDC Cllr Chubb the Portfolio Holder for attending last month`s meeting and for providing an informative presentation


  1. Cllr Faithfull attended the East Devon Art & Culture Forum on 18th September. Matters discussed included understanding what the South West Museum did and their achievements in East Devon


The Allotments – Update

The Deputy Mayor advised that the allotments were handed over to the TC on

8th September. The Clerk advised that a licence to formalise the TC`s right to

occupy was in the process of being agreed between the TC and Redrow, Approximately

75% of the allotment plots had now been taken . There was a long snagging list which

Redrow wasdealing with. The Deputy Mayor was monitoring the situation on a daily

basis. When the snagging issues had been addressed to the satisfaction of the TC then

the Deputy Mayor considered it would be appropriate toinvite the press to a symbolic

handing over event


Matters relating to the Old Convent

Since the adverse publicity and numerous complaints, Feniton Park Builders had at long

last reacted in a positive manner and were progressing the building works and the

tarmacking of the entrance. It was understood that there were seven remaining

properties to sell. It was also understood that David Cutler had responded in writing to

the criticisms of Mr Chris Wakefield. The TC had received a copy of Mr Cutler`s response

for information


Request for double yellow lines on North Street/Butts Hill

A request had been received from Linda Saunders (who would be moving into Ottery in

2016), for the provision of double yellow lines or, alternatively, a right of way sign as she

considered some drivers to be discourteous and not wanting to give way at this location.

It wasunderstood that the matter had been discussed at a previous TC Meeting and

although it was accepted that some drivers could be discourteous, this was the exception

rather than the rule. There were no plans at this time to progress the matter further by

the TC. The Clerk would relay this information to Ms Saunders accordingly. It was

understood that double yellow lines would be provided at Slade Road and Franklea Close

shortly. The timescale was not known


Additional Representative for the Thomas Axe Charity

Cllr Edwards agreed to be the additional representative



Town Council New Year Ball

The Mayor confirmed that the event would take place on 16th January at the Tumbling

Weir Hotel. The cost would be £25.


Christmas Late Night Shopping

Late night shopping would take place on 4th December. It was suggested that the choir should sing outside the Council Offices but this would be subject to the consent of the landowners being obtained in the first instance


Request for grant by Ottery St Mary Parish Church towards the cost of church toilets

The church had a shortfall of £25,000 towards the cost of its new toilets and was seeking financial help from the TC. There was much discussion. It was resolved that the TC would provide £1000 out of reserves and EDDC be approached for match funding. EDDC Cllr Coppell would progress the match funding application on the TC`s behalf.


Devon County Council Minerals Plan

Cllr Giles had kindly agreed to compile a letter outlining the concerns of the TC in response to the Minerals Plan. The TC`s comments would need to be submitted to DCC by 16th November. The Mayor would liaise with Cllr Giles about this matter. DCC had also advised that additional information had been received in respect of its planning application DCC/3774/2015 in respect of Straitgate Farm which the TC had an opportunity to comment on by 23rd October.


To authorise by resolution that the Mayor and Deputy Mayor be permitted to sign the transfer documents in relation to the purchase of the Redrow Allotment Land and the Former Nat West Bank when in an agreed format

The Mayor advised that Completion of the purchase of the bank was scheduled for 14th October. It was resolved that the Mayor and Deputy Mayor sign the relevant documents for both transactions



Consideration and approval of Cllr Pang to sit on the Town Council`s Planning Committee

The TC agreed for Cllr Pang to sit on the TC`s Planning Committee


Reconsideration of appointments system for viewing planning applications

The Deputy Mayor was of the view that as there had recently been a reduction in the numbers of members of the public attending the offices to view planning applications, that at the present time there was no need to give further consideration to the implementation of an appointments system


To approve the September 2015 Council schedules of payments as tabled

The Deputy Mayor presented the September 2015 Schedules of payment showing £25153.82. (excluding VAT) for the Town Council and £1463.84(excluding VAT) for the Tourist Information Centre. Each Schedule was AGREED and these were signed by the Mayor


To receive Reports from the Mayor and Clerk

The Mayor reported that:-

  1. The Strawberry Lane facility was progressing. The new lease with the Pétanque Club was currently with solicitors. The Archery Club had considered using the facility; however it was considered to be too dangerous. However the St Saviours field may be considered as an alternative and it was agreed that this be an item for the November agenda. Thanks were given to Cllr Carter`s brother who at short notice had kindly undertaken the grass cutting of the St Saviour`s field
  2. A parishioner who had serious health issues was seeking funding from the TC for adaptations to her property. It was agreed that the TC would not be able to provide funding for an individual but the Mayor suggested that if any Cllr had knowledge of likely funding sources to let the Clerk know and she would pass on this information
  3. EDDC was undertaking a consultation exercise regarding the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005. If any Cllr had any comments they wished to have relayed to EDDC they were to pass them to the Clerk in the first instance. The consultation period would last until 2nd November 2015
  4. The Friends of the Church wished to know whether the TC wished to take part in the 5th Annual Christmas Tree Festival . The Mayor advised that it was


