The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session on the28th of Julyin the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:00p.m.

Present: Mayor Kim E. Wilson, C. Celeste Sellers, C. Chylene Whipple and C. Molly Keaton

Absent: C. Susie Hatch

Employees: Clerk Lisa Wells, Treasurer Jessica Alvey and Maintenance Eric Wells

Public in Attendance: Keith Hunt, Cheryl Sheffield, and Kenny Wells

Meeting to Order: Mayor Kim E. Wilson

Pledge: Mayor Kim E. Wilson

Prayer: Chylene Whipple

Roll Call: Mayor Kim E. Wilson

Approval of minutes: Motion to approve minutes ofJune 2016 council meeting: C. Chylene Whipple; Second C. Molly Keaton Aye: All in attendance

Report of Officers:

Councilmember Celeste Sellers:

Update on the generator repairs to the dry valley well. After troubleshooting the generator there is several possibilities that might be causing the problem. A faulty breaker on the meter is a possibility; Generac recommended installing a manual oil pressure sensor gauge and also a new sending unit. The sending unit was replaced in February with a lower quality gauge, so they recommend a better gauge be installed. It does not appear that the control panel is out on the generator. Maintenance is going to check the manual gauge against the sending unit gauge to see if there is a variance on the readings.

The water storage has been keeping up with the heavy usage by Nielson Construction. The arsenic sample for the second quarter has not been submitted yet. It could have been submitted anytime during April through June. The location for the sampling was discussed.

Councilmember Molly Keaton:

Nothing to report

Councilmember Susie Hatch:

Absent – Council discussed a grant possibility from Utah Outdoor Recreation that Myron, from the BLM, is willing to help C. Susie Hatch apply for in regards to improvements at the shooting range. They agreed to have C. Hatch proceed with that application; the deadline is August 11th, 2016.

Councilmember Chylene Whipple:

The Mayor looked into the garage door opener problem at the firehouse, he will continue to trouble shoot the door and order parts if necessary. A piece of fascia is hanging loose at the community center due to recent wind that will need to be fixed. Eric fixed a broken water line out to the park. The washer parts are here to fix the washer. The ramp still needs to be installed at the back of the building for the food bank area. Jaron is still submitting his monthly report at the housing; council would like him to water the trees more.

Maintenance Jeff Pei:

Absent – Eric Wells was in attendance and council inquired if he was taking the water samples since Jeff has not been working. There is concern that the arsenic water sample was missed for last quarter. The Rural Water Association is a source for information about sampling.

Treasurer Jessica Alvey: Nothing to report.

Clerk Lisa Wells:

  • Bills were presented (see attached spreadsheet)
  • Motion to approvebills for payment C. Chylene Whipple; Second C. Molly Keaton Aye: All in attendance.

Tabled items: Discussion of Wayne County planning & zoning ordinance by council members. Hanksville town does not have to adopt Wayne County’s planning & zoning ordinance; the council could write their own P&Z ordinance, we are under no obligation to follow any P&Z ordinance. Wayne County’s ordinance can be used as a template and changed to fit the needs of Hanksville. The discussion in last month’s council meeting was regarding adopting the Wayne County subdivision ordinance not the whole Wayne County P&Z ordinance. There are some codes for safety issues regarding building that have to be followed such as electrical work.

C. Celeste Sellers would like to be on the record and posed this question: “I would like to see the demographic sources, job expansion and where this future growth is coming from and when, before we do anything that prepares for future growth.”

The planning commission reports directly to the council and works directly under the authority of the town council. Kenny Wells, planning commission president, inquired if the council would like a mission statement by which we govern our decisions and the direction of future growth of the town. The planning commission will become educated on the process of zoning and will serve the town as a source of help to guide them through the process to subdivide property for example.

Motion to appoint the following people to serve on the planning commission for the Town of Hanksville – Dennis Alvey, Jared Jackson, Stan Roberts, and Lamiya Morrill C. Chylene Whipple; Second C. Celeste Sellers Aye: All in attendance

New issues and Public Comments:

Kenny Wells educated the council regarding the 3 town wells and how they operate and how the aquifer responds to the demand on the water system. Since Nielson Construction has been heavily using the town water there has been some citizen concerns regarding the water usage and Mr. Wells addressed questions and concerns and was able to explain the pumping capacity of the town wells and assured the council that the system is not being overtaxed by the current usage from Nieslon Construction. Kenny’s company drilled all 3 town wells and he is very familiar with the town system.

Cheryl Sheffield inquired if the town is willing to help out with Rita Ekker’s house in repairing it from rodent infestation and small animals. The Town referred her to the local church and Hanksville EMS. The LDS church had organized a group effort to help clean and such but not everyone in town was aware of this project.

C. Chylene Whipple would like building permits to be presented at council meetings to be aware of any building happening in the town. The planning commission can sign or the mayor can sign a building permit. There was also discussion of the process of annexing property and the planning commission will research that process and report to the council.

MOTION TO ADJOURN: C. Chylene Whipple; Second C. Celeste Sellers Aye: All in attendance Adjourned 7:54pm

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