Minutes of a meeting of Wimblington Parish Council held on Tuesday13th October 2015 in the small room of the Parish Hall, Addison Road Wimblington at 7.00 pm.

Present M T Davis (Chairman), G Bellard, J Clarke, P Crawford, J A R Knowles, J Rose, R Wright (Clerk)

Mrs M Moulton Mr & Mrs J Clark

Apologies for Absence Cllrs S Coulson. E Wright and D Connor.

998/15Confirmation of minutes – RESOLVED that the minutes of meeting held on8th September 2015 were correctly recorded and that they be signed as being a correct record.

999/15Police representative report– A local Police Solving Team (PST) has been established. The Chairman referred to a letter from the new police Inspector Will Davis. The police will no longer send representatives to Parish Council meetings and no reports would be produced for meetings. It was agreed that the Chairman writes to the Inspector regarding the lack of contact.

1000/15Fenland District council – Cllr M T Davis reported that FDC had distributed the survey forms asking for areas that residents felt savings could be made. The Planning Department were set to merge with Peterborough as it was felt that a better service would be provided. The initial saving was estimated at £134,000.

1001/15Cambridgeshire County Council –No report from Cllr Connor

1002/15Matters Arising

a)Street Lights – Further to minute 988/15(a) the Chairman to reported that a further two lights in Eastwood End had been classified as CAT 1 and would be replaced. Six other parish Council’s had agreed to contribute towards the cost of an alternative survey and the cost to Wimblington would be £78.It was likely that the cost to Wimblington to replace their other lights would be in the region of £98,000.

b) Play Equipment – Further to minute 988/15(b) the Chairman reported that works to the fence and gate had been completed

c) Plastic matting – Further to minute 988/15(c) the Clerk reported that the matter was being monitored.

d) New cemetery – Further to minute 988/15(d) a meeting with M Knight had still to be arranged.


a) The members considered and approved the following accounts for payment

Royal ChristmasFlagpole Christmas Tree 261.37

Xmas DirectLights136.3027.25 163.55

Festive Lights LtdLights 1082.50216.50 1462.55

R Wrightsalary653.25

Mrs M Moultonbooking duties 95.90

Cambs CCClerks pension 257.90

Lisa DuffCleaning hall 130.00

British GasGas at hall 18.28 .91 19.195

BTPhone at hall 68.1113.62 81.73

Cgm LtdGrass cutting357.3671.47428.83

Djsuperstore .comSnow machine110.8322.16132.99

Rural Cambs CABOut reach worker114.00

J RoseXmas lights76.2411.04 87.28

HAGS-SMP Ltdfence & gate repairs480.0096.00576.00

Jaks GraphicsSign boards240.00


East Anglian Air Ambulance Donation100.00

b) The Clerk presented a schedule of income of £59,696.69 & expenditureof £22,928.87. Bank balances were also reported.

The stock of new Christmas lights was growing and an inventory would be prepared and notified to the Council’s insurers.

c) Risk Management & health & Safety – Cllr Clarke reported that four policies had been put on the web site.

d) Clerk – The Chairman reported that the Clerk’s job advert had been placed in Wimblington News and on the web site. Details would also be placed with Capalc and the Society of Local Clerks.


Observations on the following applications

FYR15/0745/FA Carty 24 Addison Road - dwellingnot supported over development

FYR15/0765/FJ Bradley 17 Doddington Road wall installation – no objections

FYR15/0798/O K & D Clarke 3a-9 Bridge Lane – 10 dwellings – Cllr J Clarke declared an interest. The Chairman welcome Mr & Mrs Clark the applicants. The Chairman reported that an original application for twenty dwellings had been reduced to ten. The Chairman referred to LP12. Concerns over high way, footpath and lighting had been addressed. The high way would be increased to 3.5m with a footpath. It was a brownfield site. As the site could be used as a haulage yard the proposed development was considered more beneficial to the area. The Council supported the application.

FYR15/0811/F R Bryant 9-11 Doddington Road – wall installation – no objections

FYR15/0890/FP Cosler 57 March Road – Garage – no objection

1005/15Highway Matters/Street Lighting/Transport

a) Street lights – two lights at Eastwood End were not working. The Chairman would check the column numbers.

b) Footpaths and highway issues– The Winter Gritting Volunteering scheme was discussed but no Councillors were interested in applying.

Councillors were still concerned about the lack of enforcement action regarding the ditch and conifers trees.

The Clerk raised concerns over the 2015/2016 LHI bid after having inspected the area. RESOLVED – that the bid be amended to the provision of a crossing point sat the end of the cycle route rather than to extend the footpath.

c) Cambs CC ROWIP – at this stage no further consideration to the matter would be given.

1006/15Recreation Ground

a) WMPF –The Chairman reported that works to the fence and gate had been completed.

b) Parkfield – Cllr Dent reported that Parkfield workforce had undertaken maintenance work to the junction of Eaton Estate and Norfolk Street, the area in front of the village hall. A Charity events are held regularly to raise money for local charities and groups and are well supported. To date over £20,000 had been raised. The possibility of a Christmas party for youngsters in the village was being investigated.

1007/15New Cemetery/Churchyard

a) New Cemetery – The Clerk reported that debris from cutting the hedge had not been cleared up. Cllr Bellard agreed to speak to the Allotment Society.

b) Wimblington St Peters Church – no matters had been reported.

1008/15Parish hall

General matters

Turners - To carry out renewal of the back gutter to chimney, carry out re-fixing of downpipe, carry out investigations and repairs to 2 no areas of leaks, including for supplying of tiles etc. as necessary. Carried out for the sum of £512.00 + VAT.

RESOLVED – that two further quotes be obtained.

1009/15Fun Day/ Christmas lights

The appeal for volunteers to assist with the Fun Day resulted in one person coming forward. A further meeting would be held in December to look at fund into raising and the possibility of a dog show was being explored. Funds currently stood at about £2,300.

The coffee morning for the Christmas lights raised over £500. The new tree should be delivered next week. Lights from a local resident had been donated to the project. Planning was in place for a switch on event that would include Mulled wine and a fairground for children.

1010/15Correspondence & Other matters

a) Flag Pole – Used as climbing frame- The Clerk reported that he was investigation CCTV and would liaise with the Chairman.

b) Trusts Officer at East Anglian Air Ambulance request for grant. East Anglian Air Ambulance operates two helicopters attending patients across East Anglia and as it is heavily reliant upon voluntary funding, RESOLVED – that a donation of £100 be made.

c) Magpass- Helimead – Request for donation. – RESOLVED that a donation of £100 be made.

d) Royal British legion – The Clerk reported that a wreath costing £25 had been purchased for remembrance Sunday.

e) Cllr Crawford reported that she had spoken to the new Head Teacher at Thomas Eaton School and he was keen to attend a Parish Council meeting.

1011/15Date of Next MeetingTuesday 10thNovember 2015

The meeting closed at 8.45pm