Present: Julie, Erik, Matt, John, Ryan, Jeanene, Patty, Karna, Paula, Patrick

Absent: Steph, Kayla

  1. Call to order: 7:00 pm
  2. Approval of last month’s minutes: Motion to approve by Julie and Second by Paula. Minutes approved.
  3. Public Comment:
  4. Vice President report: Erik: no report
  5. Treasurer report: Pat: Installment payment received from GF Park Board. Summer Rec money received.
  6. Registrar report: Paula: League One is updated & info given to Tyler at NDSA. Need to set date or close the process. Anyone added will be considered Guest Player.
  7. Web Update/PR report: Matt: a. please use Google email to contact Matt. Some good & bad components to web; some can’t see schedules, how to handle schedule changes, duplications. Per Patty: need to simplify process as she received multiple messages via several sites (FB, email, phone, etc.).
  8. Fundraising Report: Per Julie: John is moving and resigned his position. Open Board position.
  9. Equipment/Uniforms Report: Patty: Wrapping up uniform orders. Most tents are distributed. Cleaned Purpur and disposing old records. Order form for Optional Gear will be developed.
  10. Fields/Facilities Coordinator Report: Ryan: Ok to use fields east of South. Ryan notified School District. 47th Avenue to 20th will be closed due to construction this summer.
  11. Team Manager/Scheduler report: Per Julie for Kayla: Hampton Inn changed to Best Western in Blaine.
  12. Tournament Manager Report: Karna: Summer Tournaments: NSC All American Cup in Blaine, MN June 10-12, Tri-City in Fargo/Moorhead June 17-19, Fishback in Brookings, SD &/or Bemidji 6v6 July 15-17, and GGFSC in GF July 22-24. Per Julie: 1 Team (U13G Thunder) is going to SD out of entire Club. Julie and Karna have been working with Bemidji and they may increase roster size for the tournament.
  13. Coaching & Technical Development Consultant: Julie for Steph: discussion on travel time for coaches due to Cluster format. U13B & U14B have same coach and may have bracket issues – need to review. Goal keepers clinic has good #s and going well. Working on friendlies for lower age groups.
  14. Tournament Committee: Julie: July 22-24, 2016. Same weekend as NDSL tournament. Not many registrations received to date. Julie & Erik will call Clubs.
  15. Recreational Coordinator:
  16. Spring Sunflake. Discussion on parent behavior, coach issues, perception of stacking teams, DOBs, Refs, how to register kids (park or school), etc. Tawni needs someone to cover flags and bags on 5/21.
  17. New Business:
  18. NW MN/Eastern ND games (U11-U16): Cluster games schedule-first game June
  19. U8-U10 friendlies: Working to schedule more friendlies instead of weekend cluster games
  20. Dragon: Ref Assignor for Sunflake and GGFSC games
  21. DOC: pay discussion
  22. GGFSC rates for 2016-2017: Need to be reviewed
  23. NDSA Email/Calendar Year Matrix: effective 8/1/2016
  24. New committee leads: No change. Still need Scheduler/Refs, Fall Futsal Scheduler, Concession Manager. Need to post on Web and send email. Need to look outside the Board for good candidates. Board members volunteered to split up the Sunflake schedule and take care of Concessions for the day.
  25. Other:
  26. Adjournment: 8:29 pm