  1. usual for the TC to participate and it was agreed that the tradition be continued. The Clerk to confirm with the organisers


To receive Correspondence for information and any late correspondence

These items were available for viewing by Councillors in the Council Offices in advance

of the Meeting on 5th October 2015 and were also be tabled at the Meeting.

Tipton St John Community Hall Trust

Western Power Distribution

Forwarded previously by email:

Response from Oliver Letwin re Tipton St John School flood risk

Notes of meeting with Feniton Builders re concerns as to progress of building works at Council


Rural Services Network

Community Enterprise Workshops

Devon Highways Parish and Town Councils Conference

East Devon Event re Funding (J Buckley)

Eastern Locality Commissioning Intentions

Stones Solicitors re purchase of Nat West Bank

EDDC – notification ofkey decisions and other decisions

EDDC – budget timetable for 2016/17

Public Sector Executive Online

Cllr Bartlett had advised of his resignation as Chairman of the Finance and General Purposes Committee and Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee but would remain a member of the TC. Both positions would need to be filled and it was agreed that this be an item for the November agenda


To receive Reports by Councillors of Meetings attended as Council


Cllr Gori had attended:-

  1. The Leisure Advisory Committee (Ottery St Mary Leisure Centre) – hirings were discussed
  2. The Ottery St Mary Twinning Association – proposals for celebrating 40 years of the twinning agreement were discussed
  3. Ottery & District Skateboard / BMX – the Ottery & District Skate Park Festival had been a great success and was intended to be programmed as an annual event

Cllr Baileyhad attended the West Hill Neighbourhood Plan Meeting


Cllr Faithfullhad attended:-

  1. The Syrian Refugees meeting
  2. the East Devon Art & Culture Forum

Cllr Talbothad attended:-

  1. EDDC re the Neighbourhood Plan (a further meeting has been planned)
  2. Sidmouth TC to discuss the proposed Ottery St Mary Neighbourhood Plan
  3. West Hill Neighbourhood Plan meeting

Cllr Edwardshad attended the Locality Health and Care Forum. She reported there were problems at Ottery Hospital were discussed in respect of night staff being unable to get home due to lack of public transport. Consequently this had resulted in a recruitment issue. It was understood that a number of local councils were seeking devolved powers to allow them to support failing bus services which may be something that the TC could consider in the future if such powers were devolved

TheMayor’s Meetings/engagements since the September meeting had been tabled and

were noted:

List of Mayors Meetings/Engagements since the September Meeting
1st Sept 11am Meeting with Rio at The Station
2nd Sept 7pm Chamber of Commerce Meeting
4th Sept 10am Meeting with Redrow
4th Sept 12.00 noon TSJ Mtg Hugo Squire re Broadband
5th Sept 10am Open Dress Shop + 6pm Civic Reception
8th Sept11.00am Claire Wright re town bus
9th Sept9.30am Chamber of Commerce/Torbay Display meeting
11th Sept 10.30am Rachel Horrix re office let. Nat West viewing 2pm
Meeting at Sainsbury’s (Anna) re Community Work
28th Sept 2pm Meeting 2 members of the public re purchase
Nat West Bank
30th Sept 10am Meeting Claire Wright, & Highways re Slade Road


To receive Councillors’ Questions

  1. Cllr Carter requested that the TC`s acquisition of the Nat West Bank should be regarded as a `good news story` and the TC should promote the community asset in the press. The Mayor advised that a meeting would be taking place on 6th October with DCC Library staff to progress the transfer of the library from its existing premises to the new accommodation
  2. Cllr Carter advised that works to Salston Manor and Cutler Hammer factory were progressing
  3. Cllr Talbot advised that a complaint had been received about the condition of McColls carpark. However when she had checked the site she didn`t consider there to be a problem. It was noted that this would be matter for EDDC Environment Department should the problem arise in the future


The meeting closed at 9.05pm

Mayor’s signature: …………………………………… Date:……………………………..

A Full Council Meeting will be held on Monday 2nd November 2015 at Escot Village Hall Gosford Lane Ottery St Mary Devon, EX11 1NE

Mayor’s initials: ……………………………..